Spa Evening

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Chapter Eighteen Spa Evening   Jenn’s P.O.V.   Entering the resorts property, I am already glad Amira came with the idea. It instantly gives you a zen vibe. At the reception we are welcomed by a beautiful young lady, who chaperones us to our private bungalow. She explains how everything works and let us know that if we are in need for sustain, we can call up to the front desk. Even the garden, which is nicely styled, is private, separated by high bushes from the other gardens. Outside there is a loungeset, an Infrared mixed Nothern Light sauna, swimming pool and hot tub. Inside there was a swimming pool, a room with two massage laying beds, 3 different saunas (seasalt rock, music and 90 degree), a relax room including a lounge area, with a fridge with bottles of water, smoothies, fresh fruit juices and light beverages. Next to it there is a snack table, with a big bowl of natural fruits, also bags of chips, chocolates, fruit and nut bars. If we wanted warm snacks we could always order.  “Since there is alot we can do and we only get 3 hours, I suggest we split time hanging out. I would like to spend some alone time with my Boo.”, Ami directly says in a soggy teasing way. “But I also want to spend some time with my girls.”, she says cheerful, pulling Gigi and me in a group hug. “Pleaseee, it’s been forever”, she whines will she has us strongly glued cheek to cheek. “Plus we have lots to talk about, right Gigi." I hit her arm, and she loosen her grip. “No need for putting her on the spot.”, I hiss embraced for Gigi at my girl. She laughs and Gigi mouths a ‘Thank you' to me. “That wasn’t necessary.”, I mumble at her. “Yeah, Uhm, I am going to take a swim, been wanting to do that since this afternoon.”, Caleb says narrowing his eyes a bit at Amira. “So let’s have girl time now. You boys wouldn’t mind right?”, Amira asks, but her tone is telling them. “Nooo, no, not at all. You ladies have fun.”, Mike says pulling Gigi against him. “Make sure your body has a good rest, because tonight we are going to continue our work out.”, he probably thought he whispered that, but Ami and I were close enough to still hear. Gina blushes and pecks her lips on his cheeks. They start to make out shortly and Ami mumbles something. Jay kept his eye on me, but wasn’t talking. He just waves at us and the boys walk down stairs, apparently they choose to stay inside. “Hot tub or sauna?”, I ask the girls smiling brrlightly. I know Ami will be the lead in the upcoming conversation. She is going to investigate, and that is not only for Gigi, but for me. So let’s put on a mask, hopefully she will accept my answers. “HOT TUB.”, they both exclaim exciting. We pick up some fresh fruit juice to drink on our way outside, I choose a strawberry-lime juice. We slide in the hot tub, and Ami being Ami, she doesn’t waste any time and starts to question Gigi, which on her turn answers all of her questions, and by the looks on Ami’s face, she is well pleased with the information Gina shares with us. As expected she doesn’t give me room to talk. Midway the ‘Amira talkshow', we change to the Infrared/Northern Light sauna. “Sorry, gotta say it. Girl, the sounds are speaking for themselves.”, Ami says, as response Gigi blushes again. “Yeah sorry bout that.”, she says shyly. “Don’t be ashamed, I can make hell of noise myself.”, Ami says blurring her laugh out the loudest of us. “Wonders me if you are a screamer.”, Ami says turning her focus on me. My eyes widen, she almost had me choking on my breath, quickly regaining myself to act normal. I look at her questioning. “I wouldn’t know yet.”, I lie, my eye twitched and I take a sip of my drink to try to avoid a deeper conversation. Yeah right. It’s Amira. “So y’all are spending so much time together, just to catch up time?”, Amira asks, snapping her eyes at me. Somewhere I had the urge to be honest and tell my friends the truth. That Jayden and I are also a thing. Since we girls talk talk… Would my friends judge me, because of our different way of exploring s****l pleasure? Would they judge me because I gave in too easily? Even it is not their position to judge. How would they think of me? Of us? It is just innocent role-playing to me. But what they say? Ignoring my inner