Chapter Two - Four Weeks After Esme's Disappearance

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I could hear Tyler shouting his mouth off, and I knew I needed to go and deal with it. After four weeks of searching for her, I had no energy left for dealing with their bullshit. I already knew what the problem was. Marcus was kicking off about the living arrangements yet again. Shortly after the meeting with everyone, John went to speak to Marcus, and I went along. I wanted to know what was said between the pair. Just like Esme, I no longer knew who I could trust. If my own brother could betray me, what hope did I have for anyone else? I had told Gerald I would only be gone for a couple of weeks and I had already been gone double that. Tyler had tried to suggest we should call it quits in a roundabout way. He didn't quite dare to say it outright. My temper might have been in check that day when I found out, but with each day that passed, I got more and more angry. I tried to keep it in check, but I wasn't succeeding in the slightest. Given that I couldn't sense her anymore, I hoped Marcus might have more luck, but he was coming up empty, too. Well, he told me he was, anyway. He wasn't exactly a willing participant. I didn't make him stay in a cage anymore, but he was still locked up. A tiny part of me felt sorry for him being led around and chained up like that. Not enough to trust him for a second, though. We scoured the north of the country, moving from wooded area to wooded area. I could hardly take Marcus on a train or to a hotel, so necessity meant we had to stay under the radar. The trouble was that Marcus wasn't used to roughing it. It didn't bother me and Tyler, only Marcus's constant bitching did. "You need to have a word with your sniffer dog." Tyler looked less than pleased, but I had already worked that out. "Later, it's not like there is anything he can do about it. Just remind him that if he helps me find her, then he gets his freedom once and for all." I needed a certain amount of compliance from him and the only way I could get it was to free him once I was done with him. It wasn't like I had much to worry about. Esme had wiped the floor with him. I made it clear if he ever tried to come after her or anyone else from the pack again, he was going to be the one that suffered. "I already did. I think he expected us to be long done by now." "He's not the only one. I won't go back without her, so both of you can shut up and get on with it." "But..." "f**k OFF TYLER!" He turned and left. It was a wise move, because I was close to ripping both their heads off. We were bunking down in Sherwood Forest, but it was time to move on. It wasn't like I expected to stumble across her. I just hoped whatever she was doing to hide wouldn't work as well if we were closer to wherever she was hiding. I pulled the map out of my pack and looked for the next substantial patch of woodland. Stapleford Wood was the next closest, but it was small. Too small for us to stay there for long. There would be very limited hunting options. Walking there would take days, mainly because we had to stick to the fields wherever we could. We had been spoiled in Sherwood Forest because of how vast it was. Surviving and staying hidden had been easy, but it wouldn't stay that way. I was starting to think that I was ridiculous for even thinking finding her that way was an option. The trouble was, it was my only option, no matter how much of a longshot it was, and I wasn't ready to give up on her. I wasn't sure I would ever be ready. I just needed her to know the truth. "We're heading out in the morning. So, you can both stop moaning so much." Given that we were leaving in the morning, I figured it was safe enough to go for a run. Even if I was seen, we would be gone before anybody knew we were even there. I strolled away from the camp we had made, waiting until I was well clear before changing. I needed to stretch my legs, and it helped me think more clearly. I headed through the trees at full speed, feeling the breeze whip at me. My heartbeat was pounding, and the blood was pumping. I loved the feeling, and I had missed it. I had no idea how long I was running, but when I finally stopped, the panting proved I was out of shape. The moon was just starting to shine and I couldn't resist the howl. Hearing it echo through the trees. I was miles from the camp, so it was safe enough. I wondered if Esme had heard me, if she was close by. She might have even recognised it as being me. Jackson certainly would. I hoped she did; I hoped it made her think of me for a second at least. Even if she never thought of me, I thought of her and the baby enough for both of us. The guilt of everything that had happened ate me up inside every minute of the day. I knew that wouldn't stop until I found her and made things right. Finding her wasn't something I wanted, it was something I needed.
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