I'm Not Your Type

1015 Words

''Are you going to sleep here?'' Agnes asked nervously. ''This is my room. Where else would I sleep?'' Juse asked her back. Agnes swallowed hard. I want to sleep somewhere else in that case,'' Agnes said with a nearly trembling voice. Jude twitched his eyebrows. He had been drinking the shots of whiskey the entire day while his gut wrenching ordeal was taking place. At that moment, Jude had relaxed and started to feel the weight of the alcohol hit him. He turned his back on Agnes and switched off the light. Saying absolutely nothing to her. Agnes stood staring at him for as long as she could, and then when her legs started to wobble as a result of her standing for too long, she sat on the bed. And then she lay down later when her body got tired of being active. Jude adjusted fr

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