Chapter 19 rejection

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As he stood there looking at her, he started to shake his head and walk away, her wolf wimpered Sarah did as well, they both asked "He is just going to shake his head and walk away" Heather got angry, "Don't you dear walk away from me from, I want the truth, he turned angry, "I'm not sure you can handle the truth with you all broken, you might go and kill someone, she looked at him shocked, "Don't you dare turn this in me, either you tell me the truth or I'll go to her and find out, it's not her fault it's yours, she turn walking away from him heading out the bedroom down down the hall then turned walking right into the blonde headed girl she looked at the blue eye girl she was only five one she was short. And she had a scared look on her face. She backed up a few steps, Heather took her hand pulling her to her room, then shutting the door, she looked around the room, nice room, now I want to know, she was cut off by a loud knock on the door, Heather answered the door, Micheal came running inside the room, he looked at him furious, you shut the f**k up, I don't want to hear anything that comes out of your mouth. She turns back to the short blonde hair girl, "Now since he's here in your room now, tell me the truth, abd if you don't I'll rip both of your heads off. The girl backed up hitting the walk with her back, micheal shook his head "fine I'll tell you," But you wanted to the truth I will tell you the truth It was before you, the night before I met you, and he shook his had slowly, that night when I met you, I came to her room letting her know I found my mate, she understood, we decided to mate one last time and then no more, we haven't since, she knew I didn't love her, it was just s*x, nothing more, Heather shook her head,' "So you knew I was your mate," "you decided to come in this same room to tell her you found your mate, and you say hey let's have se px one last time," so let me ask you, if I did the same, after I found you, I go in some guys room saying hey I found my mate, but it's ok to have s*x one last time, "Does that make any since to you what so ever?" They both shook there heads no, she turns to Christy, so you knew he found his mate, but you open your legs to him anyways, she turns to have him, you knew you found me. But couldn't wait for me, so you jumped in bed with her, she shook her head, I'm worth more then this, she looked him reading the eye, I might be broken, but I rather be broken and alone, then to have someone that cheated on me and couldn't wait, I Heather Sherman rejects you as my mate Micheal blake do you agree to my rejection, he shook his head tears forming in his eyes, he looked her dead in the eyes, No I do not, a part of her was happy that he said no, but the other part, was pissed off, she looked back in his eyes you have no choice, I'm done, she walked out of the room as he fell to his knees crying, her heart was broken, as she walked to Seth's office, she heard him talking to Star, Star I can't tell her, that her mother is dead, she has been through enough, she almost turned rogue, I'm trying to keep her from doing that, "Dad if you don't tell her, then I will, why are you protecting her so much, your there non stop for her, you love her more then just a daughter, "don't you,?"you only said that because of Micheal, just tell me I'm not going to be mad father. Mom has been gone for a while now, I won't tell her, as long as you don't want her to know that she is your mate as well, he sighed, I don't want her to know, not until I'm ready to tell her, alright fine, but you need to tell her about her mom, he nodded, just then they heard a knock on the office door, Heather pov As she stood there behind the office door, she heard the whole conversation, her mother is dead, Seth loving her more the just a daughter, Seth is her mate as well, so much is going through her mind right now, then she already knew what she was going to say, she will pretend she didn't hear anything, she will go on like nothing happened, she sighed took a deep breath knocked on the office door and waited until one of them answered, Star knew who it was the scent was strong, she walked over opening the door, she smiled but it faded when she saw the look on her face, did she know did she hear," "come on in," Heather walked into the office, listen I know this is short notice, but can I have my old room back, Star and Seth looked at each other, then at her, so Star asked the question, "what wait why" what happened?" Shaking her head, I just found out my own mate cheated on me, we weren't together yet, but the day he said we met in h knew I was his mate, he went to Christy's room to tell her he found me, he told her and slept with her, he said they haven't since then, but I consider that cheating, and he threw in my face saying I was already broken and I almost turned rogue, I don't need someone like that, that throws stuff like that in my face, I rejected him, he didn't agree, I told him he had no choice, I left him in her room, "So can I have my room back," there mouths dropped open shocked lost for words, Star was shocked that Micheal threw that in her face, it was uncalled for, Seth finally found his voice, "Yes you can have your old room back," I'll have a couple of omega's get your things so you won't have to go back to his room, she nodded, I'll go back so I can get my jamma pants in shirt in my pillows, he's still in her room where I left him, I'm sure he's not to sad right now, Star knew this wasn't the time to tell her about her mother, she will tell her tomorrow, Heather left to go back to his room, she got a threw things pants shirts her jewerly her pillows in her jammies, her laptop in phone, she took a look around then left to go to her room, she past the omega that was heading to his room. To grab everything else, she just wanted to be alone, twenty minutes later the omgea's came with all her things, hanging everything up putting things in her bathroom in folding the rest to put in her dresser, They walked over hugging her, then left, a few minutes later, Star walked into the room, listen I'm sorry Heather, I thought he was better then that, "Don't be aorry, you didn't do this ok, I'll be ok,I'm a survivor, Star smiled wide "hell yes you are," I'll see you tomorrow try and get some rest ok, she nodded as star left, when she was finally alone she laid in bed crying, with everything she has been put through, the only man she trusted betrayed her, Micheal pov I Heather Sherman rejects you Micheal blake, do you agree, " No I don't" you have no choice I'm done with you, she walked out the door out of my life, he fell to his knees crying Christy walked over kneeled beside him, I'm sorry, but you know I don't lie, not even to her, she will be ok even you will be, for me, I'll find my mate one day, but you need to get up in go, I'm done with this drama, he stood up growling, you f*****g b***h, you could had lied, you wanted me for your self, she backs up, before she could mindlink anyone, he grabbed her threw her down on the bed, "You want this b***h, you got it, he tore her clothes off pushing himself inside her she tried to scream but he held her mouth, he took his c**k out shoving in her ass, making her bleed, he shoved it back into her p***y. Pulling half her hair out, he was beating her. She screamed for him to stop, Please stop just stop I won't tell anyone please stop, he beat her so bad she blacked out, he took. Knife cutting her stomach, a few minutes later Seth Star and a few other guards burst in the door, Micheal jumped out the window and ran, he yelled I'll get her back even if I have to kill her, he ran until he was out of the territory, he was rogue now, leaving a pack means he either betrayed or turned rogue, he will find another pack to go to, this rogue business doesn't cut it. He walked into! He found the black wolf pack, he went to the Alpha asking him if he could join the alpha knew he was a stronger guard, yes you can join, I'll let everyone know tomorrow, you are no longer a rogue you are a part of my pack now,  
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