feelings, I tell Amirs that’s exactly what’s going on. “Babe, I don’t want to be the one breaking your heart, but… maybe it’s time to let it go.”, Ami says softly. Eventhough we are together, at least in some twisted way, the words are painful to my ears. I give her an angy glare. How dear she! She is suppose to be rooting for me, like she always does. Wait this is Amira! Maybe it’s a tactic to get me to break, I think to myself. Still it surprising,⁴ she went down that road. “Really? Ame?!”, I yell at her. I can feel that I am about to cry. I can see that she regret those words, but I will not let this slip. “Ami, did you forget that Jayden just broke up with Marissa?”, I practically yell at her and I had difficulties saying that little b*tch her name without a nauseous feeling coming up. “It has only been what 6 weeks? I am not a rebound chick!” “SORRY, OKAY!”, she yells frustrated at me. “I didn’t mean to make it come out like that.”, she softens her tone. Gigi just keeps looking at the both of us, holding her breath. Everybody knows that if we argue, who’s not involved better stay out of it. “You did say it.”, I sigh, I am trying not to cry. I can give them this. “You know, I don’t want to give up on Jay. He is my everything, as what I want for a man. Jay was and is always there for me. These past weeks were extreem for us. I want to take things slow. If we fail, I will be heartbroken. What if it doesn’t work out?! I am so afraid that I could lose him.”, I confess to my friends. “That won’t happen, and you know that.”, Ami says and Gina agrees with her by telling truth. “Look at Mike and moi.”, she says dancing her shoulders. “I thought it would never happen, but it did.”, she speaks like she is floating on a cloud. I can’t help but to smile about Gina’s in love vibe. “I shouldn’t have said that. You know that I want you guys to hook up.” Ami says. That is her way of apologizing. “Just don’t wanna take things the wrong way.”, I say softly. They could suspect something, I just hope I was believable. Because that ship is already sailing.   Jay’s P.O.V.   I got to say, I am enjoying this more than I thought I would. When Amira was negotiating about going to this resort, I wasn’t having it. Seeing my Princess being disappointed. Thinking she probably wanted to go, I gave in. But this isn’t quite the idea I had for a spa day. We should do this more often, with we I aim on Jenn and I. The boys and I are chilling alone, the girls wanted to spend some time together. We are in the hottest sauna now, after we had a swim. Surprisingly the atmosphere is not very dry, and it doesn’t hurts my throat. Mike is bragging about his victory with Gina. He kept it nice and clean. He seems over the moon, and his light of his eyes dimmed down, when he mentions that he will have to leave for the army soon, starting his training. “Bro, you better be happy that we are living in this time. You can reach her in a heartbeat.”, Caleb secures him. Mike suddenly had a panic in his face  “s**t… what if she finds another dude? Maybe I should just tell her we can’t be, and she is free to live her life.”, Caleb and I roll our eyes at his dramatic attitude. “There is no need for that. You know that she loves you right?”, I tell Mike. “I don’t know, man. I never thought I would say this, but I love her. I realized that…” “When you was inside of her?”, Caleb chuckles at his own inappropriate jokes. Mike shakes his head. “No. She is perfect for me.”, he let’s out a deep sigh. “And here I am going to leave her, just because I need to follow my dad’s footsteps.", he starts to complain. He curses under hi breath. Caleb, Jason and I have tried so many times to convince him to tell his father, he wants to have his own bikershop. He said he has tried too, but we all know his father. That man wouldn’t take no for an answer. Eventually we gave up, as Mike had done long time. For it was no use, he would never stand up to his dad. “You just have to sit this one out. Have a little faith in Gina, and yourself.”, I tell him. “Yeah, she will wait.”, Caleb backs me up. “I can only hope so.”, Mike says and he went silent. “Jay?”, Caleb says breaking the stillness after a couple minutes. “Yeah?” “Don’t want to be the joker again, but I actually thought it was you guys.”, he laughs awkwardly. His