Her ladyship sent a note

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Lady Elainore Westbrooke, Marchioness of Rushmoor, was fidgeting. Ladies must not show their emotions but she could not help it because today she was in distress. She glanced at the note she wrote and sighed heavily. This was no ordinary note. This could alter her life because this was for her husband.     My Lord Westbrooke, It is my birthday on the 18th of this month. I would like to ask permission to celebrate this night with you. Alone. I know that you are a very busy man but it is my desire that you grant me this as your gift.   Yours, Elainore   Must she really send it? This was a very forward letter to his lordship yet she knew that if she wanted changes, she should not wait for her husband to make the first move. She knew that if she did, she would be eighty on the next day.    "This is a must, Elainore," she shakily mumbled. She gathered her courage and sent for the footman to send the missive to his lordship.    She had been married for six years and yet they had no children. As a woman, she felt a certain pressure to produce a child. Not just a child but certainly an heir. Her mother prodded her to see a doctor in secret just to know if she had a difficulty in her physique. And both of them breathed in relief when the doctor mentioned that everything was fine.   If her mother only knew that her husband did not visit her bedchambers for five years now. Her precious mama would have the vapors should she know her current status.   Sometimes, she could not help herself from thinking if there was something wrong with her person that his lordship never tried to be intimate with her again. And how her heart was torn into pieces when she heard gossips that his attention went to someone else. How she clutched her womb and prayed that it would be filled with an heir – to stop the rumors that she was barren and to fill an emptiness in her life. She wanted babies! She wanted children! She wanted a family of her own. But how can she have that dream if she would just sit here and wait?   "You can do it, darling." She bit her lower lip as she silently encouraged herself. "You must do it."
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