Chapter 4

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Elizabeth’s POV School ended, and we three were off getting ready for our night out. Jeremy and Amy both waited for me downstairs; it was already just past 5 p.m. and it would be dark soon. Not that we were worried or anything; we were werewolves after all and could see as clearly in the dark as if it were daylight. I was essentially ready and set to go when an omega came and called me. The Alpha wanted to see me a moment before I left. First, I wanted to refuse, worried that Alexander was in his office or something. But when I reached his office, there was no hint that he was there. I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I had already played enough hide and seek for the day at school, and I seriously wasn’t in the mood to be caught now. When I reached the pack house after school, I slipped through my window, making sure I didn’t leave a trail of my scent inside the pack house. I knocked on the door and immediately received my answer to enter. Alpha Jackson was sitting behind his Bubingawood desk. The wood patterns always caught my attention. “You called, Alpha?” I asked in my sweetest voice. I tried not to be rude and prolong my stay here. I had friends waiting, and I seriously had to get out of the packhouse any minute now. I was nervous about being caught. He gave me a look over his glasses; his brown eyes were a bit sad, and his smile didn’t reach his eyes. He knew me very well, and he could tell that I was nervous for some reason. “We need to talk, Elizabeth.” I could see that this was serious, and he was unsure how to come to his point. He pulled his long fingers through his gray hair. “What is it about Alpha?” I remember that in the last few days, I never ended up in his office, so I had no idea what it was about. Alpha Jackson was never an “around the bush” sort of guy; he just went straight for the kill and hit you with facts. This, however, was a bit out of character. “You better sit down.” I took my spot on the expensive black leather chair opposite him and made myself comfortable. He was hesitant to start. I knew this because I basically lived in this office; it was worse than the principal offices, so I knew Alpha Jackson quite well. Just between you and me, the principal sent me directly to the Alpha’s office to sort me out. Uhm, my so-called aura was a bit intimidating for them to handle. “What is it, Alpha? Is it Xavier?” I got anxious. I loved my d*ckhead of a brother, but losing him would mainly drive me insane. “No. No, dear child, I promise, it’s not that.” I gave him a calculated look, checking if he was lying. When I could not find any signs, I shook my head at him. “Then why am I here?” There was a bit of sharpness in my voice. He turned, unlocked one of his side drawers on his desk, and took out an envelope. He walked around the table and handed it to me. I could see that the paper on the envelope had started to turn yellow with age. He leaned back against his desk, taking a sitting position on top of it. “What is this?” It came out in barely a whisper. “Answers to your questions,” he crossed his arms, “open the envelope so that I can explain.” I did as he demanded. Inside were three old photographs of an unknown happy couple. The woman stood proud and had the purest white hair I have seen. Her icy blue eyes stood out from her light porcelain skin. She was beautiful. The man with her was the opposite, with pitch-black curly hair and silver eyes; he was huge and overpowered her small frame, his skin a golden brown in contrast to her white one. The woman held a child in her arms, not older than a year, I guessed, and had the same silver eyes as the man. The family looked happy and proud. I turned the photo over and found a note and date written on the back. “Elizabeth 1 year”. The second and third were similar, with the same note but different year dates. “Is this my family?” My voice quivered; tears had formed in my eyes and begged to be released. “Yes, they are,” he answered honestly. But before he could continue, I burst out in anger, interrupting him. “Why now?” I was hurt that all this was kept from me for so long. “Read the letter.” He got up and walked back to the same drawer, took out another envelope from his desk, and handed it to me. I had already opened the first letter that was sealed, unfolding the pages that were brittle under my fingers. My dearly beloved Elizabeth, If you are reading this, you have just turned the legal werewolf age of seventeen and have most probably already met your wolf, Kona. I know you are looking for answers and have probably been in the library doing research. You will find minimal information about our history. I can promise you that you will have all the information in the books in your own personal library when the time comes. We have already seen glimpses of the future, and it brings me great joy to know that you have grown into an extraordinary woman. A strong, feisty, beautiful woman