joke brings a short flashback from our love making this morning, right behind that there is a image in my head with Jenn her lips surrounding my shaft. I close my eyes and smile on the daydream. Catching myself to reality, I suppress a moan. I need to cool down before I get hard down there, it’s a good thing I am laying higher than the others. “You should make your move man.”, Caleb goes on. “What if you will lose Jenn? Are you prepared to see another guy on her side?”, he looksup at me. “Never.", I say with too much possessiveness. “I will not let it come that far.”, I say a bit more calm, but still way too stern. “Dude, I thought you were not in love?”, Caleb is teasing me, his even include a irritating voice over. ‘I am truly busted now… How am I going to save this, before it turns out in a real mess.’ “Listen Caleb, yeah I do have a crush on Jenn. Yeah, I do want to have her as my girlfriend, but…”, I pick my next words carefully, “I don’t wanna rush things.”, I keep my agreement with Jenn in mind. “We just made up from a ridiculous fight, which my ex girlfriend started.” “Yeah I know, you’re right.”, he response back at me, meaning he takes my word for it. And so we went back to silence, not that I am complaining. Like I said, I could get use to this. It’s not easy hiding my true feelings. Yes, that was a claim on the spot, but I can’t comprehend to see another guy even touching my Princess. She is mine to hold, mine to keep, mine to cherish, mine to love. All mine. I know it is kind of hypocrite coming from me, since I have been dating Marissa for years. On top of that, I showed affection to her on daily basis, and did that in front of Jenn. Believe it or not, but torn in between my feelings for Jenn and dating Marissa, was eating me alive. But everything is different now, Jenn and I are a thing and I will not let her go. Caleb huffs, breaking my thoughts, the girls walk in our sauna. Their faces show a hint of disappointment when they spot us. “Guess girl time is over”, they sough in union. My boys and I reply with a chuckle. “We are one with stillness, so please keep it down girls.”, Caleb jokes at them. “Enjoy the moment, for we will leave soon, sweets.”, Ami orders him, laying down side of him. Gigi also lays down beside Mike. Jenn looks at me, she shakes her head shortly and make her way up, she sits not far from me. Feeling her this close to me, I would like to place my am on those yummy thighs. Our eyes lock for a brief moment. She smiles amiable, before turning her face straight. With that smile on her face, she closes her eyes. Without thinking twice I observe her. “How long are you guys in here?! I can’t take this. It’s too damn hot.”, Gina says panting for breath. “You’re totally exaggerating. Not even five minutes have past on the clock.”, Amira bites at her. Gina glares at her, before storming out. Mike follows her, when he heard the door fall in to the lock. Caleb stands up and looks down at Amira, he shakes his head. “Why would you snap over such a thing?”, he sighs. “Y’all have been in here longer than us, she is acting like she has been in here for hours.”, she says rolling her eyes back at him. “Okay, that’s it. You coming with me.”, Caleb picks her up and she yelps loudly. “We will see you in an hour or so.”, Caleb says and walks towards the door. Okay, this is an awkward way to depart. Since Jenn didn’t move an inch, and eventhough I am in here for about a half hour, I decide to stay till she is ready to leave. “Never a lame day, not with us.” Jenn answers me with a soft laugh first, “Yep, that’s us.”. My turn to chuckle, since my girl and I are on the same page. When our eyes meet, it kinda hit that we’re alone. So I state the obvious, “We are alone, Princess.”, I press ‘Princess’. Jenn her cheeks lit up and she hums a yes. “Shall we try the message beds next?”, my voice sounds raspy. I am kinda thirsty, well for both things, but I need to hydrate my body fast. Almost hopping of the wooden bench, I grab my towel and throw it over my shoulder. Standing before Jenn, I sway my hand out, like a true gentleman. Her hand glides into mine and I guide her down. She trips over her foot, at the last step down, probably because she had her eyes locked on mine. Smoothly she falls in to my chest, me instantly holding on to the