
1144 Words
It’s early in the morning, the sun barely shining through my window. I roll over onto my back and stare at the ceiling, the fan rumbling softly as the cold air hits my face. My father said I need to start training today, so I can be prepared for my shift in three days. While I feel like three days isn’t enough, I don’t really have a choice. I can’t change the day I shift, which is my eighteenth birthday. I sigh softly, I don’t know what to think. I have a mate that I barely know. I’ve never had a boyfriend, so I don’t know what he expects of me. I don’t know how this shift is going to go, other than the fact that my father said the first time is painful because all my bones will break and rearrange. There’s a knock at my bedroom door, and my father walks in. He looks at me and frowns because I was supposed to be up and ready by now. “You have to get ready, you know?” He tells me. “I’ll be out in a minute,” I replied. He nods, and leaves the room. I almost expected him to flip out on me and go ballistic. That’s what Henry would have done, but I need to remind myself that Erebus is not Henry. I get up and go into my closet, I grab a pair of gray leggings and a white sports bra. Then, I tie my hair up into a bun and leave my room. My father is outside the door waiting for me. “Adrian will be assisting you today,” my father says, “and I will be instructing you.” “I’m sorry, but why is Adrian going to be training me?” I asked, a bit skeptical. I know he is the Alpha and all, but how is he supposed to train me; a Lycan? “Adrian, while he is the Alpha of the werewolf pack, he is my top warrior too,” my father explains. “I also trained him myself. But, because he is your mate, he needs to be close to you in order to stay strong and focused.” “Focused on what?” I asked, “Won’t I be a distraction?” My father laughs, “While you would think so, no he won’t be distracted.” I huff, I don’t like the idea of Adrian training me. As we walked towards the training grounds, I noticed how my father didn’t answer my question. I shake my head, it doesn’t matter. I look at the props that are set up on the field. There were four dummies, a punching bag, and a bunch of weights. I have never worked out before, so I’m assuming this will be hard. Adrian was standing in the center of the field waiting for us. He was staring at me in a way I’m not used to, almost like he was checking me out. I noticed he licked his lips; he was definitely checking me out. I flushed red with embarrassment. My father growls at Adrian, and Adrian stands straight at attention. “We are going to start with the punching bag,” my father says, as he hands me gauze to wrap around my knuckles. “Feet shoulder length apart, keep your fists up by your face. Get into the habit of blocking. Adrian, stand behind the punching bag and keep it steady.” “I doubt she’ll even be able to nudge it,” Adrian says, laughing. His words stung, and my father growled a warning. Adrian’s smug look dissipates into a straight face. He was so nice yesterday and today he’s being an asshole. I don’t get it. I stood in front of the punching bag following my father’s instructions. I look at him and he nods his head. I turned back to the punching bag and threw my first punch. The punching bag swings violently, knocking Adrian down. I step back in shock, there is no way I just did that. I looked over at my father and his eyes were wide too. He wasn’t expecting that either. Adrian gets up, wipes himself off, and steadies the bag. He looked over to my father, waiting for further instructions. My father shakes his head and looks at me. He motions me over to a clear area where the one on one training is held. Hold on, does he want me to fight him? I walk over to the area hesitantly; he puts his fists up and I do the same. He throws a punch and I block it, his fist connecting with my forearm with a sting. He is blocking his face, so I aim for his stomach. He grabs my arm, flipping me over and my back hitting the ground. I groan from the impact. He offers me his hand and I grab it, but instead of helping me up he puts me in a choke hold. “Lesson one, never look where you are going to aim, you’ll give yourself away. Lesson two: never trust your opponent, they won’t think twice about killing you.” He lets go, and I suck in air. “Adrian, set up heavier weights for her.” My father orders. All day, from sunrise to sundown, I trained. Lesson after lesson, I was getting a little better. By the end of the day, I was able to take Adrian down and pin him. He seemed a little too happy about it. My mother steps out onto the castle balcony that faces the training field and tells us to come in and eat. We all oblige gratefully. As we sat around the table, I noticed my mother never ate, but she had a glass filled with red wine. Most likely laced with blood. The table was filled like a feast was about to happen for the entire village, but it was only the four of us. Chicken, turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, corn, bowls of fruit, bowls of vegetables, and baked bread. I dug in; I was starving from not eating all day. My mother explained that the leftovers would be sent to the servant’s homes for their families. After dinner, I went up to my room to take a shower. I laid out a tank and a pair of soft shorts. Then, I go into my bathroom and turn on the shower to scalding hot, just the way I like it. I let the water wash over me, I thought about training today and Adrian’s change of attitude. I just don’t get it. I shook my head and finished my shower, then dried off and got dressed. Exhaustion comes over me and I lie down. I fall asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.
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