Chapter 6

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" FAY..."  My mother cried , shouting loud enough for me to hear above the angry snares of our people . " We will always love you sweetheart , know that even though you may not be able to see us … we are always around watching you . ALWAYS." I watched in horror as one of the executor stepped forward  with a  blade in hand , with not the slightest hint of emotion on his face . "Mummyyyy--" I screamed as he raised the blade above his head  and  within seconds brought it back down with so much force that  her wings were completely chopped off  in one swipe . Her eyes closed as all the color left her body within seconds of losing her wings . I saw my father's life being sucked out of him as he saw my mother drop to the ground completely lifeless before him. "Fay since the moment we laid eyes on you we knew that you were destined for greatness , do not let today stop you from reaching for the stars … you will always be my little girl ." Those were the last words spoken by my father before he was also executed right before my eyes . "NOOOOO!" I  cried out in agony pulling away from the guard's hold on me and dropping to my knees in front of my parents , I felt like my entire life had been taken away from me in the worst way possible . I felt someone grab me by my hair  , the same guard who'd prevented me from reaching to them earlier. "Thank your lucky stars you weren't sent along with your parents ." "KILL THE DAUGHTER TOO!" I heard someone shout as the crowd went up in an uproar , agreeing with him. "I WANT MY MUMMY!"I cried , my words drowning out amongst the vicious crowd of people before me."Please give me back my parents." I begged  them all . "PLEASEEEE" I screamed . I woke with a start , my heart racing , my breathing uneven , I touched my cheeks and once again they were wet with tears , since the day I'd lost my parents I'd dreamt of their death every single night , reliving the horrific day time and time again .  I suddenly froze , realizing something wasn't right . I understood why my cheeks were wet but why was my entire body soaking wet as well? I looked above me to see Layla peering down at me with a bucket in her hands . "Mother said to wake you ." I wiped the water of my face as I tried to sit up . " It's time for your trip , as you already know mother needs those ingredients pronto ." She continued while staring at her nails . Rather than be angry with my cousin I was completely surprised that the girl could even lift a bucket , my aunt didn't let my cousins lift a finger … not that they would have even if she had insisted . All they cared about were how they looked . A tired sigh escaped me , it was time to visit some witches . …….. CAYDEN'S POV: I got a few frightened looks sent my way as villagers scattered upon my entrance . I watched as some bounced into the stands , throwing down boxes of fruits in the process . I was used to this reaction by now , ever since I'd defeated Puck Woods who was one of the most powerful and feared witches in a battle that he had foolishly started just to prove who was more powerful between the two of us , the people of every single witch kingdom who'd heard of the fight had come to fear me greatly . I still remembered that day quite clearly , he believed that nothing could defeat someone who possessed tremendous magic once they knew how to control it… I had proved him wrong that day . Frederick was shaking besides me , it was his first trip with me here , unfortunately I couldn't take my brother with me like I usually did for these trips … for if he were here there was no way I could have gotten him to stay in the carriage while I went to speak to the witch and then he would have figured out the secret I was keeping from him . So I had no choice but to settle for the young servant but as usual I was already regretting involving him in anything . I looked at the open sign on the door in front of me before pressing down on the handle . I spotted Nora behind a desk in front of me , studying a crystal in her hand . "Aaah the great Alpha Cayden ." The witch greeted me without looking up . " I've been expecting you today ." I instantly scowled at her . "I have only now entered your abode  and already you start with creeping me out ?" Bloody witch. "What  can I do for you ?" She asked twisting the crystal in her hands . I narrowed my eyes . "Since you know everything shouldn't you already know why I'm here ." "I presume it's about your mate." She answered without hesitation . I stiffened . Fuck. "Do you sense a spell on me ?" She finally glanced up at me upon hearing my question , raising a brow ."You are completely clean , not a trace of a spell." My body froze , refusing the believe what I was hearing . "Aren't you supposed to wave a wand in the air or something because I'm sure you're mistaken ." I disagreed . The witch rolled her eyes at me . " I'm not an amateur , if there were a spell on you I'd be able to smell it from the moment you entered the room ." I stiffened once more . " That's impossible ." She sighed , seeming bored of our conversation ." You came to me before and I told you of my visions … I remember saying to you that you would meet your mate at one of the annual rainbow festival . Was I wrong ?" When I refused to answer she continued . " I'll take that as a no … clearly I know what I'm doing , I'll only repeat myself once more so listen up carefully Alpha King , you're not under any spell ." FUCK! No. This meant the f*****g fairy was indeed my mate , how could this be possible ? No one was ever reported to have gotten a mate outside of their own species , so what the hell was happening ? Something wasn't f*****g right . This wasn't good , nothing good could ever come out of us being together , the rules of this land would never allow it . Death was the only future for couples that belonged to different species . My heart clenched at the next thought that crossed my mind … I had to reject the fairy . I walked out the witch's home in a daze , as soon as I stepped out however I got a whiff of the air around me and instantly froze . She was here . My mate … the fairy was here . ..... FAY'S POV: I sighed with contentment , it felt nice to walk through a village without the angry glares of the people around you . Unlike the light fairy folks , the witches here hardly knew who I were and held nothing against me , sure they must have heard of my story but not much would actually know what I looked like . This was the one thing I enjoyed about being given long trips from my aunt . "Fay dear ."  Ellie , the familiar voice of the witch merchandiser called out to me.  "You're back for more I see ." She concluded with a smile when I turned to her . I returned her smile before retracting the crumbled paper from my pocket and handing it to her ." This is what I need." While I waited for Ellie to prepare everything , a harsh cry from the alley caught my attention , completely distracting me . I inched closer to get a better look at what was going on . There were two men and they were glaring down at something on the ground . "Why won't this thing shut up ." One of the men growled . My eyes followed his gaze , my entire body stiffening at what I saw . A baby ... A dragon shifter's baby to be precise .  Why the hell was the baby locked in a cage ? Who were these people ?
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