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Chapter Nine Roll'Inn Jenn’s P.O.V. About 25 minutes later we arrive at the Roll’Inn. No sight of any of our friends yet. I sent the girls a text, that Jay and I are already inside. Sure not, going to stay in the car. All text back that I should order everyone’s skates, sizes all inlcuded. Entering the Inn, I went straight over to the counter. “Groovy night, welcome, how may I help you?”, the handsome boy said flirting. “Oh hey, I want to order 8 pair of rollers.”, I say lightly. Getting a low growl from Jay. I turn, raise my brow and looked back at the boy. “That’s alot, sugar. Too much for you.”, he flirts. I don’t like him, but I want to test something. “Ohh, you smart. Cute.”, I say wavering my fingers. “Off course they are not all mine.” “Well, thats a shame. Thought you would rock the house tonight, spreading your sugar.”, the boy winks and chuckles smooth. I just smile short, Jay takes a deep breath and he steps closer to me. He looks at the boy, look at his name tag. “Calvin, can we get those skates?”, Jay says that way too cold. “Sure,”, the boy doesn’t know where to look, “si-zes?”, he asks shaky. I give him all the sizes and he walks away. “What was that, Jenni?” “What?”, I ask him at my most innocent tone. “Don’t play games now.” I turn and look at him smiling, he crooks head and raise his brow at his turn. Before either of is can say something; “All take a stand for our new earlybird.", Ame says full of surprise on her face, and burst out laughing. “Ami, will you keep it down?”, Caleb more ordered than aksed, pulling her to him. “What?”, she whispers, “It’s true.”, Ami said folding her arms. ‘Saved bybell.’ We all greet eachother, still waiting on Riss & Jason. The Inn boy brought our skates and we paid, all a part. We choose a table and changed our shoes. Amira is trying to catch my attention, but I leave it for now. I don’t want to forget about what she want to discuss. I know she atleast saw is just now. I tie my skates thight, for I am planning to groove the house tonight. Riss & Jace came in after my second warm up round. I always warm up, so I know they won’t mind. The girls join me fast. Apperently Ami, Gina, Caleb and Mike witness almost everything. She asked me; “Why are you so out there, making him jealous so openly?”, the three of them gazing at me, all are eager to know, whats the deal with Jay and me. I skate faster, knowing they can’t keep track of me soon. I don’t want my mouth nor my face tell them about the dirty things we have been up to. Ami gives me a hateful look, as we meet halfway the skate dancefloor. I just sigh and skate on, okay I want to tell them some, but Jay and I promised not to say anything. The boys are still sitting at the table, they seem to be in a heavy conversation. Caleb is venom pointing his finger at Jay. Who in return shows his teeth mad at Caleb. Wow, whats happening tonight? I keep skating, starting to stretch my legs more. I spot Gina. She laughs and waves me to come to her. “Hej.”, I say soft. “Jenni, you don’t have to feel, like you should hold back, you have been doe years. Plus… For what I seen, your move worked.”, she giggled. “Gini, I don’t know. This can also ruin our friendship, my longest friend I have.” “You can also lose him to someone else.”, those bitter words Gina said, made my heart shatter. “Sorry babe, don’t wanna kill your dreams.” “I, I… oh Gina, I don’t know anymore. Really.”, I confess confused. I got to be careful with my words. “Pursue your heart, Jenn. It knows the way.”, and she hugged me, but I felt her focus was on somebody else. So I looked behind me, after we broke out hug. Du-uh, Mike. I smile at her. She is right, I shouldn’t worry and take what is mine. We catch up to Riss, who is already rocking on the music. I bump my hip soft on hers. She laughs and grabs my hand. “This is the way you treat us now? Not talking, no contact? Have you forgotten about us?” “NO-no! Oh, I can’t explain. But Gina here, just gave me the best advice y’all ever gave me. Just watch.” “Watch, what?” Ami ask joing us. “She is going to seduce Jay,” Gina chuckles. “FINALLY!”, Ami yelled above the music, making surrounders looking at us. “What are you going to do?”, Riss and Ami and more body than curious. I turn on my skates, making me smoothly rolling backwards, I swing my hips left and right. “Dancing and skating is my thing, y'all know.”, I wink at the, they smile in delight. “Watch me, girls.” I went up to the DJ, Dylan, and asked him to play 2 songs for me. Since he is nu nephew’s friend, he is gladly to drop them for me. I asked him to play the second on my cue, also that was not a problem. The girls just kept going. I rolled to the middle of the dance floor, the pro circle, the lights dimmed