Seeking Conviction

2202 Words

“Ucel Sax, ucel Sax”. A pair of chubby hands reached up after tagging for attention at the long and silky, fiery pants. The toddler had olive skin and brown hair just like his mother, and gemlike, yellow eyes similar to his father. “Jing Jing, give your uncle a big hug”. The man wearing the silky, fiery pants bent over the baby boy, picked him up and embraced him with two muscular arms that concealed the little figure. “Stop, big bro! You’re doing it on purpose so I won’t be able to get to Jing Jing! Jing Jing, can you hear me? It’s your number one aunt that loves you so much! Do you want me to carry you instead of your oaf of an uncle?” “Pipsqueak should wait their turn!” “Big bro…!“ The actual name of Jing Jing the toddler was Jingrow, and he was the fourteen months old son of the

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