Forgot the world

3370 Words
Chapter Eight Forgot the world Jay’s P.O.V. It’s almost a week ago, that I sneaked over to Jenn’s place. I never once had in mind to go home. My parents have called to check up on me, I just told them, I am next door. My mother started to ask questions, I didn’t want to answer. She didn’t mind that I was by Jenn, she was thrilled actually, but she sure made clear that she was hearing everything. That was humiliating AF, but that is my mom. Mom also said that I should bring Jenn on a proper date. I was already thinking about it, since we have been in the house from Sunday and we kinda missed a couple of steps. Days have past and we are being selfish, not thinking about the outside world. It is like we are catching up on these past weeks of words. It’s not only about s*x alone, although that is a major factor obviously. No, we talk about random things, memories, college. I have even draw a couple of raw sketches of Jenn. Those are for my personal belonings, nobody may ever see them. She will also kill me, if someone would ever lay an eye on them. Jenn confessed her love over and over to me. She has her way of pulling me closer, and I can’t do nothing, but slowly giving in.  It’s Wednesday afternoon, Jenn and I are watching a movie together, her head is on my lap. I am playing with her hair, and stroking the side of her neck. The movie is almost over and its time to start making dinner. I offered Jenn to cook today, but apperently I may not cook. She is afraid, I will just order a pizza. I insisted, so Jenn said we can cook together. She has a surprise coming tho. “Never thought I would say this, but I can’t watch this movie anymore…”, Jenn says sadly prouling her lip She pulls up and set her head on my shoulders. “Not without you.” I roll my eyes, at her stupid sentimental break down, over a soft porn like 50 shades of Grey. “What? I love 50 shades, but I really like watching it as a real Sub.”, she smiles naughty. “You are something else.”, I chuckle at her confession, pulling her out the couch, the kitchen. She sure did like it, no doubt about it. “I am not watching this again.” “We will see about that.”, Jenn huffs. “Wanna bet?”, I ask her with a big smile. “Whats the bet?”, she ask, with her eyebrow hooked, as she rest her arm on the kitchen island, waiting for me to answer. “That depends on you. Are you really gonna make me watch that lame movie again?” “YES!”, she blurts out laughing. “Oh, so you are that sure?” She nods fast, gigling behind her hand. “Fine. If you want me to watch that s**t again, I will. If!, you will let me cook tonight.”, I give her an exchange instead. “That’s not a bet, Jay.”, she snaps. “No, true, but you already made up your mind.” She rolls her eyes and sighs. “You see, you know I am right.” “Okay. Deal.” “Than the bet...”, surprising her, “If you like my food, I will take you on a date.” “Date?”, she blushed, asking shyly. “Yes a date. And you will wear no panties under your dress.” “Wow, wait, what? Can you repeat that?”, Jenn asks in total shock and fear. “You heard me, Jenni. If you like my food, I am taking you on a date, with no underwear on.” She swallows, her eyes widen and her tongue clack hard from her palate, making her lips forming an O. She puts her finger against them, her eyes close and her breath changed. ‘I wonder what goes through her pretty head.’ “And what if I don’t like it?”, her voice is shaky, she is trying to cover her arousel. “Then I will still take you on a date, but fully clothed.”, I let her know in disappointment. “You better make it work, if you want the first option.”, she laughs the bet off, but was it really for me? I start preparing dinner. Jenn sits at the barside of the stove. “Do you want something to drink?”, I ask her. “I would like a glass of wine. There is a bottle in the fridge.” I pour her a glass of wine and for myself a beer. “So what are you making?” I set her glass before her and look at the stove. “You will see.” I am not going to cook something fancy, but I don’t want her to tell me what and how to cook. I know my way around the kitchen. I am just too damn lazy to do dishes afterwards. Jenn and I talk, while I went on cooking. Her eyes following me, checking me. I don’t let her destracte me. I finish my preparing, I season the chicken, add some potatoes, and put it in