two || stones and glass

2585 Words
I TOUCHED my lips, still feeling the intense kiss I shared with Emily only minutes ago, not being able to divert my mind onto another topic. "Dude, what the hell just happened?" James asked me, but it sounded more like he was asking himself. I shrugged to the question, not thinking of a reply to give him. Why would a girl like Emily Andrews kiss a guy like me? "I can't believe that the Emily Andrews kissed you in the hallway! Man, she stole your first kiss!" James exclaimed, his eyebrows shooting up. That's when my thoughts overtook me. She did take my first kiss – publicly too, may I add. She doesn't toy around with guys, nor does she go around kissing them – so what made her kiss me? I slowly shook the thought out of my head, before I started making assumptions. "Let's just go to class." I mumbled, wanting to get away from all the attention. James wiped the shocked look off his face, before nodding. He started walking with me, looking around the crowd that was formed around the hallway. Everyone shot me questionable looks, and some guys even shot me murderous looks. I clutched onto the strap my backpack tightly, as if it were my lifeline. Eventually, I got to my class and scurried inside. I bet if I stayed there a little longer, I would have gotten mauled. "You're early to class, Mason." I turned around to see Ms. Meyer standing there, organizing a few things from her briefcase. "Yep." I replied, walking to my assigned seat – which was the seat closest to the wall in the first row. "Well, since you're here, you could help me set the class up. Would you mind putting these sheets in every desk?" Ms. Meyer asked me. I shook my head and took the pile from her. I started placing then down on each desk until, eventually, I finished. I wish James was in this class too; he would help me through it. I may be classified as a 'nerd', but it doesn't mean I know everything - especially when it comes to physics. I sat down in my seat, counting down until the bell rung. I couldn't wait for class to start – the quicker it did, the quicker school would end. After six long hours, school finally ended. I usually go to the library after school, to help the librarian – Mrs. Dorling – manage it. I started walking towards the library when I was stopped – in the middle of the hallway – by none other than Dylan Jase. "I heard what happened this morning. How dare you kiss my girl? Learn your f*****g place, nerd." He scowled at me. I looked down, trying to conceal my face, so they wouldn't see that they get to me. One thing I learnt from getting bullied is that you can't let the bully know they get to you. "Look at me when I'm talking!" Dylan pushed my shoulder, making me retaliate back a little from the impact. "Dylan, man, just leave him. You're already late." Callum pointed out. Dylan spat on the side a little before looking back at me. "You're lucky I have somewhere to be. Next time, however, you're gonna get it. So you better start looking for hiding spots." He pushed me into a locker, and with that, he left. I got up, taking a deep breath before telling myself that I'm okay. I'm not the type that cries, but I need the talk anyways. "Why do you let that ass walk all over you?" I jumped when I heard someone say from behind me. I turned around to see it was Emily. She was walking slowly towards me, with an eyebrow shot up. "There's not much I can do." I murmured. I didn't think she heard me, but when she said what she did, it proved otherwise. "Yes there is. Put that i***t in his place." I shook my head lightly – just in case she thought I was disagreeing with her, and decided to beat me up. "I can't." I whispered, looking everywhere but her. "Why not?" She asked, when she finally a few feet away from me. When I looked up, I saw she was very close to me, making that nervous feeling I felt before, come again. I held my breath and attempted to speak, but Emily beat me to it. "Look, I'm not going to hurt you. Just tell me what's on your mind." Emily told me, which actually really shocked me. "I don't do anything because it's me against the school. If I say something out of place, he'll get everyone to ruin my life. That's why I say nothing." I explained to her. I found it kind of weird that, out of all people, I'm talking to Emily – Emily Andrews, the coolest girl at school – about my problems. I can't help but feel nervous and anxious while I'm expressing myself, too. "Well, if he ever starts something, I'll be there." She smiled at me. I couldn't help but think she was plotting my murder, and was just trying to get on my good side to not make it look suspicious. Wait, was that really her plot? "Er, thanks?" I say, quietly. She chuckled before starting to walk towards the exit. I turned around to make my way to the library, but I was stopped when Emily said my name. "Oh, and by the way. I'm not nice to everyone. But since your one hell of a good kisser, I decided to be okay with you. Oh, and one more thing: I'm coming back for round two." She winked at me before walking out of sight. My face turned a bright shade of red, before I decided that going to the library would probably be a good idea, instead of standing in the middle of the hallway with a red face. "Ah, Mason. Lovely to see you today." Mrs. Dorling greeted me as I walked into the library. I smiled at her. "You too, Mrs. Dorling." I put my bag behind the counter and went over to the several rows of bookcases. I started organizing books, until I saw a familiar set of hair. "James!" I whispered. James only came sometimes, since most of the time he usually went home to play video-games. I like playing video-games as well, but I usually do this kind of thing for extra-credit. James turned around and saw me behind a bookcase. He came over to me and swung on his backpack – which he held earlier. "What's up, Mase? Why are you so late? For a few minutes I thought you weren't coming." James asked me. I didn't say anything. I didn't even think James would be at the library, and I didn't even know Emily would want to even talk to me. "Let me guess. Dylan." James sighed. I nodded. I nearly forgot about the Dylan Incident. Which is silly, because that's partially the reason Emily started talking to me. "He's really starting to get on my nerves." James muttered. I agreed with James. Hate is a strong word, but I can definitely tell you James hates Dylan. I'm even starting to think Emily hates him, and I've only spoken to her about two times. "Let's just get on with our duties." I suggested. It was James' turn to agree with me, so with that – we started working on the library. "Mom, dad, I'm home!" I called out when I got home. "They're not home, honey. They