Chapter Three

977 Words
As soon as I woke up, I knew it was going to be a bad day. I detangled myself from Jackson's arms and tried to pull myself up from the bed. As I sat up, I realised how much my back was still hurting despite the night's rest. If you could call it that. It was nearly impossible to get comfortable anymore. I ended up using Jackson as a pregnancy pillow pretty much every night. My back wasn't the only problem. As I tried to stand, pain shot down my legs and forced me back onto the bed. The weight of the baby suddenly seemed so much more than it had the day before. Like he or she was crushing my pelvis. I took a deep breath and limped to the bathroom. I could have woken Jackson, but for one, he was barely sleeping because I was barely sleeping and, secondly; I refused to get to the point that I couldn't get to the toilet alone. With every step, it felt like my leg bone was grinding against my hip and the pain was almost too much. It would have been too much if it hadn't been for my sheer determination. I knew I was going to have to hide the pain from Jackson. He was heading to a farmer's market that morning and we needed the money it would generate. If he knew I was struggling, he would insist on staying, and that just wasn't an option. His overprotectiveness brought back memories of Brodie. I still missed him so much, it felt like my heart was on fire being away from him. I hadn't changed my mind. I couldn't bring my baby into a world where I barely trusted anyone. With Cassie around, I honestly feared for the baby's safety. Despite knowing I was doing the right thing, the thoughts of Brodie killed me daily. I just couldn't get him out of my mind, no matter how much I tried. I knew it would only get worse once the baby arrived. In those little eyes, there would be a daily reminder of what I had left behind. It was strange how I hated and loved Brodie when I left, but the hate had faded away, leaving just an aching need for him. Jackson had woken me a handful of times because I had been calling for Brodie in my sleep. Each time it happened, I worried that it would lead him to us. Brodie seemed to think that I was immune to the mating connection. Still, I struggled to say no to him. That was the main reason I didn't want him to find us. I knew it would make me weak to him again. Added to that, there was a pain constantly in my chest and I wasn't so sure I was immune at all. I wondered if that was how everyone felt in the face of heartbreak or if it was something more. I got back into bed and waited for the pain to pass before waking Jackson. "Morning, beautiful. How are you feeling?" He asked me the same thing every morning, and I knew he was constantly gauging whether it was safe to leave me indoors alone. "I'm fine. I didn't sleep well though, so once you head off, I'm going to head back to bed." There was no chance I was going back to sleep, but that was what he wanted to hear. If he thought I was going to be safe in bed all day, he would be happier leaving. I hated the idea of him leaving as much as he did, but we had no choice. I felt like I was constantly scared and on edge. The truth was that I wanted my mother. Neither me nor Jackson knew what to expect, and we were doing it all alone, anyway. I had never known anyone who was pregnant, and Jackson only had limited knowledge. The one thing I did know was that he was holding back what he told me and that he was worried. I was worried too. I wasn't sure my human form could handle giving birth to a supernatural being. Yet, I didn't trust my vampire side around the baby. I was just grateful that I had more control over my transformation than most vampires. "Will you be alright all day? I won't be back till well after dark today." "I'll be fine. I promise I will take it easy just to be on the safe side." That, at least, was the truth. With the amount of pain I was in, I wouldn't be able to get myself into any trouble. "The sooner you go, the sooner I can go back to sleep." I rolled over to face the curtainless window. Ignoring the shooting pain as I did and closed my eyes against the sunlight. I stayed still and waited as he clunked around the room, getting ready. Before long, I heard the front door close behind him. I still didn't dare get up until I heard his beat-up truck struggle to start and chug as he drove off. Jackson was a swine for forgetting things and it was a regular occurrence for him to realise and come back. Once I was sure it was safe, I headed for the stairs. Deciding the day called for PJs. I had no hope of trying to get into any form of clothes. I tried to walk down the stairs, but my legs just wouldn't lower. They got so far, then it was like they were getting stuck. I lowered myself to the top step and started easing myself down. It was going to be a long day with my body refusing to work. It was like it had agreed with Jackson that I needed rest and gone on strike.
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