inside and out. And we are extremely proud of you for the woman you have become. We are dearly remorseful that we had to leave you at such a tender young age, my daughter, but we didn’t have any other choice in the matter. We, your father and I, have taken great care in keeping you safe and hiding you from the outside world as long as we could. We have taken extreme precautions in choosing your godfather, one that would train you into an exceptional warrior, push you to your limits, discipline you for your wrongdoings, teach you the difference between good and evil, right and wrong, and still love you as his own. He will be hard on you, and I expect nothing less, and he will not spoil you, but make sure you have the basics that you need so that you can learn how to work to the minimum and improvise. You have done long hours of labor, but if you look back on it, you will also understand that those hours that you have been given not only cleansed your mind but also made your body stronger and kept you out of mischief. Yes, we know of all the mischief that you have gotten yourself into, and just as much as it entertained us, it made us believe that you still had a good heart. You have an extremely colorful personality, and it was hard to just place you with someone who could handle your stubbornness and strong will, train you, and love you without you knowing or anyone finding you. Thus, the reason you have been sent to our dearest friend, Alpha Jackson Wolfgang, the Beta of our Royal Court, is that we have entrusted him with your life. Now you need to trust him as well. He received a similar letter on the day of your arrival. Your brother, Xavier, is not your biological brother; he is your personal guard. Don’t be angry at him for lying to you; he just recently found out that he will be the future Queen Luna’s private guard. Alpha Jackson has put him through extreme training to get him ready to be by your side again. Believe me, he loves you just as much as the day he became your brother. Never doubt his love for you. He doesn’t know that it is you who he will serve. And you will not be telling him until the precise time has come. Nana, your grandmother, we are remorseful for the loss you have accounted for. She was Xavier’s grandmother, and I know she loved you just as much as she has loved Xavier, maybe even more. Don’t feel sad that she has been taken from you; she was brave in protecting you both. She had fulfilled her destiny by bringing both of you to Alpha Jackson alive, and she knew the dangers of doing so. I know you have been on a difficult road with your mate; he will come around. But there will be a time fissure and more heartbreak. Trust me; it is necessary for him and you. Do not accept his rejection. You are the strongest person I know. Keep the faith. All will work out as it must. You need him to complete your destiny; you both need to be hand in hand to take on the evil forces. He will love you, and he will be your king. Do not give up on him; even if you hate him for all the hurt, your love will be greater than the sorrow he will provide you with now. Trust me, the Moon Goddess has provided you with the best, but stubborn, mate. When the time comes, forgive him and move on. Your strength will be with one another. Don’t lose sight of all the wrongdoing he is doing to you. Don’t lose faith due to all the pain he is causing you, and never close your heart to him. He is your life's resource. I need you to trust and believe me when I say this: you two, you and Kona, are fated to be together forever. She is just as much a part of you as you are of her. She will lead you to greatness. Trust her with your life; even when she annoys you to death, she knows what she is doing. Her love for you and her fated mate, Kevin, is stronger than anything else. She is bestowed with the power of moonlight; you, my sweet girl, were born under a rare blood moon, which makes you extremely powerful. You will unlock powers as the time comes, and you will find out things for yourself you didn’t know you could do. You will be in situations that will test not only your strengths but also your stamina, courage, and powers. Look after one another and trust in one another; you will need it to end the Great War between our species. Please, I beg you not to attempt to seek us out. Do not waste any energy on something that will get you killed. Do not attempt to find out the truth about our disappearance or where we are. You will find us someday, and we will be a family again. That is what I promise you, my sweetheart. My lovely daughter, I am truly proud of you and will never doubt that you have always been loved. I have tears streaming down my face as I write this letter to you. My heart aches to think of letting you go. I miss you already. And we love you more than anything in the world. All our love, Your Mother, Queen Luna Rosaline Wintermoon PS. Inside the envelope is a family pendant of a crescent moon; always carry it with you. Tears were freely