6. New games - part 1

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Jack pov. I could feel someone lifting my body from the ground then throwing me over the others. The last thing I know before the carriage left is Samuel telling Freya about how he will punish her. She suffered too much. Way too much. I wanted to get up and kill that son of a b***h! But I can't. I need to get out of here and find help. This is the only way I can save her. I own her my life. She saved me. Not once, but twice. I will die before giving up on her! The carriage came to a stop. I heard steps coming closer, and I knew this was it. I need to kill this man to escape. He grabbed my legs, pulling me off of the mountain of bodies. I wait till I'm close enough, then I kick his hands and wrap my legs around his neck. I punched him in the nose while he struggled to get out of my hold. But we both knew he didn't stand a chance to escape. I tightened my hold and twisted it to the side, snapping his neck. I was so tired, but I had no time to rest. I need to go. And I need to go quickly! I grab the man's hand and throw him over the cliff with the rest of the bodies and the carriage. I make some tracks on the ground, making it look like the weight of the carriage pulled him down. Then I start walking away through the forest, covering my tracks with leaves. I didn't know where to go! I once had a pack. But it is too far away. I left there two years ago, deciding to search for my mate. I run for a few hours till my body gives up. "Moon Goddess, help me!" I said with my last drop of strength, and then I fell to the ground unconscious. Freya pov Unbearable pain wakes me up. It was like nothing before. My whole body is shaking uncontrollably. Claws take the place of my human nails, and hair grows on my arms, disappearing after a few moments then appearing again. It was like I was shifting... but I didn't. Something didn't let me to. I remember my first shift. I was three. Cole helped me and kept me hidden. I was five when Samuel found out and put me in my first fight. Since then, I have never seen my wolf. 'Lia? What's going on? What are you doing?' I ask my wolf. 'It's not me, Freya! It's something else. But I don't know what! I can't stop it!' Loud noises came from the last cell. It sounds like someone who was trying to break through the walls using their bare hands. 'What's wrong with that guy?' 'Freya! Could you help me? She's going to hurt me! Please!' 'Lia! Lia! What is happening? Who is going to hurt you, Lia? Who is "she "?' I heard her whimpering in my head ....in fear? 'Who's she afraid of? ' 'Lia, talk to me!' I tried to reach her once again, but she didn't answer me. She was gone as it was the pain. Sweat was dripping from my forehead, and I was so cold. I shiver and bring my knees up to my chest in a fetus position. I think about how many hours or days have passed since Jack escaped. 'Is he ok? Did he make it out of this cursed territory?' The dungeons doors opening interrupt me from my thoughts. "Get up! You're expected to The Arena !" A guy I didn't see before said to me, entering my cell. I see the other five guys coming from the last cell, and it's now when I realise there is quiet. 'What did they do to him?' "Now that you're all here, we can start! I have good news! Well, good for me, at least!" Samuel said in a loud voice. "Today is an important day. We have a new game!"
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