Chapter 4

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There was for once a sense of peace back in the world yet again and that peace seems to be spreading for some time now, and that was quite alright, well. It was almost like the world had gone back to normal and that is truly what Jude was trying to strive for so long now, and there was an essence of peace around him, his mind. After the day Jude had, he needed it very badly. And right at this moment though, Jude was driving back to where he came from, as the man was back behind the wheel and no longer was he driving like a mad man anymore, like Jude was doing before. However, right this moment it seemed like things have calmed down as Jude could feel that. And now he was driving back to his town and to the man he considered his father, his mentor. The man who taught him all the rules and laws of this life and helped him become the man he is today. Helped him be the king he is right now. As he was driving by to the isolated streets of Italy, it was then that Jude noticed multiple cars driving right past him from the other side and they were very familiar cars as well. He knew them as he saw them because they all belonged to Jude and his men. He noticed them in a quick hurry and all of them now driving fast to their location. Not once slowing down. There were eight or nine cars there to be very precise. Jude looked at all of them as they went by, driving away very quickly. He was very glad about how quickly his men were here to get their work done. Jude was in complete peace, finally. He immediately took a deep breath and let all of his exhaustion out of his body. One of his hands was resting on the steering wheel and the other one was placed on his window while he was opening it up for himself. Right at that very moment cool and calming breeze immediately rushed in as his window was completely down now and that cold air was now hitting him. He felt so calm with himself, and moreover, Jude for a very long time hadn’t felt this way at all. It was all most like he was suffering for quite some time now, but the fresh that was getting was making things much better for him. And now nothing could match as to what he was feeling on the inside himself. “Ring ring.” A loud buzzing noise spread all around the car, alarming Jude, and quickly he looked down to say Sillas’s written on it. His jaw clenched at the name but, never the less, Jude was glad that Sillas was calling him and quickly Jude pressed on to one of the button and the call went to speaker. “I am guessing the work is done…” A very thick voice came from the other side and somehow it honestly relaxed the Mafia lord almost immediately. Right then there was a small curve on the side of his lip. Never the less, Jude was nodding his head even though he realized that his mentor could not see him doing so, “It is done.” Jude let out as he said it confidently, but there was no happiness in his words, no joy in the success of his work. And right then Sillas could very well hear the pain in Jude's voice as it came out very rough and honestly there was no emotion in it at all. “You should be very happy that you saved lives Jude,” Sillas said to him, but for Jude it was not something that was true at all. Slowly Jude looked away from the road which was now very empty right ahead of him. He then turned to his right, glancing at the beautiful forest that he was surrounded by, green and green everywhere as far as his eyes could see. However, there were still many small houses here and there, something Jude had seen many times growing up. And some houses still had not change a bit, but the people seemed to have changed, grown and so did the atmosphere around them as well. There was so much that had changed now and Jude had noticed everything. But still, he was in pain because of the loss of his friend. “Jude, I understand what you have lost. He was a good man. He truly was, but you do understand you cannot change anybody's faith. It was time for him to go…….” “But not like this.” Jude said almost immediately, interrupting Sillas and right as he said so, that was when Sillas heard emotions in the Mafia lord's voice, something that had been lacking from him for some time. Sillas heard it and as it reached his ears, he was glad to know that there was still a little bit of a human in Jude. However, Jude, on the other hand, he gripped on to the steering wheel very tightly, and right then that one image of his friend was something he couldn't get out of his head, that was strange to him. Although, even though all Jude’s life and since a very young age all he had seen was blood, red, horror and torture everywhere he looked. But whenever it was him seeing his own people suffering, that was when he could lose it entirely. It made his blood boil and that emotion was something he kept inside of him for too long, making it come out in large bursts. Sillas though, he always hated that about Jude. But now that Jude had let it all out he couldn't help but feel slightly relaxed in his mind. “How