the oven. Baked chicken is one of my favorites. “That will be about 45-60 minutes.”, Jenn whines. “About.” “So what are we going to do?” “You are sitting just fine there.”, I wink at her. “I am hungry, tho.”, she nags again. “Hey, I got a bet to win.” Jenn gigles and shakes her head. “True, but I am hungry now.”, Jenn’s belly confirmed her appetite. I quickly look in the fridge and think, what I can make in a couple of minutes. Jenn loves to snack healthy. My eyes glaze on Olives, tomato and I took an avocado. Cut it and put it in a bowl, add some pink salt on top. ‘Voilà.’, I present her the bowl and a fork. “Thank you.” Nervously I let her take a bite. She hums soft, and takes another. “So you do have secrets from me, ha?”, she prouls her lip. “You should trust me more.” “Nah, don’t turn this on me, ‘Mister, shall I cook tonight? I am going to order some blabla…’.”, her impiety is clear in her voice and eyes, and I can’t even speak. If I would, I would maybe stutter, because of her truth. So I just wave it off, with my hand. “Whatever.”, and I acted like I went on cooking. Jenn stood of her stool, takes a olive, holds it up high. Her other hand is still on counter, she trends slowly towards me. Jenn locked her eyes on mine and stops before her last turn. I can feel that she is teasing me. She bites her lip. ‘Yep, here we go.', I think as she continues her step. “May I know where you are going?”, I ask to break the tension that she is creating. “A little distraction won’t kill, you got some free time, right?”, her innocent tease, gives me a shiver.  “Depends on the case.”, I try to say serious. She stands before me, takes her hand off the counter, and hooks it in my jeans. She shows me the olive in the other, holding it between her tumb and index finger. She closes her eyes very slow, opens her mouth a bit, and her fingers slide the olive in her mouth, closing her lips. She takes her fingers out slow, licking them. She did this all with a soft deep moan. I take step, closing the space there still was left between us. She swallows her olive and opens her eyes. “Delicious.” I take my step back, Jenn taps her wet oily finger on my lips, hooks her finger out my jeans, which is way too uncomfortable at the moment, turns and walks over to her chair. The little lady is getting more confident as we play. “Stop playing with fire.” “Yes, maybe I should cool off a bit.”, she drinks her wine and stands up. “Call me when dinner is ready?” Jenn just walked off, up to her room, and I pick up my phone, shaking my head. Caleb sent me a about 10 texts. So, I decided to ignore them and call him straight away “DUDE, you're alive!”, Caleb answers... Jenn’s P.O.V. “b***h, I haven’t heard or seen you since the party, where TF are YOU?”, Ami practicly yelled at me. “I am at home, don’t worry. I am good.”, I tell her, I speak quiet so Jay won’t hear me speak. He is downstairs, cooking. Again confusing story. “So we are going to meet tonight, Jace & Riss are leaving to Italy tomorrow.” “s**t", I whisper, I totally forgot that, Jay and I are so in to eachother, that we may have forgotten we had a life. “I wonder who Jay made you forget about us.”, Amira teased me. “J-Jay didn’t d-do a thing?”, I say innocent, but my dirty mind was already having flashbacks and longings. I cough and smile my arousel to slumber. “Mm-m U-uh, mamita, I know you be lying. But thats fine.”, she sighs. “Anyway, we are meeting at the Roll'Inn. Riss wanted to go, and we thought you wouldn’t mind going there either.” I love rollerskating, so I am glad they did. “Great, how late are y'all meeting?” “8.30 pm at the door. Gives you enough time to get ready. Speaking of, what are you going to wear? Twinning or Free Bird?” “Wait, let me walk to my dressing.”, I know she want to twin, Riss & Gina going to hate is for it. So I am going to look for something that will not match us. “Rollerblading…”, I look around. “I am doing on shorts, with that white singlet top.”, Ami hints. I can’t wear shorts, I got a bunch hickeys on my thighs, hips and ass. “No, shorts for me, I want to get my groove on tonight.”, I see the perfect outfit, Ami is a bit down about it, but she understands, she knows I like to really dance skate. We talk some more. While I put my outfit together. I choose a black jegging, a sexy black with a touch of gold sleeveless bodysuit, a black bra, with that I put on my gold braclet and a black wrap to hold my hair.  “I’m jumping in the shower quick. See you later, Ames.”, I say before disconnecting the call. Jay walked in the room.  “Baby, we going skating tonight.”, we both say and giggle. “I have to take some things at home. Food is almost ready, bout 20 min.” “Okay, I am going to take a shower.”, he raised his sight at me. “No, we are going to shower after dinner.” I walk in to the bathroom, close the door and turn on the shower. I take off my sweatsuit and as I want to drop my undies, the door opens. “I SAID NO. TURN AROUND.”  Eventhough I wanted to obey right away, I am in a very naughty mood, every since I watched him cooking. He was just preparing, but the way he did it... So gentle and loving, all his focus was on ml “Jay”, I warn him, my eyes looking down on him. His eyes just spit back more dominance. I turn and step in to the shower, his hand grabs my right hip, he smacks my ass, pulls me back to him, I hiss my moan out soft. He takes my robe, puts it on me and turns off the shower. “Don’t do that again.”, he whispers in my ear. I just breath out my will to submit. I don’t answer him. “Lost for words?” I shake my head ‘no', and give him a short smile. I wanted him to spank me again, it was turning me on. “I AM WAITING.” I shake my head again and want to pass him to go in to my room. He block me. Pushing me back on to the shower cabinet. The cold glas is touching my body through the robe. Jay leans his arm next to my face, he comes closer and kiss me possesivly. I didn’t kiss him back, but my core was already feeling moist.  “Yes, Sir.”, I murmer in to his kiss. I feel his d**k grow some more, and he breaks his kiss. “Lets go down.”, And he steps a side and stretched his arm out. Like he has been a absolute gentlemen. I walk down the stairs and I must say the food smells amazing. I am afraid I am going to loose this bet, but I will get him back. You’ll see later tonight. I am going to tease and f**k his eyes in public. *major blush* But I am gonna do this, Jenn will be the girl who loves to dance on her skates, thats all. The table is set already, including another wine. “Are you trying to get me drunk?”, I point at the glass. “One more won’t hurt you, just don’t drink anymore later on.” “Stop acting like you are my Papì.” Papì came out a little too horny. ‘s**t’. He actually liked me saying this. “I am not your father.” “I know that, Papì", I say even deeper. He moans at Papì and gives me husky look. “Watch it.” “Or what?”, I prout. He doesn’t answer. He just walks to the oven, turns it off and walks out the house.  *15 min later* Jay walks back in the kitchen. He is a bit annoyed, I don’t understand why, but I keep quiet. He takes the dish out of the oven and walk to the table, placing the food on my plate. “Smells delicious.”, I say to change his mood. He smiles short and goes to his seat. He puts the platter on the table, taken the spoon in his hand. He pauzes, looks up and smiles. “Eat please, don’t wait for me.”, he says shyly. I chuckle inside. This is too cute. I take my fork and he goes on, I wait till he finished making his plate. I take a piece of potatoe on my fork and put it my mouth. This food is absoluty wonderful, so full of flavors. He used italian herbs mix and fresh tomato, onions and ginger, I tasted all. “I guess I lost another bet.”, I say smiling in appreciation of his cooking. He just smiles bright and starts eating.  We didn’t speak during dinner, but our eyes are playing a dangerous game. I just wonder what goes through his thoughts. My robe is hanging a bit low, just showing the start of my cleavage. He shot his eye instand. I didn’t bother to cover. He finish his food quick and stands up taking our plates. “You may do this more often.”, I say when he puts all the dishes away, I wanted to help, got up when he did, but he just nodded no. I knew enough. I want push his buttons at this moment, revenge will be sweet anyhow. “Lets get ready”, he says as he is finished clearing the kitchen. I know Jay don’t like to do the kitchen, hell he doesn’t like cleaning in generale, other than his room. But he normally wouldn’t have done this alone. We left to change.  