I don't lie

1224 Words
“The kids…. The kidnapped kids…. They will die… and I can’t… I just….”    “What? What are you saying? What kids?” I felt so confused looking at him.   For the first time, I saw fear in his eyes. No, I may have seen him scared but not this kind of scared. This is different. It’s like he’s scared and in pain at the same time. And I’m starting to fear whatever he's going to tell me next as well. I just hope that I can receive it clearly.   “The mafia…. the mafia. did not stop with me and Kelly Camille. They didn’t stop and they won’t stop anytime soon.”   “What? I don’t understand anything!”   “They won’t stop buying…. They won’t stop buying kidnapped kids Camille,” he exclaimed as he breathed deeply. It’s obvious how hard and heavy the topic is for him, and I understand why. I know that the world is not all candies and rainbows, but I just can’t believe that this kind of evil lurks in the meadows of the world we live in.   It made me fear for my life more. It made me want to do more. It made me feel responsible. And it made me sad. Extremely sad for him and the other children who have the same experience as him. I have lived in royalty my whole life and knowing that other people have to suffer like what Trevor underwent, it’s just sad.   “Is that why you can’t do anything about it? Is that why you continue to heed their orders?” I asked as I tried hard to stop the pain from reeling my heart. But as usual, it’s just not really effective at all.   “Yes,” he answered, not looking at me.   I took his hand on mine and pulled him so he could sit and be closer to me. ‘He was startled by the move and looked at me with wide eyes. “I’m sorry,” I whispered while my tears started streaming down my face. “I’m sorry that you have to go through all of that. I’m sorry for everything,” I exclaimed with a thick voice. I noticed how his forehead creased like he’s confused why I’m doing whatever I’m doing.   “Why are you saying sorry? It’s not your fault,” he exclaims as he wiped my tears which made me cry more because here, he is wiping my tears while he continuously fell down as well.   “But it’s also not your fault,” I exclaimed as I felt my heart breaking for him. I cannot stop myself from thinking about all the things he had to go through. He was so young, so f*****g young! How could the world be that cruel to a child? He’s just a child!   “It’s not your fault and I feel so bad for everything that’s why I’m saying sorry,” I explained wiping his tears now, but he caught my hand and brought it to his lips.   “It’s okay. Meeting you and being with you seems like a reasonable exchange for everything that I go through,” he suddenly exclaimed that I believed he didn’t think about himself because I even saw him blush profusely.   “Are you blushing?” I smirk because even when we’re talking about heavy things, I cannot help but tease him.   “No,” he immediately answered while averting his gaze. He didn’t let go of my hand though.   “Trevor….” I tried to call his attention.   “Hmm?” which is effective because he immediately looked at me.   “Do you like me?” I asked straightforwardly and I know that I startled him because he began blushing again! “Look at me please,” I added when he started avoiding my eyes.    "I'll ask again," I exclaimed, determined to know his answer. "Do you like me, Trevor? because I like you," I exclaimed without a beat.      I like him. No, I actually feel something deeper than that. But I don’t want to pressure him, and I don’t think I’m ready for rejection of that level, so I downplayed it a little. But I do like him. And I want to know if he liked me too before I tell him more.   “I…. I…” he was stuttering, and I find him cute and adorable but I’m too eager to know his answer to even voice out my compliment anymore.   “What?” I exclaimed while raising my brow. Well, I can’t help it! “It’s okay if you say you know. I won’t be mad about it.” Of course, I’ll be mad! I probably won't talk to him for another month but more importantly, I will be really hurt and my desire to go home will strengthen more.   “You like me?” he asked me a question instead of answering mine.   “I asked first,” I tried to reason with him.   “How can you say that you like me?” he asked again which made me roll my eyes. Ugh! It’s like he’s not even listening to whatever I’m saying.   “Because I like you!” I answered because I really can’t think of any answer to his question. I like him… because he’s Trevor. I like him because I’ve known his heart and even when I don’t know a lot about him, I know him. I know him.   “I asked Camille,” he said sternly.   “I…. I don’t know… I really don’t know,” I answered.   “You’re just infatuated Camille,” he exclaimed, and I heard my heart shattering into pieces.  “That’s because you’ve been with me for the last month. You don’t see other people and maybe you find me interesting. But once you go back to the home and to the environment you’re used to, you’d forget about me. you’ll forget about me,” he explained while nodding like he’s explaining to himself.   “How dare you question my feelings?” How dare he make me feel this way? How dare he make me feel like crap? “Stop treating me like a kid who doesn’t know a thing about her feelings. I might be a brat, but I don’t lie, Trevor. But then again, it’s not my fault if you don’t believe what I’m saying,” I exclaimed as I stood up and left the room.   
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