Chapter 5

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FAY'S POV: The crowd was dead silent , everyone waiting to see what the great Alpha king was going to do .  My heart raced , for his anger was directed straight at me and I knew exactly why , werewolves were very possessive when it came to their mates . The fact that  Ash had his hands around me would have pissed Cayden off . I silently prayed that he wouldn't act on his anger , for that would be dangerous for both of us . Things could get really messy in a matter of seconds if anyone present here knew we were mates . My anxiety doubled as his eyes narrowed , I could practically feel waves of his anger from where I stood a few feet away .. and then he started to move . Heading straight towards us . A few gasps escaped some of the ladies as well as some of the men in the room as they watched him move with terrified eyes . Some even flinched as he neared them . I felt my body begin to shake , not for fear of the Alpha , he wouldn't hurt me , I was scared of what he would do to Ash with his rage . I was scared that the people here would know we were mates , scared that my aunt would read into this . It wasn't a risk I could take . My people were already ashamed of me , if they knew my mate was of another species they would loathe me with everything within them . After what felt like an eternity he was finally before us , glaring at Prince Ash like he wanted to rip apart the man into tiny pieces until there was absolutely nothing left of him . The two men squared each other up , Ash looking confused as to why the Alpha was glaring at him but not too happy about it either .  The Alpha inhaled deeply and as if he scented my fear , turned his dark gorgeous eyes on me , I shivered under his hooded gaze . His eyes narrowed further before he averted his attention back to the dark fairy . "You're in my f*****g way ." He growled at Ash . Before Ash had a chance to move , Cayden pushed himself between us , forcing us to separate as he stormed out the ballroom without another word . The entire crowd released a sigh of relief , the tension slowly leaving the room as everyone turned to stare at each other , every person trying to fathom what exactly just happened . ………. CAYDEN'S POV : "Well thanks to you I didn't get laid tonight ."Kade pointed out sending a middle finger my way . "Just tell me what the f**k could have caused you to bring all that attention to us ?"He continued when I remained silent . "It's something to do with that fairy isn't it ?" When my eyes snapped to his at the mention of her his eyes narrowed . "So it does , who is she to you brother ?" "No one ." No f*****g one . She was nothing to me . Not important . A fairy would never be important to me . I felt my wolf disagree with me for the first time ever , I froze . What the f**k was that ? He never disagrees with me , how could he think of her as important , a f*****g fairy ! My brother who was studying me , instantly frowned . "You're beginning to worry me , you've been acting weird the entire day ." He said . "Now there are only two things I could think of that could possibly be causing you to act this way . The first one , the fact that you haven't gotten laid in a long while is finally catching up to you , or the second one which is that you've found your mate ." God . He gave me a f*****g headache . "You forgot the third one ." "What's that ?" He inquired curiously . "You talk too f*****g much ." His lips pressed into a thin line . "I'll be sure to tell mother you asked for Clarissa when I see her later tonight ." Fucking traitor . "You wouldn't dare ." "Well since you think I talk too much maybe you'll enjoy her company more than mine dear brother ."He suggested with his stupid grin , the one that I always wished to punch right off his face . A string of curses left my mouth and he chuckled at my reaction to his words . "So you're still not going to answer my question? " He inquired , raising a dark brow at me . I remained quiet , refusing to let my brother know what happened at the north river today , if he knew a f*****g fairy had put a spell on me he would fall on his face laughing , irritating me further than he already did on a normal basis . The fool didn't miss an opportunity to get on my nerves , I thought of his reaction if this little fact was known to him and instantly shivered … no , this was something I would keep to myself for the last person I wanted to find out was the man sitting besides me . I poured myself another drink ,rubbing my hand over my face .  Kade raised his hands in defeat . " You'll tell me when you're ready , it's completely useless trying to get anything out of you ." Without another word , he strode out of the room , leaving me with thoughts of a certain fairy who had in the process of one f*****g day , turned my life into one big f*****g mess . I crumbled the glass in my hand as images of the f*****g asshole holding Fay invaded my mind and took away my God damn peace . So much for the alcohol helping to forget about the worst night of my f*****g existence to date . A low growl escaped my lips , my anger on the verge of collapsing . I shut my eyes as I fought for control , the dark fairy prince didn't know how close he was to have gotten his life taken away from him today , I was seconds away from ripping him apart when I had gotten a whiff of the air around me , Fay's sweet scent was mixed with a hint of fear , totally distracting me and reminding me that my actions not only affected me but her as well . A snarl tore from me , I was so ready to kill that motherfucker  , not a care in the world for the consequences , not murdering the prince in cold blood was the hardest decision I'd ever had to make in my entire life . His hands were where only my f*****g hands should be , Fay was f*****g MINE! I groaned . Did I really just think that ? The spell had to be much more stronger than I originally thought . There was only one way to fix this , I couldn't waste any time , had to visit one of the witches and get a check up done , only a powerful witch would be able to help me out of whatever spell the vixen had put me under. First thing tomorrow . This problem was going to be fixed . ..... FAY'S POV : What happened earlier today confirmed my suspicions that the Alpha was indeed my mate . I knew before but after tonight I would never doubt it . His deadly growl had shaken the entire ballroom , it was the first time I'd ever experienced something like that . All eyes were on him but he was only focused on Prince Ash's hands on my body . His gaze was killer dark as he gave Ash a look that screamed murder and I knew that the animal within him wanted to rip Ash apart , the look in his eyes mirroring how he felt inside . Never before had I ever met someone who reeked of such power , it radiated off the Alpha in great waves that even the most powerful had reason to fear him . "Fay!" I was so caught up in my thoughts of the Alpha king that I didn't even realize my aunt had entered my room. "I've been calling your name for over a minute now … where was your mind at child ?" I instantly paled at her question , she could never know about Cayden … my life depended on it . "Nothing !" Her eyes narrowed suspiciously but at least she dropped the topic as she spoke the all too familiar words that I hated to hear  . " I have something I need you to do for me , it's urgent ." I inwardly groaned , what now ? "These are a list of things I need you to get from the witch merchandiser ." She continued handing me a small piece of paper . I nodded taking it from her , here goes another long trip .
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