18th of July

2531 Words
“My lady,” Jenkins the butler greeted her as she stepped inside the house. She just came back from a visit at a nearby abbey. It was a tradition she started to personally give some supplies on her birthday to their tenants, nearby vicarage and abbey.  “Is the Marquis here already Jenkins?” she almost whispered, afraid to know that he had not come at all. Jenkins nodded and seeing her sigh of relief, he answered, “His lordship just arrived an hour ago and is currently having a bath in his quarters." He bowed down and softly added, "As you have instructed, my lady.” She nodded. “Good. Today is so tedious with all the celebrations and everything. I will be the one to assist him.” “Very well, my lady,” he answered politely. She went to her chambers first and summoned her maid to prepare a bath for her. Though time was of the essence, she languidly took time to prepare herself for this mission. Tupping her husband.  "Do you need anything else, my lady?" her maid, Anna, asked as she ran her fingers on the length of Elainore's bed shift.  "You can retire to your quarters," she dismissed the maid. "I'll assist his lordship tonight." "Very well, my lady." Anna bobbed a curtsy before she went outside.  Elainore was anxious as she came to her husband’s chambers. She was glad that his lordship was already alone as per her instruction. Her hands trembled as she locked the door gently and turned to face her husband.  "My lord," her voice quivered as she tiptoed towards the man inside the tub. She anticipated that he would be irritated by her request but Mathias Kent Robert Westbrooke, Marquis of Rushmoor looked as if he was sleeping and did not notice her presence at all.   She took in his form and her insides shivered. He was devastatingly handsome. His black hair was longer than the fashionable gentlemen sported their hair. His brows were thick but well shaped, his nose was a little bit hawkish and his lips were somewhat thinner compared to what she saw with other men’s. His physique was well formed because he was athletic and if he did not visit the boxing club, he rode and exercise his favorite horse daily.   Her footsteps were light but her heartbeat was heavy as she quietly walked towards him. She adjusted her nightcap when her thick hair was getting loose. Then he opened his eyes. She sucked her breath as she stared at him. His eyes were electric color of jade and the shade danced from lighter to darker depending on the light and shadows or depending on his mood which reflected on the windows of his soul. Elainore remembered well why she was attracted to him years before when she was a debutante. Because she felt the stirrings from the bottom of her heart and stomach as his gaze landed on her when they were introduced. His eyes still affected her deeply even after six years of marriage.  And God! Oh God, she would put an end of this certain longing in her being tonight.  If he would want her.   “My lady…” His voice was like a storm which rumbled from his chest.  "My lord," she squeaked. My goodness, did that voice really come out from her?  In her attempt to hide her embarrassment, she diverted her eyes on his chest and she gulped some more. Lord Westbrooke was a huge man at six feet and three inches with well-toned muscles. Even though she occasionally saw him without his upper clothing, being this close to her husband made her squirm a little bit.    “Happy birthday.” He grinned at her. "I'm sorry I was not here to celebrate your tradition this year." And she almost stumbled towards the tub when she saw him did that.  He was civil towards her during their marriage life and treated her as if she was a younger sister or cousin but she couldn’t guard herself from his handsome smile. It always devastated her insides – because she wanted that type of smile to be hers and hers alone.   “Tha-thank you,” she stammered. "I know you are very busy with your business at Bath, my lord."   “Are you alright?” he softly asked. His eyes were probing into her whole being.   “Perfectly,” she immediately answered. Her cheeks warmed and she felt that it started to get hot inside his chambers.   “What would you like to do tonight, my lady?” he asked as his gaze wandered from her body to her face.   She had difficulty in looking at him but somehow she managed to reply, “Do you promise to do whatever I say my lord?”   His right brow raised. “Well, that depends…”   Her heart flanked a little bit. She never expected that this would be his answer at all. How could she convince him that she wanted to tup him tonight? That she wanted him to spill his seed inside her? That –   “Well, since it’s your birthday... ” He ran his fingers across his hair, the droplets seemed to dance across his hand and forearm. "My life is on your hands, my lady."   Slowly and carefully, Elainore knelt beside him and whispered, “I would like to assist you on your bath, my lord.”   He stared at her for so long that she wanted to back out and ran from his chambers. Her heart pounded so hard that she felt it was breaking her chest.   “Do you now?” he hummed.   She nodded as she got the cloth from the edge of the tub and gently rubbed his arms. The muscles moved under her touch and she relished the feeling of her husband’s skin. Gently, oh so gently, she wanted to touch him everywhere. She could feel the hair on his arms rose at her touch. And she shivered a little bit at the thought that this affected him too as she was.   Elainore then slowly touched his hairless chest and she bit her lower lip as she felt the rumble . He must have groaned so she looked at him looking at her. God, oh God, she could see that his pupils dilated and the color grew darker. She did not avert her eyes as she ran her palm from his chest towards his stomach. Softly she fondled the muscles of his stomach a little bit and she saw him closed his eyes in satisfaction. She slowly brushed her palm downward towards his pelvis.   He moaned as she rubbed his pubic area a little bit. And when she tugged the hair over there, he jerked as he opened his eyes.   “Time to scrub your back my lord,” she announced.   She saw him hesitated for a while before he turned and presented his back on her. She got up and went on the edge of the tub and watched the muscles on his back rippled. Her husband was a very virile man and something fluttered inside her stomach once again.   She tried to control herself as she gently scrubbed his back. He moaned a little bit from time to time but he never uttered a word or two.  