05 The Office

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“Your birth date?” The black-suited prosecutor asked. “3099, November 26,” I answered. “Your name?” “Beatrice Dunn,” I said, my eyes dull. “Miss Dunn, are you willing to go back with us for a third trial of the open second-degree murder you committed on 3116, April 5?” “Yes, Sir.” My voice even sounded like a robot’s to my own ears. “Do you sincerely swear all the testimony you present to the judge is true?” “I do, sir,” I replied. The muscles on my back still twitched occasionally, reminding me of the nightmare when I was forced to sit on that horrible chair. After being tortured and abused for 7 hours, I felt drained and soulless. I didn’t know what I was saying and I didn’t care where these people were taking me to. I just wanted to get it all over with. Eastern River Jail or getting replaced. I didn’t give a damn. I just wanted to put an end to this torture. “See? I told you it’s gonna work!” Mrs. Kim beamed at the prosecutor. “Now, she will do anything you told her.” “I don’t know,” The prosecutor frowned judgmentally as he trained his eyes on my bloodless face, “Even if they only had private trials before, the judge still saw Beatrice’s face. The jury definitely won’t be suspicious. But I’m not sure the judge will…” “You don’t need to worry about the judge. Mr. Dawson has already taken care of him.” Mrs. Kim smiled nastily. “He has?” The prosecutor narrowed his eyes doubtfully, “Who is this Beatrice Dunn to Mr. Dawson? Is she his nephew or something? Why did he choose to cover up something so… serious for her? He would lose everything and drag down a lot of people with him once this is exposed…” “It’s really none of your business, Son,” Mrs. Kim cut him off. “Just do your job and stop asking questions. Oh, by the way,” Mrs. Kim gestured randomly in my direction, “We need to take this one to Mr. Dawson’s office and get stamps on the files before you get going. Gosh, I can’t wait to finish all this. Just follow me.” ‘This one…’ She talked about me as if I was some low creature who couldn’t understand their conversation. As I was pushed and nudged down the corridor toward Mr. Dawson’s office, I suddenly remembered today was actually my 18th birthday. What a splendid birthday. As if losing whatever little amount of things I had in my life was not enough, now, I had to go to jail for a crime that was committed by someone else… When we stopped before the office, we found the door was closed. A wanton moan carried through the hardwood material… “Oh yeah… f**k me, Daddy! You f**k me so good… Aargh!” “Wriggle your little ass for Daddy. Oh yeah… Just like that. You little slut…” Mr. Dawson’s creepy voice followed a loud sound of continuing flesh slapping. The prosecutor was about to knock on the door, but his hand immediately recoiled at the lewd sound. The two of us just stood there awkwardly. My face flashed a crimson color. This was so freaking disgusting… He was the director of this orphanage… And this was still the daytime! Mrs. Kim just stood beside us with an aloof look on her face, her arms folded before her chest, acting as if she had gotten used to this kind of stuff. She didn’t raise her hand and knock on the door until Mr. Dawson and that unknown woman let out two satisfied moans in unison. I was gonna throw up. “Mr. Dawson, can we come in?” Mrs. Kim raised her voice. “Sure, get in,” Mr. Dawson’s voice followed by a hasty sound made by the friction of clothes, “The door isn’t locked.” “Don’t fuss.” Mrs. Kim turned to look at us, “Mr. Dawson tends to overwork himself, this is just a routinely small relaxation to help him get recharged.” Did his wife know about his small routine? I thought secretly, completely repulsed. When I followed Mrs. Kim into the office, Mr. Dawson was pulling his trousers up. He was an old man. All his hair was gone and his pastry face was covered by warts. I diverted my eyes away from his face, suppressing the urge to vomit onto the carpet. And then, my gaze fell on a smaller figure standing next to him and my eyes widened in shock. Beatrice Dunn was in this office the whole time... She was wearing a white dress today and she didn’t put that much makeup on as usual, making her look younger and more innocent. When Beatrice saw me, she put on a mocking smile and waved at me lazily. Did she just… Did Mr. Dawson actually… Had Beatrice Dunn been f*****g this old bat the whole time? No wonder she could manipulate everyone in this