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ADAM pov. We ran through the woods. Our wolves were enjoying the run. We didn’t find anything suspicious. We ran until we came to the small creek, where we used to hang out at times. Let’s go for a swim. I mind link, Zane. We jump in. The cool water felt so soothing I almost forgot why we were here in the first place. After a while, we came up and shifted back to our humans decided to rest for a while. Just then something shiny caught my eye. It was lying in the dirt. When I picked it up I saw that it was a bracelet. “How did this get here?” Zane stared at it. He took it from me and sniffed it. He seemed to be in a trance. “Hey, what’s wrong with you?” He shook his head and handed it back to me. “ I don’t know” he replied. “maybe we should take it back and show it to Luke. Let’s see if he recognises it.” Yeah. We should do that. But I had a feeling Zane felt something. “ok. But what happened to you just now?” He looked confused. “man, I have no idea what came over me. I felt drawn towards that bracelet. As if that belonged to someone I know....or someone special” he looked at me with a frown,” did you feel like that?” “well, no. This is just a bracelet for me. I don’t know what’s with you.” “ Oh wait. Maybe this belongs to your mate” I added with a smirk. Zane’s eyes grew wide. “you think so?” I shrugged. “maybe, maybe not. Let’s go back. I have to check on the training of our warriors.” Zane nodded with a sigh. We shifted to our wolves and rushed through the thick foliage of the forest. We reached the packhouse soon. Both of us shifted back and headed towards the training grounds after wearing our shorts. Our warriors were training hard. They never miss a day of training. I am proud of them. Our third in command is in charge of their training. I saw him yelling at a group of warriors for not meeting up with his expectations. “Jason,” I called out to get their attention. “Alpha” they all bowed to me in respect. “I just came to check on you guys. Get back to sparing” I instructed the group of warriors. When they left I looked at Jason. “Hey, man. How is it going?” “ Training hard.” He replied with a smile. “And I am so proud of that.....Why don’t we hang out sometime today? We are all too busy, either training, paperwork or dealing with some pack business.” “ yeah either that of both of you are locked in your rooms with your mates.” Zane teased us, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. ‘'I can’t wait to tease you, Zane. We’ll see how you are when you finally find your mate.” Jason smirked. “We have a full team ready for that. Me, Jess, you and Tina.” I mentioned. “Oh, the joy!” Zane rolled his eyes. “ maybe my mate is not born yet” Just then I remembered about the bracelet we found. I took it from the pocket of my shorts. I had held it with my mouth as we ran back to the packhouse and put it in my pocket before we reached the training grounds. I took it. As soon as Zane saw it he kept staring at it. Jason too noticed. “what’s with him?” “ I don’t know. He keeps looking at this bracelet ever since we found it lying on the forest floor.” I replied. Something was up. “Dude, you ok?” Jason shook him out of his trance. “You look as if you found your mate” Jason shook his head. “ Are you mated to a bracelet?” I teased Zane. “What?” he almost shouted. “How is that even possible?” “Of course it is not possible. .....I just wanted to tease you.” I managed to say as I doubled with laughter. He scowled at my reaction. “ So let’s take that to Luke and see if he recognises it.” “ Who is Luke?” Jason asked. “ Oh, a human boy we found alone in the forest,” I replied. “ I brought him here because he was alone and looked like he was lost.” Jason nodded. “ you are like that. Just make sure you don’t bring the enemy in” I smiled. “ Yeah. I won’t. So let’s hang out tonight. Meet me in my office. We can have some drinks and some quality time together.” They nodded in agreement. Yes. We meet at my office. I never liked hanging out in bars. Too many chicks try to hit on us and we end up smelling like other women. I don’t want to be ass whipped by my mate afterwards. Besides what is better than catching up with your closest friends. Jess pov. I held Luke for as long as he wanted me to. I got strangely attached to him. I couldn’t hold back my motherly feelings towards him. I kept caressing his hair as he fell asleep on my lap. He is so sweet. Why would his uncle abandon him? What happened to his parents and sister. I needed to find out more. But I will give him time. Because I know that it would be very hard for him to narrate his story. Let him get comfortable a little bit. I hope he tells us his full story soon. Just then the door to the room opened and the love of my life came in. I smiled. I still felt what I felt for him the day we found each other four years ago. He always will be the king of my heart. “Is he sleeping?” he asked. I nodded in response. “He fell asleep after crying a lot. He was crying in his sleep. Maybe he was having a nightmare. I woke him up and tried to talk to him. I found out that he was abandoned in the woods by his uncle. Oh, and he has a sister. I haven’t asked him about her though. He pleaded with me not to send him back. Because his uncle hurt him a lot” “ You mean he was abused?” he asked his facial expression rock hard. If there is anyone he despised with all his heart it is those who abuse the weak. “ That is what I am guessing,” I answered. “ I don’t think I want to ask him about it again. Let him speak about it on his own” I felt Luke stir on my lap. He lifted his head and looked around. He smiled at me and Adam. “Hey buddy, how do you like it here?” Adam asked. “I like it” was the reply. “Would you like to stay with us?” Adam asked and Luke’s eyes lit up. “oh yes. I would love that” he sounded so happy. I am positive he was happy to know that he wouldn’t have to go back. I hugged Luke. “ Maybe we can take care of him as our own?” I asked silently. I looked at Adam with hopeful eyes. He smiled.” Maybe we can adopt him. “ was his reply. My eyes grew wide. My heart raced with joy. Really? I looked at Luke. “ would you like that Luke?” I asked. I didn’t expect our life to take such a turn. We had been trying for a pup ever since we mated with no success. We only found out that I was barren last night and now, this. Maybe I can be a mother. An adoptive mother but I didn’t care. If only Luke is ok with it. Luke looked at us with tears in his eyes. “ you want to be my mamma and Pappa? I am not like you” he replied looking down.” I know you are wolves. I saw you changing in the woods. I was scared that you might hurt me. That is what my uncle told me when he left me there. He wanted some animal to kill me. But you changed into a human and were very nice to me. I knew you were different.” Adam looked as if he didn’t know what to say “Darling, we want you to be our son. I can’t believe you were hurt so much. We promise to love you and cherish you. We don’t care if you are not like us” I couldn’t hold back my tears. “Please say yes Luke.” Adam came up to him and held his little hands. “ Luke, what I know is you are super awesome and you didn’t deserve to be told what you were. Your uncle is one very bad man. I hope he gets punished for that” he said lovingly. “ so, what do you think about becoming our son?” “yes,” he said as tears of happiness streamed down. We hugged. I cried. I have a little family now. My dream of having a family is complete. Just then Adam took the bracelet from his pocket. And showed it to us. “ I found this in the woods” Luke gasped. “That is my sister’s!” he exclaimed.
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