Chapter 10

1059 Words
Hot. Hot. Hot. There were a lot of things to be grateful for in life. Good friends. A healthy body. Chocolate-covered caramel. All good. But not nearly as good as the sight of a gorgeous, mostly undressed man. The kind of man who made a woman very aware of all her girlie parts. The one striding along the water’s edge was that kind of guy, Cassandra Night’s girlie parts assured her. Gorgeous, built and, since he seemed oblivious to the women he left panting in his wake, as humble as he was hot. Tall, she’d bet his body lined up perfectly with her five ten frame. Long legs ate up the sand as he strode toward the ocean, his deliciously broad shoulders straight, his flat belly framed by a tapered waist. He had that sleek, muscled look that said he could kick some ass, but didn’t have the bodybuilder bulk that screamed mirror-w***e. Dark hair, a little too short for her taste, had just a hint of curl. She wrapped her finger around one of her own ringlets, figuring a guy who fought the wave would have a little sympathy when humid days made her look like a demented poodle. She couldn’t see his eyes from this distance, but he had those dark, intense brows that made guys look ferociously sexy. Either blessed genetics or the summer sun had washed his body with a pale golden hue. She wondered if he was just as golden beneath those summer-blue swim trunks. Was it too much to hope a big wave would help out in giving her a peek? C’mon, waves. The guy was a potent combination, guaranteed to make a strong, independent woman whimper with desire. At least, in her own mind. As she mentally whimpered, Cassandra shaded her eyes against the bright arcs of sunlight reflecting off the Pacific and interfering with her view of the gorgeous specimen of manhood as he dived into the ocean. She actually envied the water as it slid over that rock hard body. “Want a towel?” “Hmm?” she murmured, absently taking the soft fabric that was handed to her. Frowning, she glanced at the red beach towel, then at her brother. “What’s this for?” “To wipe your chin.” “Goof.” She laughed, tossing the towel back at him before sitting back on her beach chair, her toes digging into the warm sand. “That’s sweat from the sun. I’m not used to it being this warm the first week of February.” “Yeah!! You can lie as much as you want sweetheart. But that is only going to put your pants on fire, nothing else. I can see and appreciate a man who is that good looking honey. I might be your brother but I am also a man who is desperate about good looking and strong and able bodied men just like me. So do you understand that you can say anything that is going on your mind and I am not going to take offense?” asked Sergio as Cassandra laughed out loud. She had to agree that her brother was really good and exceptional company. He had made her feel like herself in a week and she was back to her old self. Yeah, true she had not been to her parent’s yet even after asking her to visit for luncheons and dinners, she knew that she was not yet ready to face any of them.   “I still remember the dinner that you told them that you were gay and had your own career planned and would not join the army. I did not think I could respect anyone so much as I did with you in that particular moment,” said Cassandra as Sergio smiled again at his little sister. She might be only a few years younger than him but she was always going to be his baby sister. “That amounted to almost nothing Cass to what all you did in your life and as a kid. Every single day the way you would get into fight and we would think that if anyone wanted to go into the army then you were the one. But then I said that I did not and you suddenly sobered up in my absence. I have no idea at all what happened to you in those three years but I am glad that you made a choice of living by your own terms,” said Sergio as Cassandra smiled. But her eyes were still looking for the hot bod who had gone swimming.   “But you did not tell me about this new thing that you would be starting soon?” asked Sergio and Cassandra shifted her attention back to her brother. “There is nothing to tell except the fact that I am sincerely going to love researching the facts and then making the experiments successful so we can actually help countless of women all over the country in the beginning. Then we would think about the world. It is something which is supposed to change the way they look at the world. But I am sure that once Dad gets to hear this then he is going to flip once again like when I said that I was not going to sign up for an army or not even going to marry someone and I was going to study further on full scholarship. That was the day that he said that the doors of his house were closed for me forever and I did not visit them in the next five years,” said Cassandra as her eyes stuck like glue to the wet man who came out from the water. The droplets of water slowly poring down from his naked skin and his wet boxers showing that he was packing a nice appendage along there as well. And Sergio whistled in appreciation making Cassandra scowl at her brother. “Why do you have to whistle Serg?” she asked as the man seemed to be walking in their direction and for the first time in several years Cassandra could feel her heart beating a lot faster.                                        
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