back her frame. She holds on to my arms. “You okay?”, she nods and looks to the ground. Even in this situation she can arouse me. Letting her go slowly, I step back, her touch was almost burning my skin. Maybe maybe it’s us or the heat. Who can tell. Since Mike and Gina are in the message room, we end up sitting in the lounge area in the back yard. There is a small breeze, but it’s cooling, since it’s a good Summer. Drinking my bottle of water, Jenny decided to take a swim. I join her when my bottle is empty. “So you survived your girl time?” “I hope I did.”, she sighs and rolls her eyes. ,”Amira is on tonight. I don’t know if it’s the way she woke up, or she is just being her damn self.”, she laughs but is a sad laugh. It makes me wonder what happened, so I ask. “That what happened with Gina just now, also happened during girl time, well sort of. Only with me.”, her voice is down and it’s like she is rewinding the scene in her mind. “You girls bicker all the time. Cheer up, let’s enjoy, babygirl.” “Yeah.”, but that sounded more like a fake cheer. It couldn’t be that bad right? “Wanna talk about it?”, but she doesn’t even replied. I swim over to her and embrace her from the back. She shivers lighty under my touch. “I don’t want to ever repeat what she said.”, Jenn whispers peevishly and turns around in my embrace. Snaking her hands around my neck, straddling her legs round my abdomen. She looks at me deep in my eye. I can see her love shining for me, but also her doubt and her fear. I thought we were stronger than this. “Princess.”, I place my head against hers, my only sight is in her beautiful almond brown /golden eyes. “You know you can tell me anything, but if you don’t want too, it’s fine also.” Hearing her sigh, I look down to those full nice lips, instantly feeling the need to control myself. But fighting against my will, fails. Lighty I brush my lips on hers, urging a deep gasp from Jenn. That was a huge mistake to make at this point, for immediately I crave for more and I take it. I kiss her lips softly, but full power. She has to know I need her, all of her. She doesn’t kiss me back right away, but she shortly answers my kiss, before pulling back a bit. “You know it’s better not to do that.”, she whispers, while touching her lips briefly. She just knows exact what to do, to push the right buttons. “I know.”, I admit softly. Neither of us letting go, our gaze still intensively locked, suddenly Jenn breaks our connection. She places her head in the crook of my neck. I wonder what goes through her pretty little head now. Is she having the same inner thoughts as me? Is she willing to risk it all? Because I know I am. Or is she doubting? Doubting me? I hope not. Maybe she is afraid? I don’t care what anybody would think. I shouldn’t have too, we shouldn’t. Besides nobody has to know about our new play. This is our new ‘Future King and Queen’. I break our hug after some minutes past, I place a quick peck on her forehead and we got out the pool. I am in need for a cool down. After calming my little friend down there, we get out the pool and went to the massage room again. Jenn installs her bedding as he wished, almost the second she lays good on the bed, she falls a sleep. Finding the right motion, I just relaxed, letting it all-in and close my eyes. It was only 24 minutes, but damn, that felt awesome. Jenn woke up when her machine stops, just when she wants to start another round, Gina calls us to meet everybody in the gardens lounge. Caleb had ordered nachos with grounded beef, cheese, guacamole and sour cream, along with a bowl of olives, garlic bread, cheesesticks and chicken wings. Needless to say we all had a good snacking time. Having another 20 minute left, we went in the sea salt sauna. At the reception the girls were asking themselves if they could rent a house like this for a weekend. Our guest lady overheard them, and told them it was an option, but that was a different arrangement. She passed them a couple of flyers. We all get back in the car, Gina and Mike again hopped in my vehicle, when I unlocked it from a distance. Jenn is looking tired, so she will probably be sleeping soon. ‘Seems like this is going to be a long drive back for me.’, I sigh while I step in my car. 
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