What Happened

1417 Words
Carmen My life as a Gemma daughter; most would consider easy especially living near the pack house. Our Alpha Lucas was the best, he was smart, brave, fair, and above all powerful. The Alpha's Luna Sophie, is a different story, at times she is sweet but other times she could be very evil. My mom told me that Luna Sophie is our Alpha's second-chance mate. His first mate died during a rogue attack and the whole pack was hoping that the Alpha would be strong enough to withstand the pain of losing a mate; which he did. I believe like many others that he was able to fight the depression because of his son Derek. Who was only five years old at the time of his mother's death. I don't remember when Luna Sophie came to the pack but I can say things changed once she moved in. For the most part; our pack is peaceful and we have a a treaty from our neighboring packs. Ever since the attack that took away our Luna, we gained allies with other packs to keep the peace and safety among our lands. However, the pack continues training to prepare ourselves for an event that may occur. All males have mandatory training and females are optional. Boys start training at the age of ten to start preparing them for their first shift at the age of thirteen. However, weeks to months before your thirteen birthday, you could start hearing your wolf. I wanted to train like my older brother Luke, but my mom wouldn't let me because she said I was not old enough yet and it was too dangerous. So while my brother would train to be the next gamma with my father, I would help my mother at her tailor shop. She is a seamstress; my mom made the best dresses in the city and she took the time to teach me. I loved making clothes but I still wanted to fight. Around the time of my tenth birthday, I asked my mom and dad again can I start training. For the past two years I kept asking can I train but my mom would say no; I wasn't old enough and that I was too fragile as a girl to train with all the boys they were too rough. Finally, my dad agreed for me to train once I turned ten, he told my mom that it was important for me to defend myself if I was ever in trouble. The fact that he or my brother will not always be around to protect me. Training wasn't that bad; I was with my older brother who is two years older than me and the beta son John as well as the Alpha son Derek. John and Derek are both thirteen; being that both are our future leaders they have been training a little longer to prepare them politically and educate them on how everything works within the packs. We trained five days out of the week going over regular exercises, combat fighting and even having the adults come in The adults demonstrate combat with our wolves. I just couldn't wait to get my wolf and to be able to talk to her. My parents told me it's the most wonderful thing in the world to finally be able to connect with your wolf. Your wolf would be your best friend your companion your connection with nature until you die. The age I turned eleven years old my life changed; one night my mom came to me in the middle of the night and woke me up as well as Luke. Mom brought us to the dungeons with the rest of the wolves and pups to be protected. I kept asking my mom what was going on. She finally told me that it was a rogue attack on our territory. Finally, someone opened the doors to the dungeons telling us it was clear to go back to our homes; I wanted to know what happened. Once we got home my dad was there and he informed us that they killed all the rogues and that some of our men were injured but not lost. Luke, asked our dad did he knew why they attacked our territory and Dad said they were following a pup across the woods and winded up in our territory. Mom asks if the pup died, and Dad says no but the pup was badly injured and is now in the pack hospital. Every day I would ask Dad about the pup in the hospital; asking when she would get out or if could I meet her. All he told me was she was in a coma not knowing if she would ever wake up. The Alpha is watching over her to make sure she is okay......maybe you can help him with that my dad said. After that day I approached Alpha Lucas, and asked him can I help with taking care of our new mystery visitor; first, he protested because he knew nothing about this pup nor why the rogues were after her. But then he thought it would be a great idea to have assistance with this task so he agreed. Monday til Friday after my morning training, school, and my chores at home were all done. I would go to the packed hospital to help with our visitors. I spent so much time with her that I gave her the name Sunny. Sunny, I believe to be the most perfect name to fit her, because for whatever reason she always looks so bright. Her skin glowing and with her silver hair, it matched and every time I stepped into her hospital room it always felt so warm and welcoming. The past month or so that I started caring for Sunny; Alpha Lucas would try his best to come and visit Sunny, and also check on me but being Alpha, takes a lot of his time. Also, I overheard Luna Sophie, one day being upset that the Alpha was spending too much time in the hospital and his office than being with her. So because of that, he doesn't come around too often. I was spending so much time with Sunny, that I forgot that my brother Luke's, birthday was coming up soon. I love birthdays because when you have a birthday you get a birthday party and I love to help plan a party. I helped Mom all week to organize Luke's birthday party so I didn't spend much time in the hospital. The day before Luke's party; he and his friends John and Derek, asked me why was I spending so much time in the hospital. Why was I helping out with the rogue pup she was just going to attack me as soon as you got a chance if she woke up. Luke has asked me about this before but normally I would ignore him. I told them she almost died but for whatever reason the moon goddess has given her a second chance at life. She might be in a coma now but whatever happened to her I think she deserves a fair chance of living a happy life. Luke's party was amazing, five other wolves shared the same birthday as Luke, so they got to shift and run together for the first time. Mom and Dad said that it helps the pain of shifting for the first time when you have others who are experiencing the same thing as you. Once Luke and the other wolves ran off into the woods I went to bed. The next morning after breakfast I told my mom that I was going to the hospital because I hadn't visited this past week. So I wanted to make up for it; my mom was fine with that but she just told me not to come home late again. I decided to bring a couple of my favorite books to read to Sunny. Once I greeted the nurses I headed to her room. She was sleeping as always. Taking out my book to read I selected a love story. Ten minutes into the story I heard movement and when I looked up Sunny, eyes were open. She had the most beautiful eyes, blue and green. I've never seen a wolf that had eyes like that. I was so focused on her eyes that I almost forgot to alert the nurse that Sunny, was awake.
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