Chapter 3

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Rudina I get out of the car and smile. I am so happy to be done work for the weekend. I look at my phone and smile. Aurora and Kaida will be coming back soon. I know today is her last day of school. I think today we will have rabbit, which she hunted about a week ago. We have to keep in shape somehow, and this was the best way I was taught. All the sudden I have this bad shiver go down my back. I look around to see where it might have come from. I see Kaida’s father park his car, and he smile and waves to me. Our family have been close since we moved here. I hear someone running from behind me and see it is Kaida, but where is Aurora? I start running to her and so does her father. “Kaida what is wrong? Where is Aurora?” I said holding her trying to help her stop crying. “She. She. Got kidnaped.” She said crying into my arms. “What!!” I said getting mad. “Ok, let us bring you inside Kaida and you can tell us what happened.” Kaida’s father said helping her get up. I grab the bags she was carrying and bring them into their place. I am trying to say calm and not turn into my wolf form, right in front of them or if anyone else is watching. Who would kidnap my cub, and once I find them they are so dead. I know there is a few people who does not like my kind, it always happens. But I think we are in good terms with most of them, so I know they would not do it. I look around to make sure that no one fallowed Kaida, and if they did I will be hunting them once I find out what happened. There is one rule everywhere, and do not care most people do not believe it. That rule is never take mothers cub from her, no matter what. Unless you have a very good reason, but once I find out oh I am so going hunting. I walk to the door and take a breath, I need to calm myself. Even if it is a little bit, I need to hear what she will tell us. By the look of her she was not beaten up, in a way that is good. But in another it is not good news. I go inside and I see that Kaida is sitting down at the table, with a glass of water. I put the bags down and sit at the table too. “Once you are ready little dragon, you can tell us what happened.” He said sitting right beside her, and giving me a glass of water too. Kaida nods her head and takes another dink of water. I start thinking again of who would take my daughter. I know a lot of men wants me because of my looks, and because I am the best with the wolves in all the zoos. Also that is just at this world I have not been home in the wolf valley since Aurora was born. I know once I find out I will have to go see my mother in law. I am not looking forward to telling her that. Not since I told her that Owein died she was pissed off with me. It still gives me the shivers, just remembering the look she gave me. And that was in her human form too. Oh just the way she leads the pack, when I was a cub. She was the most powerful and everyone loved her in our pack, she know how to help the cubs on the right path. “Ok I am ready to tell dad.” Kaida said breaking my line of thought. “Ok little dragon. So start with at the café. Ok?” He said grabbing out paper and a pen out. I can tell he has done a lot of these, just because how calm he is. But then again it is also part of his job. In a way I am glad he does not know, who I really am. They might call me shape shifter, which is the nicest ones I have heard. The others are werewolf, that one is hate because we are more. How do we put nicer in a sense? The other one I have been called is monster, that one I hate the most. We help and protect anyone we care about, sometimes I think we are more wolf then human. “Ok we were having a lot of fun at the café. I had a mint tea and Aurora had her Chocolate Storm drink. She also had the new Chocolate Ice Storm treat.” She said with a smile. I kinda hid a giggle. She loves her sweet tooth and chocolate is at the top of that list. Kaida’s father was also trying to hide his giggling too. But he was failing more than I was. It was no surprise that she was trying the newest thing there. “Ok. Carry on Kaida.” He said trying to stop laughing. “We finished our drinks and had a class picture to remember this day. Then we started walking home. But something did not feel right going home today.” She said looking down. “What do you mean does not feel right?” I said thinking like a lunar wolf again. It has been years since I had to think this way. More wolf then human. Wow I have been here on earth for too long. Need to go back home once this is done, and show Aurora the valley. And truly run like a wolf again with no fear, and also be in our pack too. “The back of my hair was standing up. But Aurora said something that people were fallowing us. And she said when it was time to run. Run. It was the other way around the way she said it.” She said about to cry again. “Shh it’s ok. What happens after that?” I said holding her hands. “Well after that we got a better grips on our bags. Gave each other a nod then ran around the corner. But once we got around Aurora screamed in pain and fell down.” She said starting to shake. “What!!!” I said falling to the ground. “You ok Rudina. Ok Kaida continue telling us what happened next.” He said helping me up. “She polled this out of her neck when I was helping he get up.” She said taking out something from her pocket. I hold out my hand open. She puts it into my hand and I gasp. It is one of the new darts that we started to use at the zoo. It has only been started at my zoo for the first time this week. How did they get their hands on this new drug? My hand is shacking from both fear and rage. Whoever shot my daughter will wish they are in the