Going home with him

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(Julia) “If you don't mind me asking, what's a young lady like you doing in a bar like this?” I raised my eyebrow at him. His tone was firm, as if he were someone who liked control. It made him seem even hotter. “My best friend Helene dragged me out of bed after something happened to me.” I replied, I didn't feel like getting into details about what took place. It would just be a waste of time. “Sorry to hear that.” He placed his hand on mine, and I didn't pull away from him. Tingles shot through my body, almost making me moan. He smirked at me and removed his hand before I could say anything. “Let's get to know each other a bit, okay?” He suggested, I nodded my head and smiled at him. “So, Julia, how old are you really? I can sense that you're not really twenty-one.” Was it that obvious? Helene and I hadn't gotten caught. We showed them our fake IDs and got our alcohol. So, why was he so good at this? “I can't tell you that.” I replied, making him laugh. “That's fine with me, I should know because I have a son. If I'm correct, then he's around your age.” I rolled my eyes, which made him laugh. I didn't want to discuss my age with him since anyone could hear, and I would probably get in a lot of trouble. “How old are you?” I asked, turning this around on him. He chuckled when he realized what I was doing. “I'm thirty six years old, is that okay?” I nodded my head, letting him know that his age didn't bother me. “What else should we talked about?” he asked, smirking as he took a sip of his drink. He's probably enjoying the way I was eye f*****g him. I wasn't even going to hide it. “I know. I can tell that you're a werewolf.” I was about to deny it, but he stopped me. “Don't worry, you don't have any scent or anything like that. I'm assuming you hid your scent right? Just like Michael and I did.” I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that he was also a werewolf and nodded my head. “How did you know that I'm a werewolf, if you couldn't pick up on my scent?” I asked, he then grinned at me. “I can't tell you my secret.” That made me laugh. “Hiding something are you?” I asked, he shrugged his shoulders, not bothering to answer my question. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We spent the rest of the night talking and laughing, and somehow, I found myself going home with him. I didn't even remember how it came to this. One minute we were talking and the next he was taking me to his car. I chewed my lips as I wondered if I'm really doing this. It wasn't a sensible move on my part. He could be a killer or a r****t. But, somehow, I trust him. I wasn't sure why, but I felt safe with him. Lilly also wanted me to go. After talking to Helene, she asked me over and over if I was sure. I told her yes, and she told me to be safe. Now here I am, in his car heading to goddess knows where. At first, I wanted to get back at Wray because of what he did. I was going to use Logan to get my mind off the breakup. I really wasn't sure if I should be doing this or not. I sighed, and I shook my leg, a nervous habit I had picked up for a while now. Glancing at Logan, I was once again reminded of how gorgeous he is. He might be heading on to forty of something, but he still looked good for an older guy. I didn't know that I would have liked someone this older than me, but it seems as if I did. No, I wasn't drunk. I was far from it. But, I was also second-guessing myself, which was a bit too late. He suddenly placed his hand on my leg as if trying to comfort me. A shriek escaped my lips, which had him pulling back his hand as quickly as he could. He groaned and pulled the car off to the side of the road. After he parked, he turned to me with a serious expression on his face. “Look, I am not going to hurt you. We both want this, but if you want to change your mind, I could just drop you off at your house. No hard feelings.” He smiled to show me that he meant it, I was acting so much like a coward. “I-Im fine, I'm just nervous. I have never gone out with a stranger before.” He nodded his head in understanding. “I get you. Are you sure you want to go to this? We can just take it slow if that makes you more comfortable.” I thought about it and shook my head. This was something that I needed to do. If he knew that I was somewhat using him, would he hate me? “I'll be fine, I want this.” I replied, feeling a lot more confident now that we had spoken. He looked at me once more to make sure that I was serious and started the car. This is it. There was no turning back from this. I was going to have s*x with a stranger. It was exciting. It gave me a bit of a thrill, knowing that I had no idea who he was. I felt like I was breaking all the rules, which was precisely what I was doing. Half an hour later, we arrived at a mansion. My eyes became wide when I tried to take in the view of the large house. “I didn't know that you're rich.” I said, still amazed by what I was seeing. “Yeah, Michael and I started our company while I was searching for my mate. I got bored and said f**k it, but it's the best thing that I could have come up with. Already making millions, so I'm not disappointed.” That's nice, I think. But not the mate part, I didn't know how I felt about him wanting his mate but choosing to have s*x with me instead. How often had he done this? I shook my head, trying to clear the fog that was slowly making its presence known. Tonight was my night, I was going to make the most of it. I'm going to enjoy myself, my birthday might have sucked, but at least I was getting something out of it. “So, what kind of job do you have?” I asked, he drove up to a garage and parked the car. I stepped out and wait for his reply. It seems as if he was taking his time in answering me. I wasn't sure if he was hiding anything, which would have been creepy as hell. “If I tell you, do you promise not to freak out?” He asked, I nodded my head, and he took a deep breath before replying. “I own a b**m club.”
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