
2081 Words

“W- What did you say?” Zax asked with a quivering voice, heart throbbing and head feeling like above it a storm is brewing. “I’m pregnant”. Anet repeated, amused by Zax’s response. “Soon I’ll be a mother and you’ll be a father!” BOOM! Zax heard a thunder rumbling in the sky of his Inner Panorama and a black glint reflected in his eyes, quick as lightning. He simply had no idea how to digest the notion of him becoming a father. Yes, he assumed that he would become one someday in the distant future, after all, for cultivators at his and his wife’s levels, even though they just married, thousand years later they would still look the same and very much capable of procreating. ‘Am I… fit to be a father?’ This question was his biggest concern. “Relax”, able to read his mind, Anet warmly car

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