Her Fair Share Of Freedom

1846 Words

One Celestial or two Infernals? In the end, she chose neither. That is, three plain mortals, Martial Mortals who at most managed to perceive and comprehend five bottlenecks of insight, or so she thought. She did prevail, with the divine help of the more prominent one, however the “Devotee” and the “Immature”, her sisters, revolted. They used to be a whole and they wanted to return to that state, whether it was their parents’ hope, their mentor’s or theirs. And they were so obstinate that they made their mind… if returning to a complete whole is impossible, then the Devotee will let the Immature devour her, and she did. Thus, upon comprising on regaining two thirds of the true self, an Infernal was born. As far as she, the “Rebel”, was concerned, she could do fine without any of them.

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