The Falls 2

1572 Words
Oh, right. He's so big. I checked the shirt and it’s covering half my legs, so I guess that it’s already fine. I’d rather have this than wear wet pants! I opened the door and there I saw him standing. I left my wet pants in the bathroom as he helped me again. He was leading me towards the room again, but I halted. “I don’t want to stay inside.” He didn’t argue as he led me to, I think, the backdoor. We took so long because I was walking so slowly. “Why don’t you just carry me?” I raised my brow at him. He didn’t speak another word and just carried me bridal style. I’ll bet a thousand dollars that my panties are already showing, but who the f**k cares when we’re the only people here? “Where are we anyway?” I asked as he continued walking. His grips on my thighs and back are tight. Well, he should! If he dropped me, I'd kill him. “MonteAlba,” he answered shortly. “MonteAlba?” I asked, confused because I’m not familiar with the place. “Are we overseas?” I added. “No.” “Then where are we?” I started to get irritated because his answers were so short! “An island in the north.” “North? We’re near Babuyan?” I asked again, remembering my geography class in high school. “Farther.” “Well, we own islands in Babuyan,” I nonchalantly said. But of course, he didn’t answer again. To be fair, it's not even a question. But still! Why can’t he contribute to the conversation? He’s still walking while carrying me and I’m hearing water. And then I saw a river. He lowered me down to a big rock just near the river so that I could even dip my feet in the water. He picked up a fishing rod from the ground and then sat beside me and started fishing. “Oh wow, you have a fishing rod, but you don’t have freaking tissue paper?” “They just gave me what I need,” he answered without looking at me. He’s staring at the water like his life depends on catching the fishes. Well, I’d bet that he’d catch nothing because he’s scaring the fishes! “They?” I asked curiously. Who’s they? His family? I mean, why would I be here? He’s literally alone here. I was waiting for him to speak but I guess his speech disorder has kicked in again. “Did you hear what I just said?” I raised my brow at him. “Don’t ask,” he exclaimed, effectively dismissing me. Well, I guess it’s a sore topic? Okay fine! “Oh, by the way. What's your name?” “I told you last night.” “Really? I told you my name, but you didn’t tell me yours,” I insisted. “I already told you. Isn’t it rude to forget someone’s name that easily?” I almost smirked when he asked me a question. I mean he’s finally starting to participate in the conversation! “Do you even remember my name?” I asked curiously. If he doesn’t remember, I’ll literally throw a fit here! “Camille.” I can't help but smile and frown at the same time. I love my name and I love my parents for giving me a beautiful name, but how can it sound so much better when he said it? Ugh! “I’m Camille Louella,” I extended my arm towards him. “So, what’s your name?” I was bulging my eyes at him because my arm was starting to hurt as I continued extending it towards him. “Trevor,” he said, but did not take my hand. Hmp! “Just Trevor?” “Helios.” “Oh, you have a cool name! I like cool names, just like mine! Thank god I wasn’t given a common name because I’d literally freak out!” I exclaimed while playing with my feet in the water. The water is cold, but it feels good as it touches my skin. It felt relaxing. “Isn't Camille a common name?” “How dare you!” I couldn't help but raise my voice. “Camille is a French name which means noble! Which I am! I am noble,” I exclaimed. “It’s still very common.” “How can it be common for someone who literally lives alone on an island?!” I exclaimed, which I instantly regretted because I saw how his expression changed for a second. He immediately turned his poker face back and I wondered if I had just imagined the change in his expression. Okay, did I hit a nerve? I wasn’t able to speak, and he didn’t speak either, so we were once again filled with silence. I was wiggling my toes as I awkwardly stared at the clear waters. I think I hit a nerve and I think I should apologize, but it’s so hard! I swear I’ve only apologized to my parents and that’s not even a lot. I don’t know how! “Have you caught a fish yet? I’m hungry….” I almost hit myself because I sounded like I was pouting! Well, I’m really hungry but I just couldn’t take how my voice sounded when I said that to him. Ugh! I’m so girly, but I hate being girly to him. “Just wait a little more.” “Okay….” I continued to bow my head because I knew when I decided to look at him, I would have to apologize. And I don’t want to do that! That’s so embarrassing, especially for someone like me. For someone like Camille Louella Herrera Montellano. “I’m thirsty.” “You never run out of things to complain about, don’t you?” he said, still not looking at me. “But I’m really hungry and I’m also really thirsty--” I wasn’t done talking when he started pulling the fishing rod. “You caught a fish! Finally!” I can't help but clap my hands because I can literally eat a freaking horse right now. He looked at me and I smiled widely at him. He should be thankful because I rarely smile, but maybe it’s because of the hunger that I’m being generous of my smile right now. He took the struggling fish from the hook and then put it inside a basket made of leaves? Or whatever, I don’t know what it's called. “What are you going to do now?” I asked curiously as he started to draw the strings of the fishing rod back. Is he done? I mean the fish is big, but will that be enough for the two of us? “Cook.” “Where?” I guess the mansion has a kitchen, but are there utensils? And are they even clean? “I have some wood at the back of the house.” “Huh?” he stared at me as I gave him a confused look. Wood? Is this a f*****g girl scout camping? Well, I never joined those things because I didn’t want to sleep in a freaking tent. And the mosquitos! And of course, the people! Ugh! Singing and dancing together at a bonfire... that's so cheap. I hate cheap things. “Let’s go,” he walked towards me. He held my arms and legs as he carried me again. He had already started walking when I noticed something. “Hey! The fish!” I shouted in his face, which made him stop and close his eyes. Well, did I say that too loud? But he forgets the freaking fish and I could murder him right now because of hunger. “We’ll get to that later,” he exclaimed as he started walking again. Where are we going? I’m not that good with directions, but I don’t think we’re going back to the mansion. “Later? I’m already freaking hungry!” I can't help but to wriggle as a sign of disapproval. What? Are we going to take a walk in this f*****g forest? I don’t want to walk; I want to eat! “Stop wriggling.” “But I’m hungry!” “You also said you were thirsty a while ago.” “Well, yeah, but where do I get a f*****g drink here?” And of course, he did not answer me again. Ugh! And then I heard water again. Oh wow! It’s a freaking waterfalls! It’s so beautiful. He walked near the falls. He was walking on big rocks and because it was slippery, he was walking slowly. Well, he should be! I don’t want to die here! He lowered me down as near as possible in the falls. I stretched my arms and used my hands to catch the water. I was enjoying the water so much that I attempted to go nearer. But of course, how stupid am I to do that when the rock I’m standing on is so slippery! “Ahh!” I shrieked as I slipped. I waited for my body to fall into the water. But I felt Trevor’s arm on my waist as he pulled me back. Of course, I know it's his arms because we're the only people here! “Careful.”
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