New Pack

1124 Words
James’ POV Another nightmare. Another day, I remembered the things that were done to me. Another night longing for the family I knew. It had been almost two years since I was freed of my bond to Delilah, the True Alpha, but it didn’t change my memories. Running through the forest would help and give at least one of the warriors a break. I mind-linked them, letting them know the one that had been patrolling the longest was excused, quickly shifting into my large grey wolf, Gray. I know a grey wolf named Gray. Ironically, most Alpha’s are black. I got Gray when I was about 16, so his color is different from that of all the other black-furred Alphas. Gray was special in more ways than one. We didn’t talk about it, and no one ever asked. Delilah knew some of the things we endured while we were in the lab with her, but none of us really liked talking about those days. Days are gone. We should have stayed with Alpha. And what? Sat around being a warrior? You don’t handle taking orders and Athena is safe without us. I shut him out. I hated arguing with him, but in a pack of rogues, he was usually the only one I had to talk to. I could feel the weather getting colder. I mind-linked my pack, seeing if they needed anything. I knew this storm would be bad. A few had some complaints of being cold or that we were out of firewood. Running home, I called Delilah. She was thrilled to help me, though I knew she had already subtlety commanded me. I sent a few people on their way to Blue Harvest, where I knew Delilah and Deacon would have rooms set up waiting for them. I sat on my porch listening to the sounds of the forest around my pack land. It wasn’t anything grand or perfect, but it was mine and I had come to give people a home. A home I remember. As the snowballing got too harsh, I went inside my two-bedroom cottage. It wasn’t anything special. It had a kitchen, a living room with a TV, and a couch. A fireplace was all I used to keep warm. We had Wi-Fi in all the cottages, so we could at least connect with others. I lit my fire, before making a sandwich and turning on the TV. Falling asleep, I only hoped that my dreams wouldn’t turn into nightmares. Brea’s POV “Just a few more feet,” I told myself, trudging through the knee-high snow. I could see the house finally. I just needed to make it. My feet were probably frostbitten, my hands had lost feeling an hour ago. My nose was burning and probably tinged pink. I sighed and pushed myself to the porch. I stepped on the rickety wood porch only to be thrown back by the door! A large man with shaggy hair that reached just above his ears. It was sandy brown and pulled into a small ponytail on the top. He had on a large plaid jacket, pulling on black gloves, and jeans. He looked down at me, a frown playing on his face. My body gave out, finally giving in to the freezing cold, the world going dark. I woke up in front of a fire wrapped in a large fluffy blanket. I shot up, my hands going to my swollen belly. I knew it was risky leaving as I did, but I couldn’t do it anymore. I felt a small movement from my pup and relaxed. I heard something moving behind me, my instincts kicking in as I flew to my feet into a defensive stance. I didn’t even know how to fight, but I couldn’t let anyone hurt me again. “Relax. I’m not going to hurt you.” His voice was a velvety deep sound. “I made hot cocoa.” He walked to me, handing me a cup that was steaming warm. I looked at the cup. It had been weeks since I had left home, not trusting them to not hurt me or my son. I couldn’t risk it now. I didn’t know this man. He could be someone Father hired to bring me back. He set the cup next to me after a few moments and went to sit on the couch. He turned on the TV, there was the internet here since he turned on Netflix and started a movie. I pulled the blanket tighter around me, scooting closer to the fire. “You need to get out of the wet clothes,” he stated. I turned to look at him, he had a large t-shirt and a pair of sweats sitting on the couch next to him. “There’s a shower if you want. Help warm you up faster.” He pointed to a door behind him. I shook my head, “The clothes will be fine.” I whispered. I had gotten used to not being heard, or even worse, ignored. He nodded and turned to watch the movie. I grabbed the clothes and went to change. My brown hair was black and matted from the weeks of living in the cold, harsh mountains. I hadn’t had a proper shower in those weeks. I hadn’t eaten a full meal in days, and I hadn’t shifted since finding out about the pup. I looked down at the swollen bump and tears fell silently down my eyes. I couldn’t believe how bad things had gotten. I was never what my father wanted, but he had never sunk this low. I could still hear Mom’s wails as he just threw me into yet another room with an unmated Alpha. They were just as sick as he was. I quickly changed my clothes as a knock came on the door. “You should take a bath. It will help you warm up.” He called from the other side of the door. “There are some towels in the cabinet on the left of the shower.” I opened the door, wrapping my arms around my waist as he stepped in. He turned on the water, letting it warm up for me, and plugged the tub. I stared at him. He motioned to the bath as he stepped back out of the room. I grabbed his hand to stop him. “Why are you helping me?” I whispered. He tilted his head at me, “Because you need help.” He closed the door as I undressed and climbed into the tub. He was right. It did help me warm up. I sank into the warm water. Sleep immediately took me over.
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