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Alexander “Alex, come here, would you?” My mother’s proper voice calls me. She is in Queen mode, I can tell by the way she articulates the words, so this must be serious. Hey, this might be the day where my parents surprise me and finally allow me to take the throne, sans having a wife, of course. “It’s time. Alpha Wright called this morning and things are getting heated on his side too. We need to…” “Need to what, father?” I waltz into my father’s office where he and my mother were having quite the heated conversation. “Sit down, Alexander.” He waves me off and then slumps on his chair like the weight of the world is heavy on his shoulders. Now I would gladly take on said weight if only they would agree to it. “There, I’m seated. Now can we get on with it?” I say drawing an angry scowl from my mother just before the door bursts open. “You summoned?” My brother Chris and my sister Cleo enter in a similar way as I did. “They're just going to push me into an early grave, I tell you.” Our mother mumbles looking at my father for moral support. The second and third in line for the throne, as I like to remind them they are, each take a seat waiting patiently to hear why our parents have indeed summoned us all here. “Well, since the three of you like to be so crude, I guess I shall do the same.” My father starts in his King tone, same as my mother when she called me. Odd, to say the least, considering it’s literally just our family in here, therefore not an official Royal meeting. “Alexander, it’s time for you to prepare to take the throne.” A wide grin spreads on my face and a slap from Chris confirms I have indeed heard right. But before I can voice my agreement, my father stops me as he carries on speaking. “As you know, you will need to be married for that to happen, and considering the difficult time we are facing as riots are on the rise, I think it’s time for you and Juliette to get married.” “I’m sorry, but who the f**k is Juliette?” I ask, in a very unroyal way, making my sister giggle and my brother mutter an ‘oh s**t’. “Language, boys!” Mothers scolds us. Why do I have the feeling that Chris knows who that woman is? Before I get the chance to look at my brother and ask what exactly does he know, my father sighs heavily and answers my question. “Juliette Wright. The daughter of Alpha Jacob Wright and Luna Olivia. The…” “Alpha Supreme.” I finish the sentence for him. I get up, slowly, trying really damn hard to control my raging temper and not shift and ruin my father’s office. Or worse, attack him or my mother for messing with my life in such a f****d up way. “Alex…” Cleo calls me, in a similar way one would approach a feral animal. I’m not far from that state, to be honest. My wolf is going crazy inside at the thought of being forced to accept a mate that was not given by the Goddess, all while never finding our fated one. He keeps yelling ‘never’ over and over in my head, his anger mixing rapidly with me and creating a deadly cocktail that would mean this is probably not going to end well. Cleo and Chris are already taking a fighting stance, most likely unsure of how I’m going to proceed. My father is already sporting extended claws and my mother, although showing a casual pose, is actually on the defence, ready to help keep me contained if need me. Not wanting to deal with my family at the moment, feeling utterly betrayed by them for choosing to tie my lie to the person that is the cause of all the riots and the trouble our world is facing, I storm out and don’t stop walking even when I’m outside the palace. “You will be scarified for the greater good, Alex. Think about it. If you marry the Alpha Supreme then all sides will be happy. Those that think her family should replace ours, and those that want to kill her and risk ending us all.” My sister's voice echoes through our mind link, but instead of making me see the point of this alliance, it makes me angrier. So much more angry, than I decided to shift and run towards the Crescent Moon pack in England. I want to kill her myself, the Alpha Supreme, and be done with it. Running like I never have in my whole life, I cover long distances at the speed that would make even a vampire jealous. It takes me a few hours to reach England, keeping to the woods and less populated areas, glad about the vast amount of forest that stretches from Scotland to the English Midlands. I’ve passed through a couple of pack territories, but no one even sensed me, that’s how fast I was. But as I get closer and closer, I'm starting to have second thoughts. “I’m genuinely risking getting the whole werewolf race erased, don’t I?” I find myself stopping to clear my head, asking the question out loud. “What the f**k am I doing?” I sigh exasperated. I’m in a deeply wooded area in England, a no man’s land, eerie and with a rapid river running nearby, headed to kill the Alpha Supreme so I wouldn't have to marry her. My wolf snorts and then decides he’s done for the day, or night because I didn’t even realize how late it had gotten. I’ve been running for hours on end. With my senses heightened, I perk my ears as I think I hear something in the distance. Trying to look around, I freeze when the sound of a very angry girl hits my eardrums. “How does that even work?” I snap my head towards the direction of the sound. Walking as fast as I can, I notice I’m nearing the river I heard, and it’s not long until I see a bridge. I approach the bridge carefully, since I can tell the young woman up there is not in the best state of mind right now. I can hear her sobbing, and my heart breaks a little for her. Even my wolf has come out and is anxiously breathing in my head, not helping the situation at all. Ok, think Alex, how can you help this girl? I say to myself, seeing as I am very naked right now, courtesy of my impromptu shifting and shredding all my clothes. I’m really close to the bridge right now, but she hasn’t noticed me. Not a wolf then. I make a mental note, which means that she will freak out even more if she notices a large, naked guy approaching her. I don’t even get the chance to think, because in the blink of an eye, the girl plunges in the freezing waters below. “Fuuuck!” I mutter in disbelief. I didn’t actually think she was going to do it, to be honest. “Well you did well, Alex. Kudos for being utterly useless in saving a life.” Griffin, my wolf sneers, just as I take off running and then jumping in the water after the girl. All in my naked glory and all. And it’s f*****g freezing, even for a werewolf with naturally raised body temperature. Ignoring the way my d**k shrivels and it’s on the verge of falling off, I swim toward her tiny body of the girl that is rapidly sinking lower and lower. The darkness makes it more difficult for me to see her underwater, but thanks to the moonlight shining through. I don’t miss the tiny air bubbles that escape her parted lips. I swim faster, deliberately sinking after her, but just when I think I can grab hold of her hand, she crashes into an underwater rock. I know this because half my body collides with the same hidden obstruction, but alas, I get the chance to get her and try to swim up and get out of this liquified freezing hell. Once out, I carry her a few steps before I lay her on the shore and begin chest compressions. Her face is full of blood and swelling rapidly. No pulse that I can feel, definitely no heartbeat, but a strong desire in me to give it my best to save her. As I try hard to revive the suicidal human, in the distance I can hear howls, lots of them and lots of murmured voices to. A lot of wolves are coming our way, and seeing me here with a half dead human does not look great. “s**t!” I curse out loud, running out of options quickly. “Do something!” Griffin urges me, like he can’t already see that I am doing my f*****g best. I’m not a doctor, especially not one that deals with the fragile being that humans are. But since the wolves I heard are getting closer by the second, I inhale deeply and then press my lips to those of the girl lying motionlessly in front of me. It doesn’t take more than a few breaths for her heart to start beating again, making a strange feeling of happiness to bloom in mine. With the happy howls of Griffin serving as my unrequested soundtrack, I stop my first aid when I see the girl’s eyes trying to open again. She struggles for a bit, but is close to succeeding, making me realise how painfully naked I am and that there are others approaching. Taking a split second decision, I get up and go as far away from her as possible, carefully distancing myself from the area before I start running as fast my already tired limbs would carry me, back to the Royal palace in Scotland.
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