5. Old Games

1045 Words
Freya pov It's been five weeks today since I killed Cole. Samuel forces us to fight, threatening to kill every child in this pack if we don't. He will send someone to bring us water and leftovers two times a week. Enough to keep us alive but not enough to maintain our strength. I'm growing weak. Lia is barely talking to me. She is in so much pain from losing the man who cared the most about us. Cole was like a father to both of us. We still have Jack; we became close to each other. But he is so damaged, physically. His heart is beating so slow that sometimes I can't even hear it, and I'm wondering if he's alive. 'Lia... Lia, are you there?' Silence 'Lia, please! Answer me! Please! "F**k!" I said, anger building inside me. She must be so weak after healing me so many times. Being held in here with not enough food made me lose my strength. I haven't lost a fight yet. Otherwise, I'd be dead, but it became harder to defeat my opponents. "Jack? Jack! Are you there?" "Mmmm..." Came his rough voice followed by violent coughing. "We need to do something! We can't die in here!" "I know! But what? We can't!" "I might have an idea!" "That scares me more than The Arena!" I chuckled at his statement. "Well... What can I say, Jack? I know how to scare a man away!" He started laughing but stopped because of that insistent cough. "What's the plan?" "One of us need to leave this place by tomorrow night! There are just a few left to fight us, and I'm afraid Samuel will ask us to fight each other soon! Could you go, Jack? You're so sick!" "What about you? What's going to happen to you? He might kill you if he finds out what are we planning." "He won't, Jack! You will die today!" "What?!" "You heard me! Today you will pretend to die in the fight. Let your opponent give you a blow! Then pretend you're dead. And I, when I see that you died, I will kill him out of anger to make sure he doesn't kill you for real." "You're insane, Freya! What if they'll check me?" "They won't! Haven't you seen how they're stacking all the bodies and throwing them from the cliff?" "The cliff? How I will survive that?" "You will! There is only one person that goes to get rid of those bodies. You can beat him, I'm sure! But make it look like an accident, so you can have time to run far enough!" "You thought about everything, don't you? Can you wait to get rid of me, uh?" "I did! But only because I care for you, Jack! This is your only chance! Promise me you'll be careful!" "I promise! And I'll be back for you!" "No! Don't you ever come back here! I'll find a way to get out! And I'll find you then!" "But, Freya? How will you do that?" "I don't know yet, Jack! Now try to get some rest! You'll need it!" .... "Fight!" Samuel ordered. I was sitting down watching Jack's opponent! he was a well-built man, taller than him, his face showing so much confidence. They circle each other for a couple of minutes, searching for soft spots. The stranger was first to attack. He sent a total blow to Jack's head. Being so weak, he didn't block it, so he fell on the ground, barely breathing. 'Come on, Jack! Just a bit longer!' He gets up and tries to trip the stranger, but he fails miserably. The man used his foot to hit Jack in the head again. 'F**k! If he keeps going like that, he will be dead for real soon!' "Get up!" The man yelled. Jack gets on his feet only to be hit again. He felt still to the ground. "Well done! Check for his pulse! If he's not dead, make him be!" Samuel yelled. 'F**k! F**k!' The man checked his pulse and shook his head with a smile! He grabbed Jack's hair, pulling him up. "He's dead!" He said, throwing him away like he was an old cloth. "You bastard!" I scream and run to him after grabbing a knife from the guard next to me. Honestly, I didn't know if Jack was pretending or not! "Stop that b***h!" I heard Samuel. But before they reached me, I threw the knife at the stranger's neck. With blood coming out from his mouth, he takes a step back, holding his neck. I stopped in front of him, pushing his hands away; I pulled out the knife, letting the man bleed to death. Then I kneel next to Jack. I need to find out if he's still alive. I start screaming, taking his hand in mine. "Jack! Jack! Please! Don't let me alone!" I said loud enough for everyone to hear me. He tightened his hold, so I knew he was alive! "Take care, Jack!" I said softly before the guard grabbed my shoulder. He's alive! That's all that matters. "How dare you? You b***h! You just killed one of the best fighters I have!" Samuel yells to me, slapping me. "Kneel!" He ordered me in his Alpha tone. This didn't affect me. Maybe because he's not what an alpha should be. "This doesn't work on me... you're just a pathetic excuse of an alpha!" I said, spitting in his face. His fist collides with my ribs immediately. Then grabbed my hair, lifting my head so I was forced to look at him "Disrespect me one more time, and I will send you next to your friends, you w***e!" "I'll be happy to join them !" I spat at him. He hits me again, only this time in my face. Then pushed me down, on my knees. I was too weak to protest anymore. "Now, prepare for the punishment! I'll personally give you thirty leashes for your misbehaviour!" He starts hitting me. After twenty leashes, my body was numb, and I couldn't keep my eyes open. I fell to the ground, but he didn't stop. I finally let the darkness envelop me, hoping Jack would make it out alive!
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