4. Failure

1100 Words
Freya pov I wake up surrounded by darkness. I was laid on a rigid surface. I tried to get up, only to be pulled back by something cold wrapped around my ankles and wrists. Chains. I am in dungeons. "Cole? Cole, you're there?!" I yelled, worried. When no one answered, fear overwhelmed me; fear that I lost him, my only family. Someone coughing grabs my attention. "Freya?" Came a rough voice. "Freya! You're alive!" "Jack! Where's Cole? What happened? Are you ok?" "I'm not too bad. I think. They took Cole earlier..." The dungeons doors opening bought us to silence. All it can be heard is the chains rustling and muffled screams from the last cell. Everyone knew who was in there—the most dangerous wolf. I have never seen him. But I heard stories about how he killed his opponents in cold blood. The weird thing is that Samuel never let me fight him. I could see a small light moving towards us. "Are you awake b***h? Alpha needs you! I can't wait for him to finish with you so I can have you all for me!" "Thomas, you a****e! What have you done with Cole? Where is he?" "Ohh...So your spark is still there! Good! I like a feisty one!" "F**k you!" He opens my cell's door and comes closer. His ugly face comes into my view. I spat him in the beginning when he tried to touch my breasts. "Don't you dare touch me! You pig!" "Easy now! I need to take you to The Arena! Be a good girl and behave! Otherwise, I'll make sure you'll pay dearly!" I didn't say anything, thinking about what will going to happen next. The dungeons were under The Arena. So we just got upstairs, the sunlight blinding me for a few moments. I close my eye end open them again. Cole was in the centre on his knees. I wanted to run to him, but I couldn't. Thomas started pushing me and forced me to kneel next to him. I heard chains rustling again, and I looked to my right to see Jack being pulled in our direction. "I'm so disappointed with your behaviour! I never expected you to do this to me! To betray me, your Alpha!" Samuel's voice boomed in the now full arena. Everyone was watching us with fear. "I will punish all of you today, so everyone can see what's happening when you betray me!" I look at Cole, but he looks down. Alpha continued. "First will be Jack! I will give you 50 lashes; then you will be left in the sun all day, without water!" "No! You can't do that!" I yelled, trying to get up! "It was my idea! Let them alone! They're not to blame! I forced them to come with me!" "As much as I appreciate your honesty, I can't do that, Freya! We all know you didn't need to force them! Thomas start Jack punishment!" Thomas laughed, pulling Jack on his feet. They walked a few feet then pushed him back on his knees, taking out the leash. It was made of leather with silver on end. He swung it in the air before it hit Jack's back. The sound of flesh tearing filled the arena. After 30 lashes, Jack almost passed out. Thomas was about to hit him again when Samuel stopped him. "Wake him up! I want him to see Cole's and Freya's punishment! Then we can finish his." I looked at Cole again, trying to see his face, but he kept looking down. "Freya and Cole! You two will fight! Take their chains down!" "What?! You are crazy to think I will hurt him!" "You will not hurt him, Freya! You will kill him! Or I will kill you in the worst possible way!" I looked at Cole; his eyes were flooding with tears. "You need to kill me, Freya! It's the only way!" My eyes widened! 'No!No no! I can't!' I turn my face to Samuel and slump on the ground. "Get up b***h! Why don't you fight him?!" c Came Alpha Samuel voice. My wolf, Lia, whimpered in my head. She didn't want to hurt Cole, but she knew we had no choice. "I'll kill both of you if you don't! I'll make you watch him die slowly!" I get up and take a fighting position. 'It's him or me.' I thought. At least I can give him a quick clean death. My heart was aching, breaking in millions of pieces. This is the man that saved me. Cole's eyes locked with mine, pain visible in them. He opened his mouth to speak, but I didn't allow him. It will hurt me more to hear him saying how he loves me. I run towards him and jump over him, kicking him in the back with my leg. "Fight me, Cole! Please!" I said with a pleading voice. "You know I can't do this, Freya! Make this quick... You need to get out of here! I love you, kid!" I watch him once more! I move towards him fast, pulling my fist back for a more decisive blow. But I stopped! I couldn't do it! "I'm sorry, Cole! I'm so sorry! I can't!" Tears were now streaming down my face. "Ok, my little girl!" He said, hugging me! "I'm sorry I bought you here! If I wouldn't have found you, maybe you'd be in a better place now! Please forgive me, my child!" "There's nothing to be sorry about, Cole! You saved me! You took care of me when no one did!" "Then do it, kid! Do this one last thing for me. I know it's hard, but I prefer to die from your hands rather than let that moron have this pleasure. Plus, I know I won't feel anything." He said, pulling away. I took a step back and lifted my right arm. I brought my fist back, then swung it towards his heart, taking all the strength my wolf managed to give me. "I love you, dad!" I said, then my fist collided with his chest. Tears escaped his eyes, and he smiled at me before he fell to the ground. I kneeled next to him and hugged his still body. His heart stopped beating, and I let out an ear-deafening scream. "I'll avenge you, dad! I promise! I'll get out of here, and I'll kill them! I'll kill them all!" I said softly, and I kissed his head. Today I failed! I failed to protect the only person that loved me!
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