Card 9. Exam.

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the next morning. The guys were completely broken. Awake, depressed and exhausted after last night. The private chat has opened. Riley: How are you? Has anyone slept? Shiki: No. Sia: And for a minute she did not close her eyes. White: Same thing. Sia: Let's bring ourselves to our senses. We'll be pretending nothing happened all day. White: I'm going to the bathroom. Shiki: I'll get dressed and get some fresh air early. Reina: I quietly drank a shot of tequila at home. To let go. Sia: You're not completely summer, are you? Reina: I know, but without it there is no way today. Sia: Be careful. Reina: Okay. The private chat has closed. All four went offline. Leaving their room, each of them put on a fake smile and pretended that nothing had happened. House of Mason. - Stacy, have breakfast. - Oh, how delicious it smells. - Have you prepared for the exam? - Yes, I studied hard all night. I'm sure I'll pass it perfectly. We are proud of you, dear. - You are great, but you also need to rest. - Don't worry, dad, I feel good. House of Brightons. - Lisa, where are my clothes for today? - Hangs in the hall. I hope I am right about the choice. Perfect, that's what I planned to wear for today. - And yet, you are a kind boy. I'm proud of how independent you have grown. Good luck with your exam. - Until. And yes, thanks. Close the front door. Bowins House. Mom left a note. “Breakfast is on the table, honey. Don't be late for school. Good luck on your exam." - Mum. She burst into tears, unable to hold back the tears. House of Jacob. - You are just shining today. I am proud of my son. - Yes, dad, I went. I'm running late. - Go. I believe in the future you will take my place and become the head of the company. Now pass your exams perfectly. - I will not fail you. Everyone went to the exam. The chat had opened. Neiman: Guys, how are you there? Les: We weren't able to talk yesterday. Tori: What did this freak do? Matt: Let's go to the police. Maclan: Black Valentine must be stopped. Sia: No need. White: We were just confused by his joke. Shiki: He's actually just a harmless comedian. Neumann: Are you sure? Les: Yesterday you were very depressed. Tori: We're worried about you. Reina: Yes, don't worry. It's just a joke. White: Thanks, but it's okay. Shiki: Don't mess with your own business. Maclan: Why so rude? We want to help? Reina: As always tactless. Sia: Thanks guys and sorry for Shiki, McLan. But all is well. White: Let's not talk about it. Tired of reading the same thing. Let's go. Shiki: Sorry. I'm just tired of this crap constantly chatting. Les: Wow, not like Shiki. Neumann: Himself in shock. Tori: Okay, no more. Matt: Yes, but if anything, please. Shiki: Okay. Sia: Thank you. The chat has closed. Everyone went offline. School, start of exams. Each class stood outside its classrooms and waited in line to pass the exam. And Burnet was, as always, in her repertoire. - Step aside. The queen has come. As I miss the best in everything at school, I will have the best ball. "Tts, again this arrogant." "You can't do without this bitch." Laila walked over and smiled maliciously into Stacy's face. - I'll give you a gray mouse. Where you are the strongest. - Yes. Good luck to you. Mason answered innocently. She freaked out and hit her textbooks, knocking everything on the floor. Billy stood up first and helped collect. - Bitchy queen f**k off. - Freak, what do you care about her? You always wanted to spit on everyone. - Absolutely none. You just piss me off. - Go to hell, Burnet. The next Courtney arrived. - And you were not allowed to open your mouth with street rubbish. Otherwise, you yourself know that I can. - I will ask for good, to leave. Owen was the last to emerge from behind. - And you go there, but what's the matter with you all? Everyone looked at her with fierce eyes. - No difference. I left. The shared pain brought them closer to each other. After the meeting, they could not help but change. Although they were pretending, in this situation it is clearly clear that something was wrong with them. Nobody in the school attached any importance to this, which turned out to be very good for them. Everyone just thought that Burnet was bored and that's it. - Guys, this is a mistake. - I don't care. We must stick together now. - Yes, otherwise Black Valentine will destroy us. - We will defeat Lucy. Stacey was already in tears. For the first time, she had real friends who were ready to stand up for her and help in a difficult situation. The chat had opened. Matt: Ahhahah, Layla Burnet was put in place. Lol. Tori: The gray mouse has fangs. Les: She wasn't silent either. Neumann: There you go, the rich hyena has settled. Maclan: Yes, tin. Sia: Guys, this is not funny. Shiki: Yeah, well, I think it's generally top. White: I agree, it's a gorgeous sight. Les: Not really a topic, now exams. I left. Tori: Yes, fun, fun. And exams are on the nose. Matt: and I'm gone. Shiki: Bye everyone. Minus Burnet. Neiman: Lol. The chat has closed. After that, everyone successfully passed the exams and the first school was Stacy Mason. For the first time, Burnet was thrown from her throne and at least somewhere she cannot call herself number one. - Tts, this mouse jumped over me. I hate her. She ran away from school. "Hurray, I could." "Almost perfect." "Good. I'm not at the bottom." “In the top ten. Better than I planned." All four passed the exam successfully. On the way home, things weren't quite as great as the fight with Laila. There they were already awaited by the ambassadors of the second stage, who came on behalf of Black Valentine. - Forgive me Billy. This is for you. - Uncle? The most unexpected thing was their meeting. But will Billy speak out about everything that boiled over because of him, because of destroying his family? Or keep silent simply by taking the second test and leave.
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