Chapter 20 what a shock

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As Christy was taking to the pack doctor to get checked out, Star went to Heather's room to let her know what happened, Heather was at her computer playing her games trying to get her mind off things, when she heard a knock on the bedroom door. She sighed, this better not be Micheal She's had enough of him. Getting up she walked over to the door to open it, she was a little taken back when she saw Star standing there, "Can I come in" she moved out of the way so she could walk inside, she closed the door, Star took a deep breath, and begin to tell Heather everything that happen a few hours ago, her eyes wide with worry for Christy, "Is she going to be okay," nodding yes "She won't be able to have any pups," I doubt if she does find a mate, he will be okay with that. Micheal really did a number on her, shaking her head, I never thought he could turn out like this, he knew what he was doing when he walked to her door when he found me. He didn't care. Do you know where he is now, Star only shook her head no, she sighed there's something else I need to tell you, Heather sighed, "alright what other bad news do you have for me" Star didn't want to beat around the bush, but she didn't want to sound harsh, so she calmly stated, your mother had been killed, Hopes husband drained her that day in her classroom, he buried her in the woods with a marker, I put flowers on the grave once a month, Heather nodded, "I knew something was going on when I didn't hear from her," or try to track me down," I'm alright with that, she can't hurt me anymore, and I guess where ever she is, she can't hurt anyone else, I'm good with that, I'll be just fine with out her, Star nodded, she stood up then sighed, "My father told me not to tell you this, because he said he would tell you hisself when he's ready. But listen, I know you been through so much lately, but my father and you are mates, I guessed it tonight, I knew something was going on when he was always wanting to be right there with you, I'm ok with this, just don't hurt my dad when he finally comes to you, Okay," she nodded, do me a favor tell him to give me time. I don't want the pack thinking I'm jumping from mate to mate ok, Star nodded, I will, and we know your not jumping from mate to mate, tonight was his fault not yours, she nodded, well I'm going to go find Kevin it seems it's a hit or miss with him after he got hired to be Beta, I sure miss him, Heather chuckled, you go get your man girl, they both laughed as Star walked out the door closing it behind her, Heather set back in her chair thinking about tonight events, she shifted into her wolf and bear tonight, it was time to unblock them, letting them both finally talk, she set back waiting Sarah her bear spoke up frist, "my human you did the right thing," I did not like this mate, he smelled wrong to me, don't be sad, you need to go to Seth, her wolf started speaking, I liked Micheal at first. But he started being weird his wolf kept trying to reach me but he kept blocking him, we are both crushed as well, we are sorry, Heather set there in listened to them, she gave a huge sigh of relief, thinking that they would be howling and growling at her putting her through hell, but they were mourning with her, she couldn't go to Seth tonight, she just felt it was just to early for that, she decided to take a long hot shower. She turned the shower on thenngotbin the shower, letting it get hot, she took her clothes off, she just wanted his scent off of her to wash herself from everything he has done to her. She touched her neck where the mark he made was, she couldn't feel it anymore, it was completely gone, the bond between them was completely gone now, it was like he never marked her, she thought to herself, while the water ran down her body, at least I don't have his mark anymore, I don't need to be reminded of him at all, when she got done with the shower, she got out dried and got dress in her night shorts in shirt for tonight. She will go see Christy tomorrow, she was just to exhausted, she turned the computer off, getting into bed, she went into a deep sleep, While she slept she dreamed of a garden. A flower garden, it was very beautiful, she kept looking on, she walked for awhile noticing a pond she set down on a rock to let her feet dangled in the water, a woman appeared next to her. "Hello Heather we meet again," she jumped as she heard the voice, then smiled "Hey Skyler" you scared the crap out of me, she chuckled softly, "I didn't mean to scare you, "We need to have a talk," Heather was thinking "oh oh, what did I do," Skyler smiled at her, you know we usually only get two mates In this world,  but the mother of moon goddesses, told me I can only do this once, because we made a mistake, Micheal wasn't suppose to be your mate, Seth was supposed to be your mate, he will be given a third chance mate, I had taken the mark off of you, because that should had never happened, your virginity, well that's gone, I can't do nothing about that, I'm just trying to make things right, let him come to you, don't rush okay, Star is okay with this, but when the time comes he will come to you, try and play a little hard to get, but remember being a Luna takes a lot, you must fight hard for your family, and never give up, be the Luna we know you can be, your a fighter Heather, your are a survivor, show us how strong you are, "It's time to wake up and start your day, she hugged Heather and then she was gone, Heather woke up to start her day, she got dressed, she knew she needed to get out to the training ground to train, she wanted to be stronger then she was Micheal: that b***h betrayed me, pushed me away, Alpha duke: how did she betray you Micheal:she rejected me because she thought I cheated on her Duke: well I'm sure you will find another mate here, if you don't in a few weeks, you can go get her and make her pay Micheal: I would love to make her pay, for what she's done, Duke: keep calm everything will be alright Seth was sitting in his office he smelled her scent but right now wasn't the time to face her, he didn't want to rush her. It was taken all he got to not rush out there to claim her as his, it was like she felt him looking at her, she turned looking at the window pretending she was looking at something else, he moved from the window, he just wasn't ready Skyler would be pissed at him wouldn't she, right now wasn't the time, Star walked into the office, Dad stop watching her your drooling, he shook his head, no I'm not, she started laughing, yes you are, your ok dad, I know mom will be ok with this she won't be mad, "are you sure about this," I'm positive daddy, it's ok it really is 
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