is Mila?. did you drop them off somewhere so that….” Sillas was about to finish his sentence but Jude once again interrupted him. It was something he had no control over when it came to that family. “They are in the hospital right now, and Marco is resting for some time. They are checking on Mila and I have sent Sofiana to the hospital to take care of everything. When they are done she will drop them home and there will be 24 hour security for her family. event to her parents as well.” He said sharing everything Sillas. How ever as he was talking about it, this was still very terribly horrible for Jude to recall the past and live through all over again. It was extremely hard for Jude. There was a strange gulp in his throat and this time his knuckles had gone so white they look so pale and painful. More over, the anger on his face was still stuck and he just couldn't bring himself to calm down. Now, as the topic was let out, he was reliving every single thing. “What about the body” Sillas asked, “He was taken away right after I left. And for the factory, don't worry about it. My men are on their way to the factory, the work will be done in no time.” Jude let him know. “So you are still going to burn it to the ground?” Sillas asked. “Hmmm, burn everyone in there as well.” Jude said nodding his head, suddenly right then his eyes went to the hand cuff that was on the steering wheel, and that was when he noticed that there were blood stains everywhere. Jude squinted his eyes and paid close attention to the blood. It was then that he saw there was some amount of hair on it as well. Slowly Jude started moving his hand over from the steering wheel and that was when he noticed there was blood all over his hands, on his skin. Jude looked down onto what he was wearing and there he saw his shirt as well was completely covered in blood and all red in the front. That being when Jude entirely understood the fact as to why people in the hospital were so afraid of him. How ever everyone truly knew who Jude was in real life, but also that being a very good reason to be afraid of him and at the same time they also know what he was and what his work demanded as well. And so, all this much blood on him could shock anyone and that was very understandable to Jude. Slowly, then he let out a small breath that he had been holding in him while he was wanting for Sillas to ask him what he wanted to. Because Jude already knew that the old man wanted to ask a few more things. “What did you do with Vincent?” He finally questioned about the main concern, wanting to know what truly happened there. “Will he be burnt as well?” Sillas asked. Worried that Jude might have gone soft because of the giving situation. “No…” Almost immediately Jude said it out loud, and very clearly as well. So that it was very clean to Sillas. “My men took him with the dead body, he will be taken care of, and Vincent will leave...” Jude let him know. “I thought you said you were going to kill him,” Sillas questioned. “I will take care of it. Death will be too easy for him, I will give him something more than death, something more painful.” Jude let out, not holding anything in. “And you don't have to worry about anything, Sillas. I have taken care of the matter, everything is finally settled.” He said with all the confidence in him and his words. And right then, at that movement, there was pure silence there as Sillas heard everything that Jude had to say to him, and he couldn't help but truly believe Jude in his every word. Because Jude was always honest with what he said. Sillas had a lot of trust in Jude as the old Mafia lord had thought Jude everything that was necessary, and even a source of revenge as well. “I have no doubt that you have done your best Jude, and I am sure eventually in time I will get to see Vincent and this “life” that you have let him live as well that is for sure.” Sillas said as Jude let out a small chuckle, so tiny that nobody could hear it except for himself. “Where are you?” Sillas asked. “I am on my way to the Tuscan Archipelago, coming to Elba. Are you already there?” Jude asked to Sillas and there was a small cracle on the other side. “I am reaching.” Sillas let him know. And suddenly there was a small question in Jude’s mind and there was a reason for it as well. “Sillas, we are suddenly meeting each other. You were supposed to be here after a month. What is going on?” Jude asked and right at that moment as he asked that question, there was a small frown on Jude’s face. It was something that had hit him in the gut as a thought came to his head. It was almost like a reminder or something. “Is anything wrong?. Do you want me there as quick as possible or should I send you some men?” Jude asked more and more questions and over and over again. However, on the other side, Sillas was chuckling loudly. But this time it was quite loud and now confusing the Mafia lord. He scrunched his face, confused as ever. “There is no such need for that, I just wanted to meet my son and talk to you.” Sillas said with