Card 8. Worst day of love.

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Park Leitz. Time 23:00. Our heroes have just finished watching videos. - Are you satisfied? - We did everything as you asked. - Now, will you leave us alone? After watching all the videos, the guys were more angry than ever. Over the past hour, they have experienced a sea of tears and a heap of disappointments. Only Stacy calmly endured this horror. - Not. Not. You haven't answered your decision yet. So what are we going to do with these videos? Shall we go public or not? - Not. We will not treat people so cruelly. It's inhuman Mason proudly answered everything. However, the desire to take revenge and humiliate Lila Burnet was great. - Is this a unanimous decision? - Yes. - We will leave it all here and now. The guys answered in unison. - Good. Then the game continues until you completely break. Save the files of the first stage on your phone and do not delete them until the end of the game. Perhaps you will still change your vision of the world. One more thing, before you start the second, you must pair up. Our heroes hoped it was the end, but no. They will have to go through another game with Black Valentine. - Lucy, this is no longer fun. - Stop mocking us. - Stop that. They tried to convince Hunting. - Pick pairs. Just choose them with your heart. My advice to you. Then a voice woke up everyone in there, which prompted them to ask whom to be. Owen's voice: “Courtney, go to her. You need her." Stacy's voice: “His lifestyle has always fascinated you. Go." Courtney's voice: “What a handsome man. You always flowed from one of his glances." Billy's voice: So quiet and sweet. The ideal companion. Completely lost in thought. The guys themselves did not notice how they had already broken up in pairs. White and Reina, Shiki and Sia. - So such duets. As I expected. - What's next? Billy could not resist speaking. - Don't rush Shiki. The rest will come later. You all held out with dignity. Now go home to rest. All four went home and left Leitz Park at 23:30. But after what happened, the scars remained on the soul, which cannot be healed. “You have chosen good couples for yourself. I think you will stay with them all year." The chat had opened. Neiman: We have guests. Matt: Why are you guys so late? Tori: Can't sleep because of the Black Valentine card? Sia: No. We did just that after meeting him. Les: Jesus guys, how? Maclan: Did he harm you in any way? Shiki: Physically not. Neumann: What then? Riley: We don't want to talk about it now. Les: Wait, what should we do now? Maclan: How are we going to be? A minute after they entered, White, Riley, Shiki and Sia left the chat. Matt: Those on... Les: This is terrible. Tori: I have never seen anyone so depressed on chat. Neumann: And that's true. Maclan: Let's not talk about it anymore. Let them go away. Tori: I left. Neumann: I'm sleeping. I have to go to work tomorrow. Les: I'll go too. Matt: And me Maclan: And I must go too. Black Valentine: Bye, bye... The chat has closed. Everyone went offline. At home, the guys lay exhausted on their beds crying and remembering the video. Nobody could lift a finger. As if their psyche was completely destroyed. Private chat. Riley: How are you? Sia: It's awful. As soon as I remember that I wanted to destroy the life of Laila Burnet, I remembered uneasiness right away. I feel like a monster. White: You're still lucky, unlike us. Your loved ones were not touched today. Shiki: I’m looking out the window and thinking about jumping off? Hunt to die. Sia: Don't you dare. Shiki: I won't. Just a state of s**t. Riley: And mine. White: Also. Sia: Let's try to sleep. Tomorrow is a tough day. White: I agree. Riley: Gotta pretend it never happened. Shiki: Murk. The private chat has closed. The general chat has opened. Time 02:00. Black Valentine: Dear ones. I know you are awake. Black Valentine: I hope you enjoyed it. Black Valentine: Because it will be even more interesting further. Black Valentine: See you soon... The chat has closed. Black Valentine went offline. No one answered, but no one slept either. There was no strength to even close my eyes a little. - The creature. - Get lost. - Hate you. - Why do we need all this? Everyone in their room expressed their opinion to themselves. And they unanimously hated Black Valentine. Only now, not him, but hers. Lucy Hunting. The day of love turned into a day of hate.
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