Around the block.

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Weylyn woke up in his room. He had no memory of what had happened yesterday. His father was off to work, but had made him breakfast. Weylyn brushed his teeth and went down to eat. There was a note, that said: "I love you Weylyn, from Dad." He smiled and dug in the tasty food. After that he got ready for school and headed to the front door. He opened it and got snatched. His father lift him up and laughed.     - Wadey-boy! You're up! - he yelled happily,     - Dad, you're embarrassing me.     - Oh c'mon, give me a smile! Don't make your father sad! Weylyn smiled as fake as one could.     - Really? That's it?     - Okay...okay. - he said and smiled charmingly.     - That's my boy! Oh, some teeth are missing, but who cares, right?     - What!? - Weylyn screamed. - It can't be!     - Chill out, Wade. They are infact still there...By the way, do you want me to drive you to school?     - Sure. William was a policeman. A well-known one too. He really did care for the townsfolk and gave his heart and soul into his job. His wife and mother of  Weylyn, Joana, had gone missing a few years back. He had to take care of his son alone. A lot of women wanted to try their luck with the handsome loner, but his heart had already made it's choice. The patrol car stopped in front of the school. Weylyn got out.     - Hey, Wade. Be careful around the bullies, alright?     - Yes, dad. Thanks for the drive!     - No problem son. - he said, as he looked towards Robert Tuckinson.  He drove off. Weylyn went in, avoiding eye contact with everyone, as usual. The chemistry class had just begun. He entered the room just in time, but to his dismay, his seat had been taken. He went all the way to the back rows, where the losers sit, and found plenty of free spots. The whole class had moved quite a bit forward, which was unusual. He looked around and saw a new face. Weylyn tore off a piece of paper from his notebook and wrote on it "What's your name?", after which he threw it towards the girl. She looked at Weylyn. He pointed at the paper ball. She pushed it off her desk.     - Someone's a little moody, ey? - he mumbled to himself. The next two hours were boring for everyone, including Weylyn. Yes, he was smart and all, but he knew all of the material there was to learn. The bell saved them all from the hell of organic chemistry. Weylyn noticed, that the new girl had already left the room. He quickly packed his stuff, eager to find her and talk to her. He didn't know why, but he felt attracted to her. As soon as he left the room, he saw Rob and his goons trying to hit on the new girl. He was going to stop them, but noticed that she flipped them off quite easily. He then tracked her, as a complete creep, around the school. She entered the bathroom. After her went in Jessica, Rosa and Marie - the female bullies of the school. Weylyn could only sit around and wait for her to come out.                                                                                             * * * Cassie was washing her hands, when she saw in the reflexion of the mirror the three girls. She turned around and grabbed her bag, but they pushed her back to the sink.     - So, you're the new...girl? - said Jessica, while popping a gum. - Are you deaf? You're supposed to answer us.  Cassie tried to move past them again. This time they pushed her into the wall.     - Listen up. if we see you around Robbie again, you'll pay... - she continued.     - You two are made for each other. - said the blonde girl.     - That's right. And if I see you standing near him, or even breathing the same air as him, I'll kill you.     - Okay.     - Good girl. Oh, and the clothes you're look like a hobo.  Cassie was taught to let insult go by her head, but this she couldn't take. Her father worked day and night, so that she can wear normal clothes. This pampered b***h was about to get it.     - So that's why your "boyfriend" was hitting on me literally two minutes ago?  Jessica looked at the other two girls. They went outside and started looking around for teachers.     - That can't be good...- said Weylyn to himself. Jessica pushed Cassie in the corner.     - I'll make you choke on every word you just said, w***e. - said Jessica between her teeth     - Let's see it happen. - answered the new girl. The brunette grabbed Cassie by the hair and slammed her on the ground.     - I bet you didn't expect that, huh? - diabolically noted the older girl and went in for a kick. Cassie quickly stood up and dodged her leg. She wanted to grab her opponent for the arm, but missed. Instead she got clawed through her face, which sent her on the ground.     - Jess! Someone's coming! - yelled Rosa from the hallway.     - You're lucky. But I'll make sure you suffer next time. - said Jessica and ran out of the bathroom. Cassie stood up for a second time. She looked at the mirror. The scratch marks were going from her upper right eyebrow down to her chin. She washed the blood, that started to build up, and ran out of the bathroom. Weylyn ran after her. He lost her when she ran out of the school. He made his way to the exit and looked to the left. Nothing. He looked to the right. A really angry girl with a scratched face. He looked to the left again.     - Why are you following me all day? - Cassie asked.     - I just...wanted to... - he almost threw up from the pressure.     - Are you with those assholes? Are you planning to lure me into their trap or something?     - No, I just. - Weylyn swallowed the ball of stress in his throat. - I wanted to know your name. I see you for the first time. You must be new? She looked at the scars on his face. Her aggressive face softened up.     - Just stay away from me. - she said and walked away. The wind brushed Weylyn's curly hair.
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