A Thousand Versus A Hundred of Five

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Holder’s fist were numbing. He wasn’t sure what is happening to his self, but his rage has managed to give him courage to turn his back towards the Sankt Vessel users, and then walk away. He felt extremely embarrassed from Lalaine’s discriminative words. But then again, he found out that she is right—that he is doing nothing but to whine and be disappointed with everything. He then wondered if he would give the war a chance. He is not in a good mood to witness a war with his own eyes. Besides, he already admitted that he is afraid of it. He was fearful of the war. “Krrr?” Holder heard Jiji. He forgot that his Sankt Vessel turned back being a Katana, in preparation to the war. He has been holding the sword for a long time that he almost forgot he was holding it, along with the thrown clothes by Duthor towards him. “What is it, Jiji?” He asked “Prrr,” said Jiji. “I don’t know if I can go back to the headquarters. I think I need time to breathe from them. Especially to Lalaine. She seemed hating me, and has no plan to stop hating me.” “KRRRR?” “The war? I don’t know. I am not in good mood.” “KRRR!” “Yeah, I should probably go. But you see, I am not in good terms to them. Maybe next time.” They were walking in the alley of the palace as they took their conversations. And then, suddenly, the door from one of the room opened. It revealed Balel. He was holding his head as he close the door of where he had gone from. It was the infirmary. He seemed dizzied. “Balel,” called Holder. Balel jumped in shock, but looked towards his direction. “Holder!” “You now alright? Sorry about our fight,” Holder said. “It’s alright man. I know that would happen. You’re stronger than me in the first place.” “Hey, that should not be true.” “That is true, whether you like it or not,” Balel laughed. “Hey, You goin’ to the war? You should not. You need to rest first.” “Ah, I am fine, Holder. I need to go there, as an A-class soldier.” “But you’re still weak,” said Holder. “I am just weaker compared to you, Holder. That I know. But I am not necessarily weak. I can kill three thousand armies in one s***h of sword,” he boasted. “That’s impossible. But perhaps, I could join you in the war?” Holder asked. “But the elite group of Sankt Vessel users had a different assigned place in the war.” “I am not in good terms towards them,” he spilled. “Why? What happened wrong?” “Nothing. But I think I need to go to the battle. I need to get more experiences as much as possible. So I would join the guards instead.” “You know, you are one whiny soldier,” said Balel, and then laughed. “That I was told of,” said Holder. He too laughed. “Well then, change your clothes. Wear that uniform. After all, soldiers are welcoming.” *** They were standing on the wall. At the top of it. Holder was standing beside Balel. Beside Balel is General Balfor. High-classed knights were standing on the other side of Holder. They were a group. And next towards the Knights, standing firm and with extreme presence, is the Sankt Vessel users. Behind them are the lower-ranked Soldiers. All of them, they were staring at the colony of silver-colored armors marching towards the Central Palace. An estimation of a thousand armies. “That’s quite a lot to deploy for a small scale war,” whispered Balel. “Why? Are they big Kingdom?” asked Holder. “Guion is a big kingdom considering the space that they have been ruling. But they are weaker when in terms of trades and business, weaponries, majic system and even political system. Perhaps, most of those armies are forcefully recruited from their population.” “They were untrained,” said General Balfor. “Most of them were just grabbed from some random members of families, and then placed there as a decoration. So that there would have totals of thousands of armies.” “I would be guilty if I killed someone who doesn’t want to fight for the Kingdom.” “That is least to worry, Holder. The Guion is an oppressive kingdom. The people there are poor and has not enough food to eat. It is a kingdom of slums. Only the palace has this wonderful and rich place towards the whole Kingdom. They have probably plundered every wealth of that nation. That is why, those people, even untrained, would do everything—kill or join this war—to get a high reward from the palace. And I am pretty sure that it was what was promised towards them,” said Balel. “I see.” Holder nodded, and then assessed everything. “When are we planning to attack them, General?” “The King said he would like to mock the Kingdom of Guion with our power. I have to follow that request.” “Huh?” “In a war, usually, there were no negotiation that would occur. Attack and attack, no conversation to ask for. The rule of the soldiers of the Agnosbadtt is that if there are spotted enemies, kill them as soon as possible. But for this war, the King asked for a something new.” “What is it, General?” asked Holder. Even Balel was curious. “Mock them. We would meet them head on. We would talk to them. We would let them feel that they are inferior to our power. Until they pee on their armors, and run. Besides, we need to find something from them. An information.” “I see.” Again, Holder nodded. The thousand numbered soldiers marching towards them is still hills away of the Central Palace. But they can see them because of the high wall built in which serves as a watch tower of the Kingdom as well. Now, the General said to one of the lower-ranked officials standing behind them: “Release my order: Let the Soldiers march towards the enemy!” The man saluted, turned his back, and then shouted: “Let the soldiers march towards the enemy!” From a distant part of the wall, another voice appeared. “Let the soldiers march towards the enemy!” “Let the soldiers march towards the enemy!” another repeated. The wall where they were standing started to tremble. Holder realized it was because a huge gate below them was opening. And the guards started to march towards the direction where the soldiers of Guion is coming. “How many soldiers did you release, General?” “Half of what they got.” Holder’s eyes grew shock. Balel however, smiled. “Only five hundred? But they have a thousand soldiers!” General Balfor laughed. “A five hundred well-trained soldier is equivalent to twenty-thousand, Holder,” he said, a smirk painted on his lips. 
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