She washed his body one more time before informing, "Please stand, my lord." He stood as she took the towel from a nearby stool and presented herself in front of him. His height was towering and imposing but this was also another part of him that she came to love. He was so big and when during special occasions he hugged her, she could feel the warmth of his embrace when he enveloped her in his huge frame. "That's an ugly night cap," he said. "Why do you keep on wearing that?" He tried to take it off her but she stopped him. "My hair is too wild to tame, my Lord," she gently replied.  "A pity!" he sighed. "You've got a lovely hair." She looked at him and their gazes collided. Elainore wanted this giant of a husband. She wanted to be engulfed by his warmth. She wanted to burry her head in his unique scent. And most of all she wanted to feel him inside her. Oh! Those years of yearning and thinking if she was the one at wrong.   “Seriously, what do you want for your birthday, my lady?” His voice was lowered a little bit.   “Hmmm…” She dried his back. And she did not know what possessed her at the moment when she saw the muscles rippled. She drew her tongue out and slowly traced his spine.   He hissed in surprise but surprisingly did not comment nor jerk away from her touch. This must be a very good sign indeed.  With a muster of courage, Elainore slowly and meticulously outlined his spinal area with her tongue. She slowly engulfed her arms around him until her hands reached his n*****s. And she bravely caressed them with the pad of her forefingers.   “My lady…” he moaned and tried to grab her from behind but she managed to avoid him. So he clasped her hands instead and pulled her as he got out from the tub.   She looked at his throat and felt hot when she saw his pulse. In instinct, she tiptoed and touched the pulsing area with her lips. He seethed and engulfed her in his embrace.   “Hmmmm….” She moaned and hugged him back. She missed his physical warmth and she desperately needed this intimacy between them. She waited for five years for this and she was going to bedlam because she couldn’t wait for another year without touching him.   They stood and embraced for a little while, just feeling their heartbeats and relishing on the desires they had for each other. She heard him inhaled the fragrance of her hair as his lips touched the top of her head. Then she felt his hands caressing her back, gently coaxing her into that sublime tingling sensations.   “My lord,” she softly said.   “Hmmm..”   “Will you grant my wish tonight?”   His hands were circling her lower back area and gently cupped her buttocks. “What would you like?” She moved from his embrace and continued to dry him with the towel she almost neglected.  “Promise that you won’t get crossed with me.” She naughtily licked the droplet of water from his n****e.   He took the night cap off from her head. Her long hair fell from its bound and wildly settled on her shoulders, arms, and hips like a silk curtain. He groaned, “What is it?”   Elainore was afraid of the outcome but she managed to put her emotions intact as she strove to get what she wanted tonight. She tiptoed again and placed a feathery kiss on his lips. “Come with me.” She saw the confusion on his features as she guided him and pushed him gently on his bed.   She caressed his stomach as she gently said, “My Lord Westbrooke, I’m going to be honest with you that I visited a brothel –“   He jerked. “What? Did you have a bee in your bonnet?”   She held her hand in resignation. “Please listen to me first and listen well.”   He kept his silence.   “I always wondered why you didn’t come back to my bed after seven times of trying on the first year of our marriage.” She almost sniffed at the memory. “Did I lack something that you never visited me any longer? Each year, I felt pressure of not having your heirs.”   He wanted to say something but she placed a hand on his mouth. So instead, he clasped that hand and gently caressed her wrist with his fingers.   “I went to the doctor and he said that I am physically alright. My mother wouldn’t tell me anything at all regarding what transpires in a couple’s bedroom. And all my friends were too polite to touch the subject of physical intimacy.” She inhaled. “So can you blame me if I went to a professional Madam for such lessons?”   She saw his eyes widened and something flickered in there.   “All the transactions were in utter discretion. The Madam was so kind in explaining to me what to do and how to appreciate one’s body in this s****l congress,” Elainore breathed in. “I watched too.”   His hand on her wrist stilled. Although he knew what she implied but still he asked, “Watch what?”   “The s****l congress of some ladies in the brothel with certain gentlemen,” she shakily whispered.   She heard him drew his breath and her heart stopped. Would he hate her because of her confession?   “How?” His curiosity was piqued instead.   “Through peepholes and gatherings to showcase the human’s basal needs,” she gasped, “but I wore a certain mask which indicated that I was just there to observe.”   “Hmmm…”   “Are you crossed with me?” she softly asked.   He placed his lips on her palm and jerked back a little when she felt he darted his tongue on her skin.   "Should I?" His voice was a caress and her insides tingled. “What do you like me to do tonight?”   “My Lord Westbrooke, I would like to share with you what I learned from my lessons. And please do not hesitate to show me your passionate side.” Her voice quivered a little. “That is only my birthday wish.”   They silently gaze at each other for a while. She wanted to pull him towards her and kissed him with her mouth and tongue but she restrained herself.  They were still on the edge of giving in to her desires and he did not give his reply yet.   He moved back and propped himself on the pillows. Her eyes wandered around his magnificent physique and tried to suppress the urgings as she saw his erection. She immediately pulled her gaze from his manhood and settled on his eyes which were fixed on her the whole time. He placed his hands under his head and smiled at her. “My body and life is in your hands, Lady Westbrooke.”   Her eyes widened at his retort that her jaw slackened a bit.   He chuckled. “Show me, darling what you learned from that damn brothel. I will follow all your lead tonight.”   The hair on her nape rose as she heard those words. She prepared herself for rejection that she did not anticipate he would really participate. Could she do it? Could she instruct this husband of hers on how to give her pleasure?
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