In His Turf

1555 Words
“Why am I crying?” I asked, confused as well as I heard him laugh. And I can’t even seem to stop! Am I breaking down right now? Is this just a late reaction of my body to the kidnapping incident? “Why can’t I stop crying?!” I couldn’t help but cover my mouth when I sobbed even louder. I’m going crazy for sure! “Stop crying baby…” and here he is even laughing at me as he continues wiping my tears! How dare he laugh when I can’t even make myself stop? “I’m not a baby!” I exclaimed, slapping his hand on my cheeks. He continued laughing as he held my face again. “You’re such a crybaby,” and how dare he laugh when I don’t want him to? When I want him to speak, he almost can't do it, but here he is laughing at my situation?! This guy deserves a beating! Ugh! “Stop laughing at me, you i***t!” I covered his mouth with my hand because I was starting to get irritated already. He’s not laughing anymore, but I can feel that he’s still smiling because I can feel his lips moving! And his hot breath! Oh god! I immediately removed my hand because he was making me feel things…. Just things! “Okay, I’ll stop,” he exclaimed and instantly displayed a serious expression. Okay? I don’t know where he looked hotter, smiling or with that poker face of his! Ugh, I can’t even choose! And why am I even choosing? And why am I jumping from one thought to another? “But tell me why you’re crying,” he added, which made me crease my forehead. I didn’t even notice that I had already stopped crying and was just sniffing. My tears stopped because they were also annoyed with this creature in front of me! “I don’t know!” I exclaimed, annoyed still as I averted my eyes. I don’t want to look at him because I can feel my face flaring and I know damn well that I’m blushing. There’s no way I’d let him see that! “You don’t know?” Even when I’m not looking at him, I can hear that he’s smiling and he’s annoying me again! How dare he annoy me so many times a day? If we were in the capital, I’d already have his head! But that’s the thing, right Cami? You’re not on your turf instead, you’re on his. I can almost hear my subconscious telling me and raising her brow at me. Ugh! Even my subconscious is a b***h! “Yes, I don’t know! Why don’t you just f*****g cook so we can eat already! I’m starving,” I exclaimed, raising my voice because of embarrassment. I mean, how can I answer his question when I don’t even know why I’m crying? “Fine,” he said as he got back to the grill while I continued wiping the banana leaves. After several minutes, I licked my dry lips as I saw him put the grilled meat and potatoes in front of me. He walked past me, and I already knew that he had gone to the shed to get some water. And I’m right. He came back holding two bowls of water, the other he put on my left, while the other he used to wash my hands. He went to the shed again and I waited for him so we could eat together. Well, I’m definitely famished, but I still want to eat with him because he’s the one who made eating meat today possible. He went back not just with himself, but I saw him holding a knife and a lemon! Omg a lemon! He cut the lemon in half and squeezed it as the juice fell into the gorgeous meat we were about to eat. He then started cutting the meat into bite-sized pieces as well. “Eat,” he motioned me to eat, but he wasn’t done cutting the pork yet and I didn’t want to be rude. “I’ll wait for you to finish,” I exclaimed, smiling up at him. I almost froze when he smiled back. He has such a beautiful smile, and his teeth are pure white! How can they be that white when there’s no dentist here? “Why are your teeth so white?” I asked very curiously. Well, he wasn’t done cutting the meat and I needed some distraction to not grab a piece because I truly wanted us to eat together. “What?” he asked with a creased forehead. “I said, why are your teeth so white when there’s no dentist here? Are you deaf?” I couldn’t help but roll my eyes as he chuckled. Huh! He’s chuckling a lot already, huh? I must be really funny to him. Well, I’m not a funny person. I’m fun and all that, but never funny. I guess he was bored out of his life on this island because he finds everything I do funny, huh? Thinking about that, I can’t help but feel pity for him again. He wasn’t able to answer my question earlier about the one who banished him, but I guess it’s okay. And I don’t want to go back to that topic again because it just made me sad and furious at the same time. “Uhm…” he looked so confused which made me laugh again. Why does he look confused anyway? I was just asking about his teeth! “I have a toothbrush?” he answered, looking not sure, which made me burst out laughing! I don’t know! He just really looked funny when he’s confused like that. He always looks like he knows everything, so when he looks lost, I just find it comical. And God, it’s making me cringe, how I just literally felt angry a while ago, and then I was crying and now laughing?! If I were Trevor, I’d run for my life right now. “Tsk,” I heard him clicking his tongue as he finished cutting the pork. He sat in front of me, and he motioned for me to eat again, which I didn’t refuse anymore. I started eating and I couldn't help but close my eyes as I tasted the salty meat and the sour taste of the lemon clashed in my mouth. Oh god heaven! Food is heaven! “Good?” he asked while eating as well. I wasn’t able to speak because my mouth was literally full, so I just gave him a thumbs up. He smiled and continued eating as well. “Eat some potatoes, you need calories because you’re so light,” he exclaimed as he put the pieces of potatoes in front of me. I immediately ate some together with the meat and I don’t know when potatoes started being this delicious! Maybe I was so excited about the food I was eating that I couldn't help but choke. “Eat slowly,” he exclaimed as he took the bowl of water, put it in front of my mouth and helped me drink. “No one’s going to take the food from you.” “I know. It’s just really so delicious,” I couldn’t help but pout as I resumed eating. We finished the meal merely ten minutes later and I couldn’t seem to carry myself to wash my hands. “Oh god I’m so full I think I won’t need to eat for a week!” I exclaimed as I leaned on the back of the wooden chair. “Are you sure?” I saw him smirking while tidying up the table. “Kidding!” I laughed. I don’t want him to take it seriously because he might! He tidied the table up and was about to carry me again when I refused. “I must be as heavy as a pig right now,” I exclaimed while carresing my stomach. He didn’t need to say a word as he walked toward the shed and came back minutes later with another bowl in his hands. He helped me wash my hands as we sat under the shade of the tree. It’s windy, so even if the sun is up, it’s not that hot. “What do you want to eat for dinner?” he asked, which made me laugh. “We literally just finished eating and you’re already asking me that?” “You have a big appetite, " he answered, and I didn’t know if that was meant to offend me or what. Well, I would normally be offended, but I truly enjoyed all the meals we have had so far, so I just let his remark pass. “Maybe we could fish? I don’t want us to run out of meat.” “The other three jars are filled with meat, Camille Louella; we won’t run out of them.” “You’re the one who said it, Trevor Helios, I have a big appetite,” I exclaimed, which made us both smirk. “I could just hunt again if we ran out of meat.” “Well, yeah. But I miss the river already!” The scenery there is just so relaxing! “Fine.”
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