all the honesty in his bones and right then there was a small thug in Jude’s heart. All because those words from him meant a lot to him. After Jude’s father's death, it was Sillas who took Jude into his life, gave him knowledge, propose, power, and an idea to make wealth that Jude grew to massive lenghts. And now those words coming out of him were pretty strange, but Jude had come to accept them. “ It won't take long,” Jude said almost immediately. “Don't worry, I will be right here.” Sillas said. And right then, quickly Sillas cutting the call on Jude. How ever, rigas the call was cut, Jude couldn’t help but think over this conversation between them, and he very well understood that whatever Sillas was calling him for, whatever that conversation was going to be, it had to be very important to Sillas and that was a given. Right then Jude couldn't help but step on it and drive even faster than before. Now that he did not want to waste any more time here but rather meet Sillas after a long distance that they had aquired for so long. Understanding that he cannot let Sillas wait there all alone. ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... “How long will it take for Jude to get here?” An old man asked, white hair, wrinkles forming all around his body but he had on a beautiful suit. His short body fitted that black suit very well. It was the driver who asked Sillas as he stood right next to a white Rolls Royce, with his hands folded together staring at Sillas silently. However, Sillas, on the other hand, he was already in Elba, and at the destination. The old man was now standing there by the water, watching the afternoon sea as the sun was on them, getting on to them from right on top. “It will take him sometime.” Sillas said to him as he waited by the water, sitting on a bench and simply staring at the water as it hit the land and went back, doing the same thing over and over again. And now Sillas was calming listening to the sound of water moving, taking in the smell. All this, everything here, it that made him so happy, Sillas was doing right by him, he had his own peace in his hands. “But then, why did you lie to Jude when you are already here, waiting for him?” He asked as Sillas gave him a small grin, as his dimples were going deep into his skin and the sun light shining on his dark wavy hair as the man gradually stood up and his very tall and broad body making its way up to the edge, while he was still looking at the nature right in front of him. This was his small little place and now he was simply taking it all into his mind and soul. At this very moment, as his smile started to grow a little, there was a sparkle in his brown eyes. It was very strange, but it was all from pure happiness. “I just wanted some time to myself, so that I could talk to my Sylvi…” Sillas said, slowly turning back to his driver and right at that very movement as he said his daughter's name, there was a big grin on the driver's face as well. The man adored the little girl all his life, such pure joy she was. And slowly he nodded his head at Sillas. “All the best then.” He said, because the man very well understood how this conversation was going to go between the father and the daughter. “I will get myself something to drink then.” The driver said, slowly walking away from Sillas, giving him some privacy and that was quite nice for Sillas. He was very glad about being alone for some time now and about how his driver knew what to do and what not to do right now. While still holding on a very big grin on his face, happy that he was at his favorite sport and about to talk to his beautiful daughter. Quickly, Sillas pulled out his phone out from his pocket and called Sylvi, as the name was written on his phone and it was her nickname there and right there along with it were also three hearts, green hearts right behind her name. And every time Sillas looked at the name, he couldn't help but smile softly. It was his daughter who wrote her number and contact name on his phone, and as she loved green so much they were the reason for the green hearts everywhere. Almost immediately Sillas then placed his phone on his ear as it started ringing loudly. Sillas being as patient as ever, he was waiting there, very well knowing how his daughter almost never picked her phone up, and that was something that gave him anxiety, he was worried about her all the time. Sillas was scared of this world that he had created and she was living in. How ever, he also knew that he had her well protected from the demons and the dangers of this world, she would always be safe. Nevertheless, the phone still went on ringing and now it was taking everything for Sillas to not roll his eyes as he stared at the water waiting in complete patience when suddenly there was a strange tinging sound on the other side of the call. “Daddddd hiii.” A very loud, sweet melodious voice came from the other side and right at that very moment there was a loud breath that Sillas let out almost immediately. It was something he did not even