a little. Before he started Freakum Dress, you know why I had too, he blazed in the mic; “SPECIALLLLLL REQUEST!!!” As the intro started, I started to swing my hips and snap my fingers. I roll my legs crosswise and turn half, going back to where I started. By now Jay’s eyes starting to burn on my skin. I roll, dancing shaking my bump left and right, my hands going on the beat, swinging with my hips along. I widen my legs and buck my ass up, my hands thrusting my waist down to my knees, down to my toes, making a spin, with my face in my split. The girls just went wild, cheering me on. Dancing along with me. Jay is closer, I can feel it. When I am stand good again, I roll on dancing down grinding my hips. My hands caressing my free skin from forearm up to my neck, stopping just underneath my ears. I keep rolling making a split and go back up in ease, rolling and grinding my hips turning slow circles. I stop, Buck my waist back and bite my lip. I feel a pressor on my back and ass. I smile and lean back, and get a cold shiver. ‘This is not Jay’s scent. Fuck.’ A strong light tanned hand is holding my waist rough, the other trying to go down my thighs. I panic, I try to look around, trying to get out his grip, but can’t spot any of my friends. He almost is at my core, he is breathing heavy upon me. I just clench my thighs and going to try to drop my weight back, so hopefully I can trake a dive out his hands. As I clench my hands, his weight is freed of me, but he pulled me back, making me slip on my bump. Rather a bruse than s****l asault attempt accomplished. The girls all rolled up to me, as I turn I see the Inn'boy getting a punch from Jay, knocking him out. He immediately leaves him and runs to me. He comes down. “Are you okay, Baby?”, he asks worried about me, but his anger is still hanging in his voice. He wraps me in his arms, save. The manager of the Inn has shown already. Caleb is talking to him. “I saw it all on tape. You guys can stay, if she would like. And drinks and some snacks are on the house tonight. I will also refund your entry.” Caleb thanks him and looks at Jay, who looks at me at his turn. “We are staying. Thank you, sir. But I have to sit first. Also I would like to know, what are you going to do about your employee?” “He is fired and I will put in his record that it was because of s****l assault against a costumer. As it is.”, he says firm. “Miss, I am very sorry this happened. This is absoluty a big shame. I will have the owner to get in touch with you.” “No, there is no need for that.”, I wave my hands at him. “I am fine, I just want to forget about this.” “Well, don’t forget, drinks and food is on us for y'all tonight. Could one of you come along to get your money?”, Jay looks at Caleb, Caleb taking everyone with him. Jay helps me up, he is concerned. He puts at a bench side to the floor. I nod. Jay helps me over, my bump is still a bit sore. We sit. “Sorry, that I was too late. I made a wrong move, I could have rises you earlier, if I haven’t.”, His hands stroke through his hair. “Its not your fault, Jay. I shouldn’t have…”, he stopped me. “You like to play with fire indeed, my Queen. But that is my fire to tame.”, Jay speaks quiet, his voice full power and authority, for me not to mistake him. “Yes, sir.”, I giggle soft. Amazing how he almost makes me forget, that not 6even 5 to 10 minutes ago, a guy tried to come up to me. “Can you please hold me, just a brief second again?”, I ask still a bit shaky. That hug turned in to a minute of five. I was listening to the musicbeat of Jay’s heartbeat, it calmed me even more. “You know that our friends are trying to hook us up right?”, I say to Jay, when I say Amira swinged us by, rolling to dance and skate with Caleb. “No s**t! Are they?!”, he chuckles so hard, that my head bounced of his chest. That made him laugh even harder. I rolled my eyes. “Yes, they are. And not only one, it is all of them.”, he said annoyed. “Caleb won’t leave me the f**k alone.” Than our eyes meet, I quickly change my sight. “Dance with me?”, Jay stands up and reach his hand out. “I would love that, finally.” Amira’s P.O.V. “I don’t know what has gotten in to Jenn.”, I tell the girls. Jenn is rolling on the dancefloor on her skates. She keeps going on, playing with her body. Dancing her hips and legs up and down. I know she loves Freakum Dress, but DAMN?! I spot Jay, if we speed up a bit, we might catch up with him. Jay is checking Jenn’s every move. And if eyes could undress and f**k a woman, it sure were his. A guy just rolled straight to the crowd, bumping up at a couple. He excused to them quick and rolled on. Straight to Jenn. Riss and Gina take my hand, we quickly try to get close to her, but he is already there, she is backing him. “s**t, she might even think its