Chapter 9

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Nathaniel’s first instinct was to not receive the call and then decline it but then he thought the better of it. His father did not control him. Had never been able to except manipulation, so he knew that it would be a good time to talk to him. After all he was the only family he had left in this world. “Hello Father,” said Nathaniel as he received the call. “Took you long enough to pick up the damn phone,” said the older man on the other end in a gruff voice. “I was standing outside Father. Tell me, what made you suddenly remember your prodigal son this morning,” said Nat in a mocking voice. “You should be remembering that you are talking to your father when you are speaking to me, young man. So you dare not use that voice and tone when talking to me. I forbid it,” said Retd. Rear Admiral Lane as he almost shouted at him. “And you do need to remember that I am your son, not your subordinate. So you should know how to behave accordingly. I can easily disconnect this call and not hear your voice again, Father. Because apparently you are not a position to demand anything from me at all,” said Nathaniel, in an equally strong voice and he knew that his words had hit home when he did not hear any reply. He smiled inwardly and then said,” Now if you are done rebuking me Father, then there are lot of things that I have planned to do on this leave that I have been granted for these two weeks.” “You mean to say you that you have other better things to do rather than speak to your Father, is it? Have you become so insolent Nathaniel that you have forgotten every modicum of decency that had been instilled in you so painfully?” asked the older man while Nat sighed out loud. “Father, what is it that you have called me for? I am sure that you curse me long enough all day in my absence about my rude and insolent behavior and everything else but right at this moment I just want to know what is it that you actually have to say?” asked Nat as he hoped that this phone call should be over soon enough. “You are supposed to coming home today for dinner Nathaniel. Your Admiral is also coming along so you can bring your friend with you. And please remember it is dinner so wear some good clothes and don’t turn up in your dirty jeans and all,” said Samuel Lane with an exasperated voice. “What makes you think that we are going to turn up at all? We already have enough of Admiral at the base and now, even in my leave what makes you think I am going to suffer that? Moreover, if it is a small formal dinner then who is going to be hosting it?” asked Nathaniel and for the first time in several years his father was shocked at his question. “What on earth do you mean by that Nathaniel?” asked Samuel as he could not even formulate a reply to it. “Oh stuff it Father!! No formal dinners are hosted without the woman of the house. And it has to be perfect and graceful because that is one of the most important duties of a soldier’s wife. Do you think I forgot that? Did you find someone else to marry? Is it a declaration of that?” asked Nathaniel then he added,” I know you are alone and I do not detest you if you do this Father. But at least I should have a heads up rather than be choking on my soup.” “I know that you do not respect me. I know that you do not even admire the heritage that we have and neither anything that this family has bestowed on you. That is why you have always made it sure that you are rootless but I never expected you to think like that of me ever in these terms Nathaniel. You should know that in this family we do not marry except the one woman we love and that is your mother. She is the only one who has my heart and will still do. And no, I am not marrying anyone or anything of the sort. And your grandmother is the woman of the house now in the absence of your mother and since you are not married. So she will be hosting the dinner. After all, she is also a soldier’s wife, isn’t she?” asked the man with a small chuckle and Nathaniel wanted to punch himself for talking like that. “I am sorry Father. I should have thought that you would not tarnish Mother’s memory in that way but I really think that you should have someone to keep you company except Grandma,” said Nathaniel as he smiled at the fact that he was saying this to his father. He could not believe that he was trying to take care of his father. “You don’t worry about me Boy. Just reach home in time and also bring your friend. We will have a good meal together. Something tells me that all your favorites are going to be cooked today,” said the old man with a chuckle. And the call got disconnected. “What on earth is happening today?” muttered Nat as the door bell rang. It must be Cadence he thought as he went to open the door and found his friend standing their with his surf board. “Dress up we are going to the ocean man,” declared Cadence as he stepped inside. “Fine!! I think I need a swim to clear my head nonetheless. BTW we have been invited to a dinner at my Father’s house with Rear Admiral Night,” said Nathaniel as he went inside. “Huh? Okay…are we going?” asked Cadence as he did not expect his friend to be taking or accepting the invitation. “Yes, we are,” replied Nat as he disappeared in his closet.    
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