Blood Stain

1572 Words
Blood Stain “What’s this?” I asked, sipping the hot soup. I mean, I know it’s a soup, but I don’t know what’s in it. “Bone soup,” he answered. He might have seen the confused expression in my face as he began explaining. “Fish bone soup. I went fishing earlier.” “Earlier?” “Yes.” “What time is it already?” I asked because I felt like it was still early in the morning. “2 pm.” “What?!” I almost choked on what I was eating. I’ve been sleeping that long? What the f**k? “Why?” he asked, confused, as he continued blowing on the soup before feeding it to me. “Nothing,” I answered. “It’s okay. If you’re sick, of course you'll wake up late.” “I’m already full,” I answered as he kept on feeding me. I can’t even taste the soup. It tastes just like hot water. “Fine,” he sighed as he put the bowl of soup on top of the table. He came back with another bowl of water and medicine in his hand. “Drink this.” “Can I sleep now?” I asked after drinking the medicine he gave me. “Okay,” he exclaimed as he fixed the comforter on me. “Rest well.” I thought he was just going to leave me inside the room after that, but I was surprised when he kissed me on the forehead. What? And because of what he f*****g did, I can’t seem to find sleep now! Ugh! It’s already minutes after he went out and I’m still here, wide awake. f**k! I’m supposed to be sleeping and resting right now. And that jerk just messed with my brain again. Why does he do that? And I mean, how can he do that? What makes me fume more is the thought that he’s not even aware of what he's doing to me! Wait…. I think I’m forgetting something here. I immediately removed the comforter covering me and there I found myself fully clothed. But wait…. I was soaked in the rain, right? I was drenched because of finding him in the forest, so how the f**k am I fully clothed in warm clothes right now? Oh no… don’t tell me…. Trevor! “Trevoooooor!” I gave it my all as I shouted his name. I don’t know if he can hear me or if he’s even outside, but I don’t care. I’m too frustrated right now to care! Ugh! And maybe because he doesn’t speak much, he has a keen hearing because he was immediately at the door just before I shouted again. “What is it? Are you okay?” he was panting as he closed the door and walked towards me. He was about to touch my forehead, but I immediately averted my face. He has already touched me in places…. Places that he shouldn’t! and I really want to strangle him so much right now! “Camille? Are you okay?” “No! I’m not okay!” I exclaimed as I threw the pillows at him with all my might, which is kind of a moot because I’m too weak to even inflict any pain at all. “How dare you be such an evil and annoying jerk!” I was just hoping that he’d see how much I’m mad at him right now with the tone of my voice. “What? Why? What happened?” he was confused as he picked up the pillows I just threw and put them back to bed. He was just standing there with his pants and white shirt. I noticed splashes of what looked like blood on his shirt which made me worry. “What’s that on your shirt?” I exclaimed as I struggled to stand up. To be honest, my head and my body are killing me, but if this is really blood, I would literally be worried to death again. “What?” he asked confusedly as he checked his shirt. “Oh, just blood,” he answered casually, which made me raise my brow. “Just blood?!” I exclaimed as I was finally able to walk near him. “Are you f*****g nuts? Are you okay? What happened to you?!” I exclaimed as I checked his arms and his face. “What? It’s pig blood Camille,” he exclaimed, looking at me with his confused eyes. What? Pig’s blood/ ugh! This jerk got me worried for no reason. “What?” “Yeah, pig’s blood. I…. I went out yesterday to hunt and I was just butchering a wild boar right now when you screamed. So, are you okay? Why did you scream?” he asked worriedly, as he was now the one checking my arm and my face. “You went out yesterday… to hunt?” I asked once more to confirm. “Yes. We ran out of meat and you like meat so much,” he explained. “So……” ugh! I’m not sure if I should say this! But this is embarrassing! And he’d know that I was devastated when he left… but he should know, right? that I’m literally sick right now because of him? but that would really be embarrassing for me…. And he might know that…. that I’m feeling … uh… feeling this way towards him already…. Which is a headache because I’m not usually like this! When I like someone, or find someone interesting, which happens a lot (it’s just that they get bored after literally just days), I literally come at them, but most of the time they like me first and they literally throw themselves at me. So now…. With this freaking tree, I don’t know how to act. I mean I like him, like I really really do like him, and I’d really like to be in some sort of relationship with him. But he's very different from my past boyfriends and I don’t know how to handle him or the future relationship I might have with him. “So?” he asked. “So… you really didn’t leave me?” I asked, looking down because I can already feel how hot my cheeks are! I’m freaking blushing! And ugh! It’s so annoying to feel his way! but also, good, I guess? It feels good to really like someone to the point of me forcing myself to go inside a very dangerous forest just to find him. I literally conquered my fear for him! He wasn’t answering. Why isn’t he answering? What does he think I’m weird now because I’ve been bothering about him leaving me? Does he think I’m annoying now because I keep on asking him this question over and over? What? Trevor? Why aren’t you talking? What’s the problem?! I still refused to look at him, but I was startled when he suddenly made me look at him by raising my chin using his hand. “Look at me,” he exclaimed as I looked sideways trying to avoid his deep eyes. He’s making me nervous! “I’m looking,” I exclaimed but I’m aware that I’m literally doing everything to avoid those beautiful eyes. Ugh! And I’m sick! Why does he keep on making me blush? What’s the connection of you blushing to you being sick? None of your business you b***h! Ugh! And my subconscious, I thought I’m already the bitchiest, but my subconscious just keeps on surprising me with her quirks! “Camille,” I heard the change in his time. I knew that tone. The tone he uses when he wants me to pay attention. Like when he’s teaching me some survival technique or something of that sort and most of the time, my attention get’s to somewhere, he uses this tone. “What?” and when he uses that tone, there’s no way that I’ll be able to not follow what he wants. I don’t know, the tone is just commanding, and Trevor is not really that demanding or commanding with me. He’s very selfless and very giving. That's why when he sometimes, yes just sometimes, uses that tone, I make it to a point to follow. “I won’t leave you,” he exclaimed without blinking. “Yeah, yeah whatever,” I exclaimed trying to escape his hold. It’s just so awkward because he’s holding my face and he’s making me stare at him as he stares at my eyes. “Camille.” “What?!” I exclaimed, trying to look irritated hoping that he’d finally let me go after this. “Are you listening to me?” “Yeah!” “What did I just say?” “You said you won’t leave me,” I exclaimed nonchalantly. “That’s right.” “Okay.” “Why do I feel like you don’t believe me?” “I do,” I exclaimed as I averted my eyes. “Camille, what is it?” he exclaimed as he helped my cheeks with both his hands. “I just…. I just…. I just feel like you’re lying.” “Why do you think so?” “Because I'm literally a stranger to you. I came here and started bothering you. Why would you even care about me when I literally ruined your peaceful life?”
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