Jay.”, Gina said. “You said it, I thought it.”, I just gasp. I look for Jay. His nostrils are wide, his eyes angry and he is ready to kill. I look for Cal, or Mike and Jace. They are right behind him. Jenn’s face is all in panic, she is trying to free herself. That guy is a f*****g prev. Thank God, we are almost there. The boys reach her first, all pulled the prev off of Jenn. We, girls, quickly kneel down. “Are you okay?”, Riss asks. “Y-y-yes. N-now I am.” I heard noises, so I look up and Jay knocks the guy out. It’s the f*****g boy from the counter. Jenn played even a more dangerous game than she planned, and even if she was flirting with him, this is NOT the way. Jay left the boy soon as he hit him, and came over to us. He is holding Jenn. I can’t miss the fact that he called her baby. ‘Hmm… thats new.’ A man comes running to us. Caleb stands in front of me, I get up to listen. “I am so sorry about this, I am Chris, the manager. I saw it all on tape. Can I do anything? Is she hurt? Does she need to go to the hospital?”, he asks with deep concern. He looks at Jenn. And then his eye went on his co-worker, gliding his eyes in filth, and back to Jenn, concerned. He sighs and watch at Caleb again. “Like I said. I saw it all on tape. You guys can stay, if she would like. And drinks and some snacks are on the house tonight. I will also refund your entry.” Caleb thanks and he turn his sight on Jay, who is looking at Jenn. To my surprise she answers that we are staying. She bravely aks the man, how he is going to act with this situation, besides his kind, needed offer. He made her sure he will give him the full exit, including ever getting another job. He apologized again to Jenn. Jay gave Cale a strange look. “Okay, we will come with you.”, Caleb assurred the manager. He looks at all of us and then to Jenn and Jay. Meaning leave them. I went to sit at the table, Caleb and Mike went to het out money. “FFS, what a creep. I always thought he was weird.”, Riss says in horror. “Jenn shouldn’t be dancing like that either.”, Jace earned 3 dirty looks from 6 eyes, and 1 slap from Riss. “Well just glad, we were on time to help her.”, Gina said. “Yeah.”, I say. My eyes can’t believe it. Jay and Jenn are cuddling, but there is a different way of the way they interact. Plus he did call her baby, way top smooshie, if you are asking me. I need to take a closer look at this little show. “Lets get back on the floor. Jenn is right, we should not let that freak ruin our night.”, I say getting up. Caleb and Mike were already on their way. “Baby, I want to dance.”, I tell him elated, taking his hand and guiding him to the floor. Before we enter, I stop him. “Caleb, they are in love. Jay called Jenn Baby, just after he punched the guy.”, Caleb is a bit shocked. “I told him, he can’t fool me.”, he said and he wanted to look over to J & J. “No, Don’t look now. We might give them a push here and there.”, I tell him smiling. “I already on it, babe. Mike and Gigi will also follow very soon”, he winks and smirks, I am in question, he just says. “Lets roll, mama.” We roll in ease, not in the outside round or in the center. Meanwhile I can’t help to glunder at Jenn and Jay, while he fills me in about the talk with Mike & Jay. I am sure that J & J will be more than friends too. Jay’s P.O.V. We had arrived at the Inn, Jace and Riss going to Italy tomorrow, so all of us are hanging out. Jenn had some nerve flirting with the help boy. I knew she was playing a game. And she won. I lost my temper at the guy. The girls are already on the court. Jenn is warming up. I know she got something up, her ‘non’ sleeve. The girl is in dangerous mode, and of she doesn’t watch her step. Oh my, the trouble. “Damnit, Jay!”, Caleb growls angry at me. “Don’t tell me I am f*****g stupid. I know what I saw. Jenn tried to make you jealous and you took her bait, like a helpless fish. Don’t try to fool me. Look how you are drowling.” “This is NOT YOUR concern. Stay out of it!”, I point my fingers in his face. He should take a step back. So what that I am jealous, he would be if Ami would be flirting with a man, in his sight, just to get to him. ‘Plus I may check my girl, DUDE.’ “You should do something about them feelings, bro. And both of y'all are my friend. So I do have a say.” “Caleb, stay out.”, I shake my head at him. “It’s none of y'alls business, and I don’t even have those kind of feelings for Jenn. I told you it is puppylove.” I know I am lying, but otherwise I will blow my cover. “You think you could have fool me.”, Caleb chuckles. “I never knew that you really loved Jenn.”, Mike says. I look at him confused, raising my hand in circles, since I am lost for words, by this stupid comment. “Sorry, I asked her out the other day, not that she was interested.”, he tries to soften. I bald my fist, I want to punch Mike. Wtf?! He was suppose to be my friend. Before I can react; “What the f**k, DUDE?!”, Jason yells at him. “Are you f*****g stupid? You two are really dumb MF'ers!”, he changes his sight between Mike and me. “Huh?”, Mike sighs. “See.”, Jace gives Mike a blow on his head. “You are asking your mates girl out, that first. Than second, you blind?! Gina loves your dumb ass. This can break her heart.” Mike is shocked and looks over his shoulders, he turns round. His head flips, then he freeze. “I never noticed, she likes me too.”, he states confused. “Well, atleast you ain’t as stobborn as Lewis.”, Cale gave me a bump shoulder to shoulder. “Whatever makes you boat float, man.” I see Jenn going to over to Dylan, he is playing tunes tonight. He is alright, a friend from Jenn’s fam. She talks a lil bit with him, probs saying hi. “Jay?!”, Caleb says. “Don’t forget to wipe of your mess on your face.” Jace and Mike laugh along with him. “SPECIALLLLLL REQUEST!!!” And the intro of Freakum Dress starts. Oh damn, she didn’t. I moan out loud, instantly thinking about our first night. The boys just look at me weird. I get up, roll to the court. I spotted Jenn long time. She swaying her hips, her legs crosswise, a little too for the good, but I know she does it for me. I have a light smile on my face, trying to hide my arousal. How is of even possible, she makes my d**k hard, in a seconde. I roll closer to her, slowly through the people on the floor. She feels my stare, I see her shivering, but she keeps steady on her skates. She dances shaking that sweet ass left and right, she widen her legs and bounce her ass up, hands thrusting her waist down to her knees and toes, makes a spin, with her face between her legs. She moves back up, rolling on her skates, down grinding down her hips, touching her bare skin up to her ear. She makes a split down and go back up in ease, rolling and hips turning slow circles. I am a bit angry at her for teasing me this much tonight. Than I see that asshole, Calvin, coming on at her. ‘I am going to end him, she is mine!’ I speed my move. He stands behind her, grabbing her. Grinding her ass, my ass. My Princess is in panic, worried, I can see. “NO WAY.”, I pull him off Jenn. “YOU DON’T TOUCH HER!”, and I punch the fucker in his face and jaw, full power. He rolled his eyes back and fell back. “That will teach you to have f*****g manners, punk.” Jenn fell, because of his hold on her, I guess. Soon as I reach Jenn, I went down to eyelevel her directly. “Are you okay, Baby?,” I ask her, I don’t care who hears. She is more important now. The manager of the Inn has shown already. Caleb is talking to him, thanks him and looks at me, and I to Jenn. “We are staying. Thank you, sir. But I have to sit first. Also I would like to know, what are you going to do about your employee?”, Jenn ask. “He is fired and I will put in his record that it was because of s****l assault against a costumer. As it is.”, he says firm. “Miss, I am very sorry this happened. This is absoluty a big shame. I will have the owner to get in touch with you.” “No, there is no need for that.”, she nods, and tries to be polite, saying there is no need doe contact. “I am fine, I just want to forget about this.” “Well, don’t forget, drinks and food is on us for y'all tonight. Could one of you come along to get your money?”, I looks at Caleb, Caleb takes everyone with him. I help Jenn up, I point by a bench side to the floor. She nods, I hold her thight while we rolled over, and I put her to sit. “Sorry, that I was too late. I made a wrong move, I could have been there earlier, if I haven’t.”, frustrated I glide my fingers through my hair. “Its not your fault, Jay. I shouldn’t have…”, I stopped her. “You like to play with fire indeed, my Queen. But that is my fire to tame.”, as much as I liked her dance, she needs to know she over stepped. “Yes, sir.”, she giggles cute. She looks at me all dreamy. “Can you please hold me, just a brief second again?”, she is trembling in fear, her voice is sad. That hug turned in to a minute of five. I was listening to the musicbeat of Jay’s heartbeat, it calmed me even more. Trying to calm her down, I wrap my hand around her waist and pull her closer to me. “Always, Princess.”, I whisper in her ear, and Jenn shivered, putting her head on my left chest. Just having her close does raise my heartbeat. Every minute she seems to be willing to dig in me more, as I claim her hips thighter. “You know that our friends are trying to hook us up right?”, she looks up to me and puts her head back in place, as Cale and Ami pass. “No s**t! Are they?!”, I chuckle loud, that my head bounced of his chest. That made him laugh even harder. “Yes, they are. And not only one, it is all of