must be lying in coffin

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Zaiden entered Emma’s office and paced to her desk. Emma got up awestruck seeing him and before she could say a word, he dropped on the chair opposite to her. “I have changed my mind. I will be taking Leo as my bodyguard,” he proclaimed straightforwardly. “Huh!” Nonchalantly, Emma sat back on her chair, asking, “But why?” “Burno has no passport and I need to go to Hawaii tomorrow. That is why I need to make the changes. I hope you have no problem with it,” he replied. Emma nodded without any words.  As Leo entered, Zaiden got on his feet, saying, “So, this is final. I am taking Leo and you are keeping Burno.” Then turning towards Burno, he said, “I hope you are okay with my decision.” “Not at all. It is my bad luck to not have the necessary documents, Mr. Zaiden. I respect your decision and am happy to work for Miss Emma,” he responded with a big smile on his face. “What... What is going on here? Why are we being traded like animals?” Leo asked abruptly. Everyone shifted their gaze at him. This made him nervous and hung his head low, stammering, “I... I didn’t want to offend anyone. I was just…” Zaiden took a step closer to him and in a deep tone announced, “you are going to be my bodyguard from now on.” “What?” He raised his head and glanced at him with his wide eyes. “I don’t like repeating words. I know you heard me. So follow me,” he responded and left. Leo glanced at Emma who looked away soon after their eyes met and then at Burno. “I… I am sorry, man,” he stammered. “Why are you being sorry, man? It’s alright. It is Mr. Zaiden’s decision and we cannot do anything about it,” he replied, with a smile still plastered on his face. Inhaling deeply, Leo left the room and headed towards Zaiden’s office. Anger was simmering inside him. The more he was trying to restrain more he was growing furious. “Why does he have to hold on to grudges? So many years have passed yet he is seeking revenge. I know very well he is not satisfied with Emma's bullying in place of him. That is why he is taking me as his bodyguard so that he can avenge. But I am not letting him do this anymore.” He entered the office in a rage. As he was about to speak out, Zaiden instructed, “Kai, clear all my schedule for today.” “But why? In a while, you need to leave for a meeting and you have some more events to join this evening,” Kai replied, flashing a perplexed expression. “Clear them all, I need to take some rest so that I can fly to Hawaii with a fresh mind tomorrow.” Kai nodded. Zaiden then turned to Leo instructing, “you can go and prepare for tomorrow.” “I am not going anywhere,” Leo replied in a cold tone. “What do you mean?” Kai questioned, moving his gaze at him. “I am quitting this job,” he announced, standing tall. “What?” Kai was shocked but for Zaiden he stood calm as if he heard nothing. Leo stepped closer to him and looking deep into his eyes said, “you are doing this just to avenge, right? Fine, then I am not ready for that. For now, I am not as capable as you are. So you need to wait some years so that I can come to your level and we can tackle each other. Come on man, what fun is there in bullying your inferior?" "You were an expert on it. I think you have the answer to it," Zaiden replied. "I..." Leo paused and sighed heavily, then he stated, "It is not a good thing to bully weak people.” Zaiden’s lips twitched to the corner revealing the devilish smile. “Finally you have turned wise and know that it is not good to bully the weak.” “But you have turned arrogant and want everyone to dance in your fingers. But let me tell you, I am not among those people. I am quitting this job and you cannot stop me. Find someone else to satisfy your heart for now.” Kai pulled him aside and shouted, “are you out of your mind? Do you have any idea what you are talking about?” “I am sorry, Mr. Kai for disappointing you. But I cannot do this anymore. I am leaving.” He turned around and paced towards the door. As he pulled the door, Zaiden suddenly said, “we will leave sharp at ten tomorrow morning. Don’t forget to carry your passport.” “I am not going anywhere. I told you I am quitting this job, goodbye,” Leo retorted and stepping out slammed the door behind him. Kai glanced at the door and then at Zaiden who calmly dropped on the couch. “Should I get you another bodyguard?” he questioned. “No need.” He grabbed the magazine. “Don’t worry he will join us.” Kai scratched the corner of his forehead. “Are you