know he was holding in for so long. Now his eyes shut and there was a sense of peace in his chest, something he could not hide. But nevertheless, he was so happy to hear Sylvian’s beautiful voice. “My love…” He said very softly and there was a small giggle on the other side you call. “Dad, you promised me you would call me two days ago, but when you did not call, I called you. It was your assistant, she picked up all the time. I was waiting for your call……” She said almost immediately. However, as Sylvian was now bickering and asking him for more explanation, Sillas couldn't help but still smile at her as he opened his eyes, listening very carefully. “I am truly sorry, my love. I know I shouldn’t have kept you waiting at all. I promise you that it will never happen again.” He let her know in the most honest way possible. Although there were many lies that Sillas had told his daughter over the years, but at the same time, when ever he made any promise to her, Sillas never broke it at all. He made it possible by any means. “Okay…” Sylvian said as there was a small huff on the other side. “Are you not mad at me?” Sillas asked once again, following with a chuckle from Sylvian. “Of course not dad, I am not mad at you. When have I ever been angry. I just miss you very much and I tell that to mom all the time, but unfortunately it seems like you both don't want me to meet you for some reason.” She said and right then Sillas couldn’t help but feel as there was a slight pain in Sylvain's voice this time. She was hiding for too long, but as she said what she felt, her pain was now pouring out with no control. However, it hurt Sillas like a bullet going through his chest as he heard his daughter say all that. “Sylvi, you know I would do anything to meet you, I would give everything I own to see you once again. But my work.......... it keeps me away from you and my work being stressful. Your mother keeps you away from me too. Astrid is not doing the wrong thing Sylvi. Your mother and I know that you will get very bored.” He said. “You say that all the time dad. And I don’t think your business can be that boring, come on.” She let out, as Sillas chuckled to himself. “Well, it could be very boring to you, but it is very interesting to me.” He said in a small whisper, this time trying not to smirk as he always did. But however as he said so, Sillas was waiting for Sylvian to say something back to him, something witty or mean or anything. But for a very long time there was a big silence that was filling in, something he did not understand at all. Sillas then frowned and waited a little longer. “Sylvi love, is everything okay ?” He asked.. ………….. ………… “Dad, I want to see you. That is it, that is all I want.” She said what Sylvian felt to her father and right at that moment as Sylvi finally confessed so, there was a concerned look on Sillas’s face. “Sylvi, what happened?” He asked, no longer having the same old cheerful tone in his voice as he always did with her. Rather, there he was using a voice that Sillas had not used for a very long time now. The voice of a lord he once used to be to the world. “Sylvi…” “Nothing is wrong dad, I just really miss you every day. There so much I want to tell, there is so much about my school. And, you know, I won a competition and my fabric was perfect for them. My fabric won and now my college is using the fabric for their designs this year. I am doing so great dad, and one of my best friends has just graduated from college and mum started another restaurant and I still don’t go there because I don’t want to eat or smell fish.” She said and Sillas was listening very carefully, nodding his head and smiling to himself. He for sure knew all about Astrid’s restaurant. “There is just so much that is going on in my life, and I want to deeply tell you everything. But dad, I want to see you when I tell you everything. I want to hear your voice, but not through a phone. And see if you are still wearing the bracelet I made for you. There are just small things I want to see, notice, and say.” Sylvian said over and over again, explain so much to him and right at that moment the man was the most strongest man in the world, the most fearful man in the world, he had his feelings built up. He was feeling all sorts of pain in that one place that nobody thought he had, in his heart. Sillas might be the most brutal man in the world but to his daughter he was everything nice and good. And now to see his Sylvian in pain and hear her wanting to see her father, the most natural thing as it should be for a daughter. Now that he could hear the suffering in her voice, it broke Sillas. Gradually, Sillas looked down at his hand, moving his hand a little forward and there he saw a black and green bracelet that was made by his daughter many, years ago and she was just a child back then. That was simply made by small threads and now worn out as well, but he still wore it. Sillas couldn't help but watch how much a small thread it really was and how it was simply tied on his hand and right