orphanage like puppets… No wonder Mr. Dawson was determined to get her out of jail at any cost… As if trying to prove the revolting assumption in my head, Mr. Dawson slapped Beatrice’s ass with a ring-ridden hand lewdly and Beatrice just giggled as if it was a flirtatious interaction between her and her boyfriend. I cringed. These sickening sickening people… they deserved to go to hell! “Oh, Lola is also here.” Mrs. Kim said as if nothing ever happened, her eyes fixing warmly on Beatrice’s face, “I bet you’re so excited today, Lola. This is your big day. General’s gonna be here to take you home soon.” Don’t. Use. My. Name. To. Call. Her! I clenched my teeth. It was so freaking repulsive. “Yes, Mrs. Kim,” Beatrice faked a blush and giggled, “I couldn’t fall asleep last night. I was so excited. Oh, by the way, the small “gift” I sent you will arrive at your house this afternoon. I hope you will like it.” “Awww, baby. You don’t have to be so sweet,” Mrs. Kim clasped the front of her shirt, looking at Beatrice affectionately as if she was her own daughter. Beatrice sauntered toward her, putting a hand on her arm. “It’s okay. I just want to thank you because you’ve been looking after me this whole time.” Why did they even bother to put up on a show? All of them literally plotted this disgusting farce. Who did they think to fool? I only found the way they talked and acted ridiculous and fake. A cold laugh escaped my mouth. Beatrice’s smiling green eyes instantly diverted in my direction. I didn’t flinch. I glared at her in return. Beatrice smirked and walked toward me. When she was closer, I finally noticed the ruby necklace around her neck. The stone was so pure and beautiful, blinking under the sun. An unspeakable sadness seized me. It was supposed to be mine. I was the one who should be adopted by General on my 18 years old birthday… Not her… Beatrice pushed a lock of strayed auburn hair behind my ear. I turned my eyes away from her face in disgust. “Beatrice,” she said, “you look like s**t right now. Did you enjoy Mrs. Kim’s chair last night?” “It’s okay,” I answered sternly. “Nothing I can’t handle.” “Oh really?” Beatrice smiled widely as she flashed her shiny white teeth, “I heard things they used on cellmates in Eastern River are pretty…creative. Try to handle them and share your thoughts with me, Beatrice.” “Don’t call me by that disgusting name.” I clenched my teeth as I hissed, “It makes my skin crawl.” Beatrice was still smiling when she suddenly kicked my abdomen heavily. The tip of her white kitten heel was extremely sharp. I didn’t have to look to know it must have left more bruise on my stomach. The pain brought me to crouch down. Beatrice yanked at my hair and hissed beside my ear, “I’m gonna cut your face, b***h! I’m gonna ruin your face right after this process is done.” “Bee, my sweetie, that’s enough,” Mr. Dawson said lazily, but he didn’t even attempt to stop her, “Just let me sign the papers so she can get out of your face.” “Jon,” Beatrice pouted as she walked toward Mr. Dawson, whining as she plastered her body against his side, “Why are you protecting her? Are you falling in love with her?” “How could I ever, my sweet little bee?” Mr. Dawson laughed as he rubbed under Beatrice’s chin with a hooked index finger, “You’re the only one I love.” I propped myself up on the carpet, the pain making me shiver. I stared at the prosecutor, noticing he at least had the decency to look embarrassed. Would he expose Mr. Dawson and try to help me instead after seeing what happened? No… These people were too corrupted. He probably had his job at stake… No one would help me. I cast my eyes toward Mr. Dawson again. He had taken out his pen from the drawer. My heart pounded violently against my chest as he screwed open the cap of the pen. Is this it? Is this the end? Beatrice was gonna replace me and get adopted by General. And I was gonna be sent to jail, spending the rest of my life in Eastern River being tortured? The tip of the pen fell on the paper. I clenched my teeth, trying to hold my tears back. Even if I was forced to accept this, I wouldn’t walk away like a sobbing coward. Knock knock A brief yet clear knocking on the door brought me to jolt. Before I could look back, a low and rich voice filled the room, “Mr. Dawson, can we come in now?” The pen in Mr. Dawson’s hand froze as he cast his eyes behind my back in shock, “General? What brought you here so early?”
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