them. Caleb won’t leave me the f**k alone.” Than our eyes meet, she looks away, blushing. “Dance with me?”, I ask her. “I would love that, finally.”, Jenn took her hand in mine. We rolled side by side, hand in hand, swinging on the beat, playfully seducing eachother a bit. If it wasn’t for that ridiculious rule, I would grind her nice booty all night. She comes closer, her hand slips out mine, snakes around my lower waist, and turns so we are eye to eye. “I thought you said dance together, lead the way?”, she prouls her lip and smiles. We rocked the dancefloor, in the end we are grinding slow, on the side of the dancefloor. The way Jenn her hips doing their magic. Naturally my c**k reponded long time ago, wanting to claim what is mine. My hands caressing her body, her neck, arms, her belly, thighs, I have to touch all. I don’t care id we are in public, neither seems Jenn. I grabbed her light by her throat, pulled her into my chest, leaned to her ear. “I am bringing you to the car, behave.” Her response made it worse. She bucked her ass a little more on my hips, moaning. “Why won’t you take me here?”, she keeps pushing and swadling her hips strong on mine. “Babygirl, stop the teasing.”, my voice is deep with lust. I am trying to hold my moan. She turns and looks me straight in the eye and stood still. “Who was only teasing?” “We need to get out of here.”, before I can stand straight on my legs, Jenn snakes her arms around my neck. "Kiss me.” As much as I want to have a taste of her sweet lips and tongue, I can’t kiss her now. I look at her confused, she just nods. “Lets give our friends a pre show. Maybe they will finally shut up.”, she says rolling her eyes, as if she really wanting this for them. Debating in myself, whether if I should do this or not, Jenn keeps coming closer to me. I don’t want to, but I turn my face, before I actually do kiss Jenn right here on the spot. “I want to claim what is mine badly, stop tempting me.”, I growl lowly. “Baby, I need you.”, she practicly moaned instead of talk. "We can’t go home yet. Please, Sir, one kiss, no one will know, its dark enough here.”, she begs longing for my lips, making it difficult for me to not give in. “You said no touching in public.” “Don’t you think we overstepped that line, why not add more?”, Jenn was serious, her finger slight over my abs. Licking her lips. Her game is absoluty strong tonight. I almost forget how she reacted earlier, in the shower. Reminding that, it seems not fair doing this, but she needs to slow down. “Baby, if you don’t stop now, I am not only kissing you here. So if I was you, I wasn’t going to beg too much. Be the good Princess that you are, and behave on the streets.” Her eyes telling me, she wants to rebel. “Don’t! Otherwise I will have to show the streets your load moaning concert, I am sure you will go over the music.”, I warn her. The thought alone makes me want to take her, show everyone that she is mine. “You wouldn’t go that far, you can hold yourself.”, she takes a deep breath. “Princess, you can hardly get a grip on you.”, I smirk. She licks under my ear. “Stop it, Jenn.” I warn her again, pulling her closer, so she can feel my hard pole pressing on her. She gasps for air. “I will take you tonight, after you please yourself, like I asked you earlier. Her leg started to shake a bit. I have her a peck on her cheek. “Lets get back to our friends.”, I push her a lil of me. She cursed under her breath. We got back at the table and everybody is looking at us. The guys look at me question, I just glared back at them. The girls gave eachother an familiar look. Gina and Mike seem to have it going on already. And here I am playing secret with Jenn. ‘I want that too. Look how happy everybody is. Only we are hiding.’ “Hey man… you there? You zone out alot lately dude.”, Mike said. “Oh sorry man.” “No problem.”, he leaned in to me. “Jenn alright? Btw. Any luck?” “She alright, I guess. Nah, not really.” “You sure? Seemed to me, you had a pretty hard time on the dance court.”, he chuckles. ‘Ass. f**k they probably saw it all.’, I think while I turn to Jenn. “They saw us.”, her body froze a couple secondes and she went on with her conversation with Riss and Ami. “Anybody drinks? And can we get some food too?”, Caleb throws in. “You are always hungry.”, Ami laughed behind him. We all ate, drink, danced untill our feet couldn’t take no more. We said our bye’s and blessings to Jace and Riss, and we all went home. Jennifer is in for something when we get home tho. She keeps disobeying me. I don’t care what that fucker did, hell because of that, she needs to be punished, she need to know that she is mine. If she would obey, none of this would have even happen. She will listen one day. 
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