just left for New York." Ellanor told me. Ellanor was more of a mom to me than a maid. She was the one that made sure I wake up on time, that I ate breakfast and that I have all my homework completed. My parents both work as architects, so they go on business trips a lot. "Oh, okay." I couldn't help but show the disappointment in my voice. "Don't worry, Mason. They'll be back soon." Ellanor smiled at me before continuing to speak, "I'm making lasagna for dinner. I'm assuming your favorite dinner is still lasagna, anyway." I nodded and smiled at her before walking up to my room. I opened the door and flopped on onto my bed. My whole room had a light-blue theme to it, since my parents believed in themed rooms. I got up and decided to work on my homework when I heard a noise come from my window – one that sounded like a small object hit the glass. I peered outside to see Emily there. My eyes widened, wondering what she was doing out there – and how she hasn't gotten caught by Ellanor yet. "Open the window, dork!" She shouted at me. I was scared to object, so I opened my window and watched as Emily skillfully climbed up a drain pipe. She jumped into my room and closed the window, before walking to my bed and sitting on the edge. "What are you doing here?" I stuttered, making sure I asked my question quietly as well. "Come sit next to me." She told me. I sat down next to her, making sure to leave quite a big gap, but she scooted closer to me, anyway. All the air was knocked out of me as I focused on the girl literally a few inches away from me. "Why did you come here?" I asked. She grinned at me before moving her face closer to mine. "I already told you at school. I'm here for round two." Emily told me. And with that, her lips met mine. She started moving slowly, but after realizing I wasn't responding to the kiss – it became wild. I don't know what made me do it, but I decided to start kissing her back. Her hands found my hair and she started tugging strands of it. She got up, without breaking the kiss for a minute, and sat on my lap, straddling me. She broke the kiss and pushed me back before meeting my lips once again. At this point, I had no idea what to do with my hands, and I really hoped Ellanor wouldn't come into my room at this minute. Marcus, my younger brother, was still at school, so I didn't really worry about him coming in. "Put your hands on my waist." Emily whispered before connecting her lips on mine, once again. I did what she told me and placed my hands on her waist. She moaned and carried on kissing me. She bit my lower lip, asking for entrance. I parted my lips and she slipped her tongue in. Her tongue touched mine and I flinched. She chuckled before mixing our tongues together again. I don't know where the sudden boost of confidence came from once again, but I decided to start mixing my tongue up with her hers. A moan left her lips and she dug her fingers into my hair, once again. She started rubbing her lower half on my pelvis, causing a groan to come out from my lips. She broke the kiss, moving to my neck. She started kissing and suckling the soft spot as I groaned once again. My breathing was heavy and my lips were probably swollen, but at that moment in time – I didn't care. The logical side of me kept chanting that this was so wrong. Why would Emily Andrews want to make out with me? But the pleasured side of me – which I didn't know I had until Emily started kissing me – shut that side up. I knew I would regret it, but I just didn't want to stop. Her lips moved from my neck and up to my jaw, placing soft pecks all on it. "Mason! I'm home!" I heard a voice say. Marcus. My eyes widened, and so did Emily's. She ripped away from me as I got her off me – gently, may I add – and walked towards the handle of my door. I turned around to see what Emily would do, but all I saw was an open window. She must've left. A part of me was sad that she was gone; I was surprised that I actually liked what was happening. But a part of me was relieved she was gone; that way, I could finally collect myself. I went downstairs to see Marcus near the door, taking off his backpack. "Hey, Marcus. Mom and dad are on a business trip, but Ellanor is in the kitchen, cooking." I informed him. He pouted. "They're always on business trips." I nodded, sadly. I agreed with his point - they're always out, either at their offices or they're in a completely different continent for a 'business visit'. "Mason, why do you have a rash on your neck? Did you have an allergic reaction?" He asked. He pointed at a specific spot on my neck - the exact space Emily was sucking on earlier. That means.. Crap. She left a mark. If anyone sees that I have a hickey on my neck, it'll just bring questions – questions which I won't know how to answer. "Er, yeah. The canteen didn't let me know." I hated lying to him, but I couldn't tell him the truth. Oh, yeah, Marcus. I was making out in my bedroom with this girl at school. She also happens to be the coolest girl at school. Yeah, that wouldn't end well. He's only eight. "But why is your hair so messy? And your lips are red and swollen. What happened, Mason?" Marcus asked me, again. I made a face, unsure how to reply, when Ellanor called us for dinner. I told her I would be there in a minute, I just needed to go to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror, and saw a redish mark forming on my neck. My lips were puffy and pink, and my hair was everywhere. I put the tap on, and started smoothing out my hair. Since I was eating lasagna – quite a messy dish – I decided to ignore my lips. The hickey on my neck was covered by my top – hopefully Ellanor wouldn't question it. I left the bathroom and headed towards the dinner table. I sat down next to Marcus and ate. I couldn't help but think about what happened in my room earlier. Why would Emily want to kiss me? More specifically – make out with me? Maybe it was a dare? I didn't know what to think. I felt my pants tightened, and when I looked down to see what the issue was - I saw an erection forming. Damn it - I'm not used to feelings like this. I went up to my room after eating everything – luckily, no one asked any questions. It may have been because Marcus already got an 'answer' and Ellanor didn't sit at the table with us. I decided to start doing the homework I was supposed to do earlier – the one I was going to do before Emily came into my room. I couldn't believe how things changed - one day, I didn't have a single girl talk to me. The next, Emily Andrews is making out with me on my bed. How on earth all of this happened in the series of one day is still a mystery to me.
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