I go straight to my bathroom, and turn on the shower. I need to cool off my skin. Wash off my own scent, my wetness. I take my soap and rob myself clean. The door open, a wind enter the cabinet. I turn and Jay watching me. “Go on. You missed a couple of spots.”, He points at my breasts. I just washed myself for the good of feeling the water. I am breathing heavier, because my core thighten. I begin back top of my shoulders, slowly go down bugging my breasts, cupping them in soap. He steps forward, as I think his hand will touch me, he takes the bottle of soap behind me. He pours more liquid over my breast. Licks his lips, as he saw my body shiver from the cold soap. My hands keep soaping my body, down. “I am not going to touch you now. How much I want too.”, He sighs. “Instead of that, you are going to touch yourself. Keep going.” He steps under the shower. Making me all wet too. ‘Rinsed, he planned this all.’ He steps back, and starts to soap himself. He never broke contact looking at my body. He never asked me this. He command me to suck him, he told me he would please me. I feel myself blushing.  “No need to blush. I have heard you, play with yourself, Jenn. We both know you are a naughty little girl.” My eyes widen, hearing him say that. The surprise he just gave me, gives my body mixed feelings. I am shocked, in a good way tho. Jay has been listening to my self pleasuring. How many times? Did he also heard my words? With these thoughts, I turned myself even more on, and my fingers start to fondle my skin. Just touch lighty, teasing. I lean against the wall, and play with my thighs and hips, slowly to my core, pressing 2 fingers close together. They sliding down over my lips, slowly opening them. Repeating that a couple of times, before I enter my finger to touch my cervix, trying to find my G-spot. Finding it, made me moan and buck my waist. My finger went in deeper. “Add another finger and curl them, baby.”, although Jay said that so low under his breath, I heard him. I gasp, my legs shake, when my fingers rubbed my spot. My eyes flipped back, my head hit the wall, with some force. I was so caught up, I didn’t even mind. By this time my hips are uncontrolable bucking, my fingers sliding hard and deep inside of me. I can’t barely stand, I feel my core thighten on my fingers. My free hand grabs my hair, I pulled my head back, freeing myself from my climax. My legs feel like jello, I am trembling. “Go on, Jenn.” “Ple…”, I can’t speak, my lungs don’t have enough air. “You can be much naughtier than this. I know, I know what I heard. I want to hear you say it, Jenn.” I know what he meant with that. So he did hear me!? That’s just great, I am so embarrassed. I drop to floor, face down, wrapping my arms around my legs, my foot holding my weight. The water runs smoothly over my head, down my back.  “Baby, don’t hide yourself from me.”, Jay whispers. “Sorry to be so blunt. I shouldn’t have said that, I didn’t though. I just want to hear you say it in my face.” “I-I…”, I stop, for I don’t know what to say. Jay pulls me up gently, cups my chin in his hand. “I am sorry, I didn’t want to overwhelm you. Are you okay?”, his eyes are soft and warm. I just nod. He took me in his arms and we stand like this for a couple of minutes. I am sure he wanted me to say his name. I always thought I said it in my head. s**t, this indeed is overwhelming. How long? I pull myself out his embrace. I need some space alone, and I leave the shower.  Jay is crussing and I hear a bang on the wall. This wasn’t his fault, but this changed everything. How is this possible? How did he hear me? When? Question after question pops up, while I am getting ready. Maybe I should talk to Ame, but that might scare Jay away. I am almost done, when he comes out of the bathroom. His eyes are a bit red, like he cried. I am just so embarrassed by the fact that my best friend overheard my self mastrubation, and that it is him who I have in mind, doing it. I take my bag and put my phone in it. 7.45 pm. We should get going in about 15. “I just have to put on my make up.”, I say softly. “Will be ready by then.”, and he walks in my dressingroom. I finish my make up and put on my shoes. Tonight might go different than thought, should I really take this chance? Or will it be the killing shot? Oh well, it was fun. “Ready?”, he looks up to the ceiling. I just stand up and we walk to the car.
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