flowing down my cheeks. I had no words as I opened the second letter, addressed to Alpha Jackson. It was short, but straight to the point. I guess my father was a man of few words. To my noble friend and Beta, Jackson Wolfgang, I am rightly remorseful for this short announcement, but we have limited time. I am sending you my beloved daughter and her young protector. Train them well. You know what to do. Yours faithfully King Alpha, Daniel Wintermoon Alpha Jackson sat at the edge of the table, watching me as I finished reading, his brown eyes not leaving my face for a second. I felt embarrassed that my tears flooded like a waterfall over my face, dripping on the old paper and leaving drops of tears on the old writing, smudging the ink. “Alpha?” My voice cracked. He shook his head. “All this was planned to the finest detail.” He cleared his throat and said, “Your mother is descended from the Moon Goddess, and she can speak to her directly. You should be able to as well. The images your mother talks about are glimpses of the future. And believe me, she could see it. She knew the outcome of everything you did, even when I had to punish you for being such a pain in the ass sometimes. She trusted me to provide for you without making you a spoiled little brat.” He shook his head as if he tried to think if he was maybe too strict with me, and then released a small smile. “Your father came and asked me personally to be your godfather on the day you were born. Ironically, I was there in the waiting room with him when you were born.” “Why did they have to hide me? Why not take me with them?” “At first they did try to do so, but your personality gave you away. You didn’t bow down to anyone, and you refused to listen to any Alpha command, and not even your own father’s commands could get you to listen and obey, and he is the King of the werewolves.” He let out a chuckle, and his eyes sparkled with amusement. “They couldn’t control your outburst of strength, and it made it more dangerous for you to be around them.” He got up, poured himself a glass of whisky, and took a big gulp of the golden liquid in the glass. “They knew it would be difficult to control you, and they didn’t want you to be controlled. With that said, they led the danger away from you, trying to hide you from what would come.” “Who is looking for me and why?” I never once thought I was in danger. “You were created from the Moon Goddess's essences, making you a direct descendant of the Goddess and essentially her daughter.” I was confused, not understanding what he was telling me, so he continued. “Your father is the one who provided you with the life essentials. Your mother carried and gave birth to you, but the goddess herself had blessed you with her moonlight powers. The Goddess made you one of the most powerful and dangerous beings that are now walking the earth. You are wanted by many creatures to be controlled and used for their own gain.” “I am just a girl, Alpha,” he interrupted me. "Yes, you are, but soon you will find your full potential,” he said, gulping the rest of the whisky down and placing the glass on the table. “There is a prophecy that states that the strongest and most powerful wolf will be born under the blood moon and will be bestowed with a wolf given the power of the moonlight, which will bring peace between all werewolf species and mythical creatures. We are at war as we speak. Rogue attacks have increased over the last few years, and they are getting out of hand. We had to start to prepare you for what will come next.” “Do you know who my mate is?” It was a random question, but I wanted to know if he knew. “Not at all? Why would you ask?” he was curious. “If I tell you, you need to promise that you will not interfere or even say a word to anyone in regards to this.” He gave me a nod of his head and said, “I give you my word.” My mother did state that I could trust him, so to hell with it. Here we go. “It’s your so bellowed son,” venom was evident in my voice. He was shocked at my outburst. “What did he do?” he asked carefully. “He has rejected me six times already,” I answered, and his eyes widened at my outburst. “He did what?” Alpha Jackson roared out of anger and frustration. I never saw Alpha Jackson so angry; he had turned red in his face and was fiddling with the collar of his shirt. “Kona had a twisted time,” I started to explain. Alpha Jackson had his hands in his gray hair now. If he pulled any harder, he would pull some out, “and she had me captured in time trying to get him to not reject me for the last seven days.” “I am sorry, Elizabeth; I really didn’t know. If I knew what he was up to, I would have told him the consequences of his actions.” “I know, but you promised that you would not interfere. I need to do this on my own. From there, I will decide what I need to do.” He just nodded at me and smiled. “You are sure a strong woman, Elizabeth... You are stronger than you think.” ****
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