Chapter 3: Our First Encounter

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Victor P.O.V  “Elizabeth.” Her name rolled off my tongue as if it was the first word I had learnt to say. I looked at her as she started to step into my room. “I had to find you. To see you. To….” She stopped talking as she noticed my eyes scan her body. She stood there and tried to cover herself with her hands. Her body was beautiful, almost as if it had been carved from marble. The moonlight seemed to bounce off her skin, making it shine. Her blonde, straight hair seemed to sit just above her shoulders in a long bob. Her body was toned, but not skinny; she didn’t seem fragile. She was taller than your average shewolf; she was made to be a Luna. “You're beautiful,” I panted. I could feel her desire radiate through me. Her eyes danced on me as though she had never seen a topless man before. I could feel my heartbeat quicken; my wolf was restless. “So are you,” she whispered. I know that if we were both soaked in light at this moment, she would be blushing all over. It drove my feet to take a step forward. I just wanted to feel her skin beneath my fingertips. “How did you get up here?” I asked. She glanced back towards the balcony. I knew exactly how she managed it. “You killed those rogues. Did you do it for me?” Her eyebrows scrunched together as in a state of confusion, but she knew damn well that I did. I looked at her as I took another step towards her. “I knew I had to protect you, and they shouldn't have been on my territory. Why were they after you?” I had already guessed that she was special from the way her fur had glistened in the moonlight when I first saw her. She shook her head at me. I nodded, understanding that we didn’t know each other well enough to start spilling secrets to one another, just yet. Since I had started moving closer to her, she had not moved. She had stood still, just inside the door to my room. I was close enough now to touch her, and goddess, did I want to. I reached out my hand a little, so it hovered over her elbow, she glanced down at it, as I slowly drifted my fingertips over her skin. She lifted her eyes to look at me through her eyelashes. I slowly moved my palm to her skin and drifted it up towards her shoulder. The tingles radiated through me, and my heart fed on it! I had waited so long to feel them, and finally, I could. She didn’t flinch or back away. She wanted me to touch her. I cupped her head in my hand and she closed her eyes, revelling in the sparks that were shooting between us, and I whispered one word. “Stay?”. She opened her eyes again and stared into mine. Her beautiful lips parted a little as she let out a breathy response. “For a little while."     Elisabeth P.O.V I had never seen a man that looked like this. He looked like a god! I had only grown up with my mother, and had never really been around a man. Looking at his body had my insides glowing. I knew what my body was telling me to do, but I wasn’t going to cave to this lust. The scene in front of me seemed to be in black and white, with only the moonlight for illumination, but I knew his eyes were black, and I knew he wanted me just as much. My wolf, Siana was purring while we stood there. I could feel her pacing around in my head. 'He’s beautiful,' She wasn’t wrong. His hair was short on the sides, but long enough on top for me to imagine my fingers intertwined within it as I pictured him between my thighs. Standing naked in front of him, watching his eyes devour me had me shivering. He was slowly progressing towards me in small steps. Before I really knew what was happening, his hand was hovering above my skin. When his fingers touched me, I felt the sparks, and waves of pleasure pulsated around my body. I held back my moans as his hand travelled towards my face. As he held my head in his hand, he said one word. “Stay?”. I knew I wanted to. My body never wanted to be apart from him and his scent. I wanted to crawl up onto him and never leave again. But, I knew the dangers of being discovered, and until I got to know him better, I would have to leave and protect myself. “For a little while,” I said. We sat together on the bed for a few hours after he had lent me a long t-shirt to slip into. Our conversation was sparse, with only a few questions asked, but we couldn’t stop staring at each other. Our fingers intertwined and laced within each others, and we revelled in the feelings we were both experiencing. Before I knew it, dawn had started to appear on the horizon, and a warm glow began to turn the black and white shade of moonlight, to that of the morning sun. I started to notice his black hair and his gorgeous golden-brown eyes. His skin had a tanned colour to it, and his chest was chiselled beyond anything I had ever seen. He was beyond beautiful, and I wanted him to be mine. I slowly got off the bed and made my way back to the balcony. I wanted to stay with him longer and my stomach clenched with sadness as I approached the glass door I had come in through, but I had to go before the other pack members started to wake and the chance of being spotted trespassing increased. He grabbed my hand as I approached the stone balcony wall. Tingles flew through my arm again, and I savoured them as long as I could. “When will I see you again?”, his eyes pleaded with me, and it tugged at my heartstrings. I looked out to the forest and contemplated his question. I glanced back at him hesitantly, not wanting to get lost in his eyes again. “I will come again tonight, but I’m keeping the t-shirt until then!” He smiled, and I fell, deeper. “It’s yours, my darling”. I turned my head away quickly before he could notice me blush at his kind words, and I jumped.
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