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June said he'd send everything I need to know about Agent 001 the second I arrive at my destination.  It's Monday. The air is cool and the sun's just about ready to rise.  A private jet awaits in the middle of the airfield. From a far, I shape out a familiar figure watching me from the plane. There's a helicopter somewhere behind me. So when it begins to take off, I can barely keep my hair from turning into a wild nest.  Agent 007 leans beside the entrance of the plane with a knowing smile, wearing a delux Tuot Ensemble and sporting one of his Gucci shades that reflects the sun. He welcomes me like a gentleman to which I try to ignore oh so hard.  What time is it? Four in the morning. I'm still sleepy as heck.  "Well, isn't this exciting." He purrs in a playful manner. "You're finally meeting Agent 001. What's the feeling like?" It's either excitement or nervousness. Or none of the above. Truthfully speaking, I'm trying keep in mind that this is just another mission that's a lot more easier than what I'm already already used to.  He paves the way and leads me to a seat next to the window. The jet's mildly full as some agents on a mission are ready to be dropped off to their perspective places.  As I settle down, Tyler makes himself comfortable with the seat across my own. I haven't said a word yet, merely humming and nodding to whatever was spoken. Nothing new.  Aside from Axeyl, Tyler knows how much of a silent person I can be. I prefer others doing the talking.  But even if we're very different from in term of personality, even if sometimes find him so annoying, I'd prefer Agent 007's presence than anyone else.  And he knows that. We practically grew up together within the agency. "Here." I raise a brow when I see Agent 007 sliding a file across the table. His expression remains indifferent, still grinning.  "June said to give this to you later, but where's the fun when I can't see your reaction hmm? So here. Everything you need to know about Agent 001. Albeit you'll be surprised to find out who he is." Instantly, curiosity perks within my veins. I reach my hand forward and gras the black file, opening it.  Written in perfect neat ink is Agent's 001 history. Where he used to live, were he currently lives, hobby, likes, dislikes and etc. In all my years of being an agent, I knew better than to skip any detail of my client.  Every information is dire in helping me complete the mission.  "No picture?" I incline the missing piece, close the file and secure it inside my backpack. With crossed arms, Agent 007 leans back and stretches his feet.  "June's gonna send it later on. I was told to just hand that thing to you." He replies, indicating the file. The company's foundation revolves around eight important individuals. Part of which were given the responsibilities of handling different departments. Yes, the agency had done a great job over the past generations, but let's just say, had it not been for these boys, it wouldn't have reached it's current level of greatness.  First we have, June Travers. Before the prior head of KIA got shot to death, June was known as Agent 003.  As an agent, he had brains, could manipulate quickly than the speed of light, works his way around situations. He was almost considered top one out of thousands. But unfortunate for him, he couldn't make it. He had a flaw that prevented him from gaining that spot.  Agent 003 used his brains more than his body. But that was before. Because later on, he eventually was entrusted the most highest position ever. A decision that could never, in a million years, be a mistake.  A leader. Taking his spot after becoming leader is Giyoon Min, the current Agent 003. Every information needed and gathered have to pass through him before getting exposed to the team. He's mostly In-charge of hacking security systems and statistics when needed. Personality? Quiet, insomniac but at the same time, loves his sleep. Something psychologically unexplainable. When he isn't busy gathering data, or scolding one of his workers, he goes out into the world to complete missions as well.  Agent 003 works with stealth. He isn't of any difference with June when he used to work on the open field. Both agents used their heads, and that is something I'll forever admire about them.  The file Agent 007 gave me spoke nothing more than the lifestyle of Agent 001's double life as an agent. It reveals zero content about his identity other than what's written in that's piece of file.  It'll take about two hours or three before the plane arrives at its destination. So in the meantime, I decide to plug in my earphones and lean back to rest. ••• Axeyl whistles to the song of DNA as he makes his way to Elka's house with two big bags of groceries in each hand.  He wasn't joking when he said he felt guilty every time he'd have to leave her. Instead of fulfilling his promise looking out for her, he has no choice but to leave the city every now and then. Hopefully buying her a whole month worth of grocery can make it up his absence. Humming, he can already imagine the look on her face when she opens the door to see him standing there at three in the morning.  She'd still have her lights on anyway, so there really a problem to that. Today however, was different. As the cold wind blows, Axeyl notices something that causes his hair to stand.  Fishing out the extra key, he unlocks the door to find it completely dark. The line of his brows narrows down, before he releases a heavy sigh. Seems like his threats never really worked like it used to before.  "Late again." He mumbles to himself, kicking the door shut. As he enters, he flicks the light on with his elbow.b Axeyls familiarly strides straight to the kitchen to drop off the groceries and then leaves when he's done storing the stuffs in their perspective areas.  He'll be back in a couple of days. And when he does, he plans to have a serious talk with Elka regarding her late night walks.
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