next his millions of dollars worth watch he had on. And yet what his daughter had made for him was all that he would want forever. That one small thread was worth something more than millions. “Is that what you want Sylvi?” He asked, wanting for her to answer honestly if she wanted that. “If you can dad…..” She said softly but unsure. But immediately Sillas stopped her right then. “No, Sylvi, my love. You do not ever ask me for anything in this world but just my presence in it. But is that something you want me to do?. Do you want me to come to New York to you?” He asked her. And, nevertheless, once again there was a small pause on the other side, and Sillas very well completely understood why it was. He knew that Sylvian understood very well his work was demanding, but also that she missed him. But more than ever, she understood work was work and everyone worked. That being her reason for him, for many years she did not beg for him to come, and come see her when he was free, and when he could make time and meet her. Sylvian would be the happiest child in the world if that was possible. But at this time, he was asking her for a choice now, something he had never done before and it was needless to say that Sillas knew she was thinking about it. “I want to see you dad…. I want you in New York.” She said after a long oause and after a lot of thinking. And now, this time Sylvian was being selfish for once in her life, and for herself. Her father immediately nodded his head. “If that is what you want, I will leave for New York tonight.” He said smiling brightly. “NOOOOO, NOOO.” Immediately Sylvian yelled out very stressed out as her voice came of strange from the other side, surprising Sillas. He was completely taken aback by her scream, but it still was not surprising. Sylvian was always very loud as a child and even very expressive. “Is something wrong? what happened?. Do you not want me to come?” Sillas asked her a little confused. “No, no dad…….” She said once again repeating her words. Huffing and puffing now. “That is not what I meant. Dad, right now I am in Greece and tomorrow we will be leaving for New York. Can you come after tomorrow?” She asked him and Sillas shut his eyes chuckling to herself and nodding his head. “Of course I can do that, anything you want. And do you want anything from here?. Do you want me to get you a beautiful bracelet, necklace, anything for your college?” He asked, patiently waiting for her to give him a list like she used to do as a child. And without even blink his eye Sillas would get her whatever she wanted. Even though his ex-wife would discipline both of them, it was just something he loved doing for his daughter. “Dad….” Sylvi said in a small whisper, a sort of distress in her voice that she couldn't hide and he heard it very clearly. “I just want you to come here, just you please. Don't waste your time on anything else…” She said and right at that moment it was very hard for Sillas to contain any of his emotions. “I will be there…. I promise.” He whispered, and that was enough for Sylvi. “Okay then. I will see you in two days.” She said. “I will see you then, I love you Sylvi.” He let out. “I love you too, dad byeee.” She said, “Bye uncle Sillas.” “Bye old man, I miss you.” “Bye see you… And please get us something sweets. This is Celeste.” Three different voice's came from the other side of the phone and Sillas let out a loud chuckle, nodding his head. They were her best friends and he knew all three of them all his life. They too were very important to Sillas, like Sylvian. And he considered them his own family. And, even though they did not know anything about him and his life, he was always protecting their familys as well, keeping all of them safe so that Sylvi could be safe too. “Don't worry, I will get you whatever you want Celeste.” Clearly remembering that the young lady loved eating sweets. And right then everyone said their good bye and cut the call. Suddenly there was no longer Sylvi’s voice around and that was something very dreadful for Sillas, as he put his phone away from his ear and was now staring at the bright screen and there was no longer her name on it. However, there was a sense of peace in Silla’s heart after listening to the most loved person one in this world for him. And even though today was truly brutal and disturbing in the beginning, it was even difficult for Sillas. But now everything seems much more peaceful and beautiful now that he talked to his daughter. And right now, he had made a promise to Sylvian, and Sillas knew he was going to full fill it. But, more over there was another promise that he made, but this time to himself this was. A few years ago, there was a certain things Sillas had to correct first before he went to meet his daughter. A certain things that had to be set right and people talked to and only after that was he could going to go see his Sylvian, something Sillas has been waiting to do for ages and now was the right time for it.
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