hospital right now. “Rudina do you know what type of dart this is?” He said looking at me. “Yes I do, the vets at the zoo just starting to use this new one to put animals to sleep. It just came out last week but we were the trial period right now, with it. It is to help the animals sleep better, and wake up refreshed.” I said closing my eyes and trying to control my anger. “Please tell me what happened next Kaida?” I said looking her in the eyes. “She told me that they use these to put animals to asleep. And that we had to keep moving. Next thing I know some man is holding me and said she was not going anywhere.” She said rubbing her arms trying to hold herself together. I can see concern in her father’s eyes. I look down at the dart again. Once she tells us all that happened. I will go back to where they were and find some clues to where they might have taken her. Then I will go hunting after I go see Monique, and tell her what happened. Oh Owein I wish you were still here with me. “Did you see what he looked like?” Kaida’s farther said writing everything down that she has said. “Not at first, I will tell you once I get to that part.” She said looking little down again. “It is ok, what happened next?” I said giving her father the dart. She said what do you want. But she was pissed I have never seen her that mad ever. And he said you of course little cub?” She said shaking her head. “But I do not understand that at all. Is it a special meaning for that or what?” She said holding her head in her hands. Not only did they drug her. But they knew that she was a wolf. But how? I made sure no one knew except those who were born from the pack. And there is only a handful of us here on this world. Also I have not told any human at all, just to keep her safe. “Ok keep going little dragon. Maybe that what they call kids when they kidnap them?” He said trying to be helpful. “Ok. Well he said that, and she said I do not think so. She got up and tried to punch that guy. I think she was aiming at his face.” She said smiling at that. I smile too and so does her father. That is my cub she is more wolf then she thinks. If she thinks you are part of her pack. She will protect you no matter what. Even if she does not know it herself yet. She is going to be a very powerful lunar wolf. “Ok. Next.” I said clearing my throat. “But she got shot again with another dart. I think at the same place too. She screamed in pain again, I tried to get out of his grip but I could not get out.” She said trying not to cry again. “Next three men were trying to grab her, but she kick there asses a lot.” She said trying to hide her smile. “Please do not swear. Today I will let you off the hook. You will not have to pay into the swear jar. But good for your daughter, Rudina.” He said smiling to me. “I know she makes me so proud of her. And I hope to tell her once I see her again.” I said with a sad smile. “She told the man who was holding me to let me go. Or she will make it very painful for him. s**t she was starting to have a very bad day then or still is.” She said shaking her head with a smile. “But he just laughed and said if I had known it was going to be this hard, I would use more darts. Oh wait I did. Then all the sudden there was a man behind Aurora and stabbed her with a needle. I was screaming for her to get up, but she was out like a lightbulb.” She said crying. Kaida’s father hugs his daughter until she was ready to talk more. I want to get up and hug her. But I am trying so hard to not walk out of the door, and find him who has my cub. “Once she was down two of the men who got there asses kicked got up. They grabbed Aurora and at the same time a van showed up. The van was black I could not get the plate number at all dad.” She said looking down. “That is ok. I am so proud of you for trying your best.” He said smiling at her. “After the van came they put her into the back, and into a dog cage. Why would they do that? She was already out it makes me so mad just thinking about it.” She said getting pissed off. “Maybe just in case she wakes up early, maybe?” I said out loud. “Maybe. But once they put her in the men got into the van. The guy that was holding me made me look at him. He had golden brown hair and green eyes. He was about a foot taller than Aurora, and he looked abut early twenties. There was scars across his face, it looked like a house cat scratched him, when he was very young. But other than that he was very cute.” When she said the last sentence she blushed a little. “He said if I call the cops, that I will never see her again. He laughed after saying that and said, now be a good little girl and go home. Oh and I will be taking very good care of the cub. She will fit in with the rest of the animals that they have. After that he got into the van and it drove away. It took me a little while before I got up. Once I did I grabbed the dart that was on the ground and the bags that Aurora and I dropped. Then I ran all the way here, and you know the rest after that.” She said going to the kitchen to grab some more water. Him. If I think right he was the son of Lord Doak. That is what he calls himself, and if I think right he has a Circus. But he got stuck in the other world almost seventeen years ago. Two months after Aurora was born, the same day Owein died. How did they get here, there is only two ways to get here on Earth. One is by my kind letting them come. The second is very hard to do, and you have a very high chance of not making it at all. And you have to go through the northern lights, or the southern lights. Not only is it not easy to get to them. But trying to through them is killing. If you do make it you have a long fall to deal with. If