sure?” Zaiden stayed quiet, turning deaf to his words, and started to flip the pages. Kai inhaled deeply and fetched his cell phone to clear his schedule. ~~~~ “What does he think of himself? Am I his slave or what?” Leo dropped on the couch, rumbling thinking about Zaiden. Cupping his head on his hands he was calming himself down when suddenly his cell phone rang. He reached out for his cell phone in his pants pocket and without a sparing single glance on the screen tossed it on the table. He had no intention of attending the call. When it kept on ringing he glanced at the number. Seeing the caller ID he rubbed his forehead before picking it up. “Hey! Leo, are you still alive?” Oscar, his best friend, questioned from the other side of the phone. “Just got back from the hell,” he replied and hung up. In a second of tossing the phone aside, it began to ring again. He tried to ignore its first few rings but when it kept on ringing, he grabbed it and pressed it against his ear, then walked to the window. “Are you having a lady's problem or what? Why are you in a bad temper today?” Oscar inquired. “I am hanging up if you are calling to talk nonsense,” Leo fussed. “Fine fine, I am sorry. I just called you to ask if you are free this evening.” “Why?” “To meet up and have some fun. It’s been a long time since we have not gone out. Also now you have got the job, so why not have some fun?” Gritting his teeth, Leo retorted, “Here I am turning into broke and there you are talking about having fun.” “What? Didn’t you say that you got the job of bodyguard?” Oscar was astounded. “I had to quit due to an evil boss,” he replied. “Who?” “Zaiden West?” “Woah! The superstar? Is he really that evil?” Oscar wondered. “You better not ask how much he bullied me.”  “What? Why did he bully his own bodyguard?” “Because he…” Leo paused and pinched the bridge of his nose. Deciding not to reveal Zaiden's identity, he diverted the topic, “just forget it. Anyway, text me the address.” “You are coming? I thought…” “Of course I am coming.” Leo interrupted and added, “But the bill is on you.” Then without letting him speak anything in his defense, he hung up the call. Soon after Leo got to the entrance, loud music was drifting around the environment. As he entered the pub, it was bustling with crowds. People were dancing, drinking and having fun in the nightlife of the city. Roaming around for a while, Leo finally discovered Oscar sitting at the bar and waving his hand at him. He wasted no second and made his way towards him. “Hey! Man,” Oscar extended his hand and as Leo shook his hand they hit their shoulder against each other as a part of greeting. Settling down, Oscar said out with curiosity, “So tell me about the job you quitted on your first day.” “First beer and then talking,” Leo declared. “Are you sure you will be able to speak after drinking?” “Just one glass…” “Just another glass…” “Just another glass...” Leo kept on drinking glass after glass totally ignoring Oscar. When he was drunk, he started to doze. Oscar had no other option rather than to sip his drink and stare at him. A sudden ring on his cell phone flinched Leo. He reached out for his phone in his pocket and without glancing at the number answered it. “Did you prepare for tomorrow?” Zaiden inquired. "Sorry, wrong number," Leo said in a drunken voice. "Leo?"  “Leo? Ahh! That Leo you are talking about? He is dead now. Probably must be lying on the coffin. Did he owe you anything? If yes, then nothing can be done. He is already dead.” “You are drunk?” he questioned. “Who is drunk? I don’t know what you are talking about.” “LEO!” putting stress on his name, Zadien grumbled.  “I told you Leo is already dead…” “Where are you I am coming to…” he didn’t get a chance to speak as he heard another voice. “Ahh! Leo, stop it. I really don’t know what gets inside you when you're drunk. You always forget who you are. Give me that phone.” “Who is he with? What is he doing?” Zaiden felt chills running down his spine.  Snatching the phone from his hand, Oscar answered it, “Hello! This is his best friend. If you have anything to say to him this is not the right time. I request you to call him tomorrow.” “Where are you, Oscar? Send me the address, I am coming to pick him up,” Zaiden said. “Ahh! There is no need. I can take him…” suddenly Oscar paused. “Wait a second, do I know you? How do you know my name?” “Just text me the address,” Zaiden decreed and disconnected the call.
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