Antarctic Sun.

1416 Words
It was a beautiful Saturday morning. Two days had passed after he and Cassie went out to "The Rainbow Caves", as he had called them in his journal. Weylyn was sitting on the freshly cut grass in the backyard, watching the clouds pass by. The morning sun rays were gently warming his face up, but the breeze was cooling it down before it got too hot. - Are you planning on sitting here the whole day? - asked his father with a coffee mug in his hands. - You have some things to explain, young man. The past days you've successfully managed to dodge me, but I have trapped you now. Speak. Weylyn sighed. - What is it that you want me to tell you, dad? - Your girlfriend, Wade. Tell me more about her, please. Where does she live? Is she good at maths? You know. - She is not my... . - he looked at his dad's smirking face, sighed and continued. - I, finally get to know her name. Cassie. - Damn, making massive progress! Have you reached base two? - No! Ugh, dad. We're not together. What is it with everyone? - Well, she did help you out when Patrick's son got a hold of you. Don't you....remember? - What? No? When did this happen? - Wade...This happened like one week ago. The doctors said, that you're alright. But it's troublesome that you don't remember....Wanna go pay your doctor a visit today? - I was planning on doing nothing all day, but sure. - Weylyn wanted to sound as rebelious as he could, but deep inside, he was disturbed. * * * - Well, the X-rays didn't give me a reason to think, that he had suffered major head trauma, but everything could have happened. - said Dr. Johannes Dumkopf. - So, should we worry? - worryingly asked William. - Tell me, do you remember what happened on 12th March...This will be, last Thursday? - asked the doctor. - Yeah, I was going to school. Everything was normal. The same boring classes. Same stupid bullies. - replied Weylyn with no hesitation. - Hmm, my humble opinion on the subject is, if I say so myself, that his brain is trying to forget the traumatic event. - concluded Dr.Dumkopf. - If he starts suffering from headaches or nausea, call me. - Okay, doc. Thanks. - William shook his hand and opened the door for his son. - So....she saved me? - Weylyn asked, while they were going down the steps of the hospital. - You were in shock. There was no actual threat for you life...but one can say so. - answered his dad. - It's weird that my brain is trying to delete this from ever happening. I mean, it's not like it's the first time I got beat up by Rob and his meatheads. - Why are you letting them do this to you? - asked Will, as he got in the car. - What else can I do? They are two years older than me. And are four. - said the boy, as he too got in the car. - I'll teach you how to defend yourself. - No offense dad, but they are four. It'll be a miracle if I manage to beat one of them up. - I meant something else. - he said, as he ignited the vehicle. - I'm all ears. - The Form Zero. When to pick a fight. And how to avoid one. - Dad, I've tried negotiating with them. I've tried bargaining. I've tried everything. They just do it, because I'm a nerd. - Ugh, I'm sorry Wade. Look, I'll talk with their parents about it. Maybe they can put their kids on the right track? - It'll make matters worse. Can we stop talking about it and...go eat? I'm starving. William was concerned about his son. Yes, he was going through puberty, but still, he was acting a bit off. The Bear Hub - Hedgerow's one and only diner. The food was mediocre but cheap. Burgers, fries, pancakes, you name it, they have it. Of course, you should be naming only junk food. William and Weylyn situated themselves at a corner table for four. It was secluded enough for the boy and open enough for his dad. - What will it be for the two big men? - asked the waitress. - I'd like a XL burger with fries on the side...and of course a diet coke, Juls. - enthusiastically said Will. - Goooot it. And what about you, young man? - she winked jokingly at Weylyn. - The same, thanks Julie! - he smiled. - Ookay, the food will be here soon. - said Julie and left their company. - Hey, Wade. Look who's there. - pointed as secretly as he could towards the tall blonde girl. - Fu.... I meant....fuck. What is she doing here? - he nervously asked his dad. - Maybe she was hungry? Like the rest of us? - Ha, very funny dad. Cassie went to the cashier and gave him twenty bucks. He handled her a bag of something, which she grabbed and looked straight at Weylyn. Their eyes met instantaneously. They kept watching each other for five more seconds, after which she turned around to the cashier and grabbed her change. She didn't look at the breathless boy for a second time and left the diner. - Wow. Now that's something. I haven't seen so much fire and ice at the same time! Goddamn, son! - Just, shut up dad. - Oh c'mon. Enlighten your old pops about her. You two make a great couple, might I add. - Will smiled. - Here's your order, gentlemen. - Julie said and gave them their food. She looked at Weylyn, who was tracking Cassie down with her eyes. - I'd say, go catch her tiger. But first, you need to pay. - she added. William paid and they started eating. He was waiting for the perfect moment to attack his son with another question about the girl, but Weylyn started the conversation on his own. - I don't know why I'm so attracted to her. It happened right after the incident. I woke up and had a weird feeling. - Yeah, there's definitely something between you two. - his dad added, after which he took a massive bite from the burger. - I'm just curious, why does everyone think we're dating? - Maybe it's because she showed affection towards your broken, sad body. - Yeah, sure. Thanks dad. - Glad to help boosting your confidence, son! - he added, while eating. - But on a serious note. This town is full with dickheads that look after themselves only. You might get stabbed and bleed to death, while everyone just passes you over. I know that, because I deal with it all day, everyday. - You're right. You know what, can you pack this up for home. I'll go catch up to her. I need to ask her something. His dad stood up with his son and grabbed him closer to him and seriously looked at his eyes. - She is a raw diamond. You're a good boy, but this town is full with bad people. Don't let her get reshaped by the wrong hands. Now, go get her, son. Weylyn ran out of the door. Everyone turned around after him and then turned towards the officer. There was a tear of joy going down his cheek. - What are you all looking at?
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