you are lucky there might be some flying dragons, or other flying animals to save you. If not you are dead very much. If you do not make it going through you will end up falling here on earth. Or if you are very unlucky you go to the between both worlds, and never get out. “Thank you for telling me Kaida. Why don’t you get changed and have a shower, you have had a long stressful day. Come back down when you are ready, ok?” Her father said with a smile. She nods her head and heads up the stairs. I go and grab Aurora’s bags and hold it for a little bit. Kaida’s father closes his note book and outs it into his bag. I can tell he has concern in his eyes. He is not going to be able to tell the rest of the men, from his work what happened. Not with Aurora’s life on the line, it means that I have a lot of work ahead of me. Just great, just what I needed. “What are you going to do?” He said looking at me. “I have to go to my mother in laws, and tell what happened. I better leave today, and tell her.” I said getting ready to go. “No that is not a good idea. You are in shock, and I do not want you get hurt. You would do something stupid. I have known you for twelve years now since you moved next door. Our daughters are best friends and my wife and I love your company, as well. Leave tomorrow on a clear mind, ok?” He said walking to me. “You are right. I will leave tomorrow, but I will be leaving very early and I will not be able to say goodbye. Ok, if I do it will make me think something happened and they will call. And I do not want Aurora to get hurt, ok” I said looking at him. “Deal. But you will be eating supper here right?” He said smiling. “Deal. I am guessing your wife is going to be at the hospital all evening again.” I said sitting back down. “Yes they need her help again. She is the best doctor we have here in this city.” He said going to grab some coffee. “Ok I will be right back, I will take Aurora’s things back home and grab something. Ok?” I said smiling. He nods to me and I grabbed her bags. I head out and go back to my house. I open the door and feel so lonely without her. Where are you my cub, I want you home so much. It does not feel right without you here. I go to her room and put her bags onto the foot end of her bed. I sit on her bed and look around her room. Why would he take her, and where too? I get up and walk out of her room and back to the front door. I hope this dinner will help me to leave tomorrow, if not I will be leaving today. No matter what happens I have to go see Monique. Also some of the pack will be there too. I leave the house and lock it before going next door. I knock on the door and Kaida’s father lets me in. I sit back down at the table, not talking with a sad smile on my face. He goes back cooking we just do not want to talk at all. Kaida comes back down wearing a Chinese dress with pants underneath it. She is still a little shocked, but there is not much to do about it. She looks how I feel right now, but I am not showing most of it. She goes and helps her father with cooking. Kaida brings me a nice cup of soothing tea. I give her a weak smile to he and she does the same back. None of us want to talk right now. Not since what just happened. I can smell it is going to be a very good meal, we are going to have. I start helping with setting the table. Just to help me move around, and trying to think something else. So supper won’t be as gloomy as this afternoon has been. Once that is done we put the cooked food on the table, and sit down. “Rudina how was work today?” Kaida said trying to make today better. “It went very good the wolves loved their new home. And there was some new cubs too that I got to see.” I said with a smile on my face. “Aww, which would be so cute to see.” She said smiling. Her father started smiling too. “Well I do have a picture of them in my lap from today. John took the picture of them, when it was happening.” I said grabbing out my camera. I turn on my camera and showed her the picture. She looks so happy looking at it. She then hands it to her father and him smiles looking at it. Then he hands it to me, I look at the picture for a bit before turning it off. Aurora would love to see this, she would have a dozen questions she would be asking me. I put my camera away and look at my food again, before going back eating. “How was school today?” I said trying to keep the mood happy. “It went good. Aurora and I did the gym, and also she passed all of her exams. It is going to be very hard to beat her on the highest marks.” She said with a sad smile. I nod and try to eat some more, but it is not working. Then again none of us are eating very much. We all finish what we had on our plates, and clean up form supper. Kaida and her father does the dishes, while I clean off the table. “I am going to go back home, and go to sleep. It is going to be a long journey to my mother in laws place.” I said once the table is cleaned off. “Ok have a safe trip. And you want us to call your mother in laws place if we find her?” Kaida said hugging me. “Yes please. Please be safe and I hope to see you very soon.” I said hugging her back. She nods and I shake her father’s hand and walk out. I go back to my house, I lock the door and close all the curtains. I go to my house phone and call John. “Hello?” said John sounding sleepy. “Hey John this is Rudina, I have a big problem.” I said on the phone. “Oh hello Rudina, what is the problem?” he said more awake. “Aurora has been kidnaped, and I will tell you once I get to Monique’s place. Ok?” I said in my wolf tone. “What!!! Ok see you when you get here.” He said very surprised. “Bye” I said hanging up.
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