The Talk

2001 Words
“You shouldn’t come to that side of the stream.”   He suddenly spoke while putting bandages over my feet.   “Speaking of, I need to go back there because I haven’t finished what I’m doing,” I explained.   Immediately after I spoke, he looked at me with eyes full of regret and anger. What why? Or am I reading his expression wrong?   “You don’t have to do that,” he said.   “But--”   “You don’t have to do it Camille,” he cut me off. He has this ‘no more buts’ expression in his face and he looked like he’s not taking anymore bullshits from me.   “I just want to be useful….” I whispered, bowing my head.   “What?” which he apparently heard. I stayed quite afraid that I might say something wrong, and he’d be mad again. I noticed how he’s been avoiding me and through my efforts, I’m beginning to have decent conversations with him again. I don’t want to jeopardize that.   “Look at me,” I heard him speak before feeling his hand on my chin making me look at him. He made me face him, but I still averted my gaze. “Camille,” he put emphasis on his words. “Look at me.”   I don’t know how he does it but whenever he speaks, he just exudes this confidence and power that it would take forever to master the skill of saying no to whatever he wants you to do. I don’t think I have mastered the skill yet because with just his words, I was forced to look at him.   I love looking at Trevor. I mean anyone would love to see a man oozing charisma with the face of a Greek god, right? And Trevor is more than that. He just looks really sinful and so attractive that even if you know you’ll sin, you still won’t be able to stop yourself and be pulled into him. into his f*****g eyes.   But I only love looking at him when he's unaware. When he’s busy doing something, I have all the time in the world to stare at his magnificent physique and majestic face. That's because when he stares back, my knees can’t help but buckle, my heart can’t stop but jump out of my chest and my mind can’t help but be haywire and confused.   He has that strong effect on me. Or maybe to everyone because even if we were in the city right now and not on a secluded island, I would have noticed him if he walked in front of me. I would have started and promised myself that the day wouldn't pass without Camille Louella Herrera Montellano knowing the name of the stranger who looked like a supermodel.   He’s that kind of man. He has that kind of face that sometimes I’m even thankful that we are on this island because just imagining all the girls would give me anxiety disorders. He just looks…. Perfect… and ethereal. I have never seen a man like him.   And that’s big because I’ve seen countless attractive men. They’re swarming in the kind of circle where I’m in. I admit they also have the face and of course some also have the body which would make girls just want to lie in bed and be wrecked by them.   I’ve seen countless of those kinds of men. But Trevor? He’s just…. He’s just different. Or is that because of his mysterious effect? Or is it because he doesn’t talk a lot? And he knows how to give a side eye without looking like gay? I don’t really know. I can’t point it out.   Or maybe his eyes? Because those gorgeous light brown eyes that turn darker when hit by light are just a masterpiece. And his thin protruding lips which looked even redder than mine? I’m sure if given the chance, women would even pay just to kiss his lips. I’m sure they’d even kneel just to have a chance.   And I wanted to hit myself in the face because I’m thinking I’d do the same thing! Especially when I already tasted it. And it tasted like all the sweet fruits on this planet. It’s addicting and if I didn’t know better, I might even beg to taste it again.   Or is it his muscular body that can probably tossed me in the bead with no sweat? Trevor’s shirt was big when I wore them but to him? They fit perfectly, showing all the cuts in his muscular arm and stomach. I have seen how he’d take off his shirt whenever he chops wood.   I’d stare at him for so long imagining countless vivid sexy scenarios in my head and I wouldn’t notice that he’s staring at me already. I’ll blush and avert my eyes and he will continue what he’s doing like he’s not even bothered that he caught me staring.   Well, if you have that kind of body, you wouldn’t be ashamed or bothered too. I believe that I have a nice figure. I eat healthy foods and I do go to gym, but I prefer yoga. But that’s before all this ruckus happened. I feel like I’ve gained at least ten pounds because Trevor serves me foods like were in a f*****g Michelin star restaurant.   Or is that it? Is it because he knows how to cook, he knows how to chop wood and fetch me water? Is it because he knows how to take care of a woman? Because I bet my whole Chanel collection that those boys who have pretty faces in the city know nothing about survival living.   I’m sure because I also know nothing! We were showered with so much money that we didn’t even take seconds to learn anything that would possibly ruin our nail polish or our thousand-dollar sneakers. It’s how we were raised. It’s how we see the world.   And Trevor’s life is so different from the way I’ve lived. He was kidnapped and taken away from his family who’s possibly still hoping and looking for him right now. He didn’t experience birthday parties where you’d received countless of amazing gifts.   He didn’t experience how to live a normal life. His life was stolen from him. but even after all of that, he still has the heart to care for his family who he has been away with more than he’s with them. He still has the heart to care for the children who have the same faith as him.   He still has the heart and I envy him for that. And I’m so awed by him because of that. I admire him so much that I’m willing to go past the fact that he has murdered people who I believe don't even deserve to live in this world.   In a way, he was able to help to save a lot of people even if it meant sacrificing himself.   “You don’t have to do anything,” he exclaimed with those tantalizing eyes of his. It’s like even when he doesn’t open his mouth, he can communicate just by using his eyes. It’s like telling me that nothing ever matters but his eyes and the words he’s telling me.   “I’m sorry,” I exclaimed as I willed myself to stare at him. I wanted him to know that I’m sorry. I really am and that I’m willing to accept whatever he wants me to do.   “Why are you saying sorry?” he asked me with his confused expression – burning eyes and creased forehead.   I swallowed the lump in my throat as I begged my tears to not fall. I don’t want to cry now because I have so many things that I want to say to him. I have so many things to ask and I have so many things to explain. I cannot cry and give in to my emotions now.   “Hmm…...? why are you saying sorry?” he asked again while caressing my chin. I hate how easily my body responds to his touch. I close my eyes feeling the warmth of his rough hands. I love how rough and imperfect his hands are but he’s skin is smooth even with the hairs on his arms.   But I had to open my eyes again because I could feel him creating holes all over my face with his piercing stare. I tried opening my mouth to speak but I just found it hard as he stared at me with his burning eyes. But I willed myself because I don’t want to be confused anymore.   I don’t want to be in the dark anymore.   “I’m sorry because……” I sighed deeply. “I’m sorry because I know that I’ve been a burden to you for the longest time,” I held his hand so he could stop caressing my chin. I can’t concentrate!   “I know that all I’ve been giving you are headaches. All I’ve done while I’m staying here is to give you headaches,” I explained. He was just staring at me waiting for me to continue what I’m saying.   “I know that I’m a brat. And maybe that’s the reason why when I told you I liked you, you immediately rejected me and began avoiding me,” I saw him open his mouth when I stopped him. if he speaks now, I’d be distracted again, and I won’t be able to remember what I’m supposed to say.   “Shh….” I put my forefinger in his lips. “Please let me finish,” I exclaimed as I closed my eyes to stop the tears from falling.   “I know that I probably don’t even deserve an answer from you… but I’m not lying when I told you that I like you,” I finally said as my tears started falling down my cheeks. I immediately wiped them because I didn’t want him to think that I’m using my tears to get him to answer me back.   “I really, really like Trevor Helios Saavedra. And it’s okay if you don’t like me back now because I’ll try harder to make you see that I’m deserving. And if you won’t be able to see me forever, then I’m still thankful for all the memories we’ve shared on this island together.”   I sighed deeply as I finally finished what I wanted to say for a very long time. He was just staring at me, not saying anything. I waited but nothing came out of his mouth.   “I’ll just…. I’ll just go to the bathroom,” I exclaimed before standing up.             
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