17 Audition

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  Laraine was jumping with joy that the whole day. Andrew had to stifle a smile as he saw her jumping up and down on the bed in excitement. Even Marge and Patrick looked at her dumbfounded as she was her bubbly self, bursting with happiness during dinner at the table.   That night, she called Acton and told him of her interest in auditioning for the role. It appeared Acton was more excited than Laraine; she could hear his exuberance through the phone. He excitedly told her about the location and general information about the audition. Of course, Laraine was already familiar with the process. Laraine had a bright smile on her face when she went to bed that night. Finally, something that was familiar to her!       The next day, the driver dropped her off at the location of the audition, a location very familiar to her as it was Acton’s office. An intern led her inside to the room where auditions were being held. “Nice to see you again, Laurence.” Acton was waiting inside the room. Others in the room gawked at this and started whispering. From their expressions and actions, Laraine could tell that they must think she personally knew Acton. A director meeting a possible candidate in person, that was a rarity!  She paid them no heed, however. They were just curious, but not being dismissive. After all, no one wanted to offend a friend of the Director.   “Now, we are going to do this a little differently Laurence. Usually when we hold auditions, we do not care about the candidate’s clothing or makeup but in this case, we want all candidates to change as well as have makeup applied to make the audition more…authentic.” Acton explained to Laraine. Laraine was surprised. Usually when Directors did that, it was because they had already selected the candidate. Now she had more understanding of Andrew’s power. In her life as Laraine, she was a reputable actress, but she still had to audition the proper way.   Once Laraine got dressed, she was given the script. She read the introductions of the role, a lovely supporting heroine. If she played the part well, she would become quite popular. Looking around at the people milling about, she guessed a lot of people who wanted this role. Acton was a famous Director in Harbour and many of his films were an instant hit so no wonder the room was full.     As Laraine was sitting reading the script, she saw how others were looking at her rudely, even members of Acton’s staff. It seemed like her friendship was the Director was not looked upon favorably. To make them uncomfortable, Laraine looked up and smiled at them and they immediately looked away, embarrassed at being caught. Laraine was sitting in a recliner when Acton’s assistant brought over coffee and a piece of dessert. This was indeed preferential treatment. No wonder everyone was looking at her. She worked for more than five years in this industry and was considered an A-list actress. This sort of treatment would have been called for in her old life. But now? Now she was just a newcomer and this was not newcomer’s treatment.   Suddenly a hustle bustle of activity made her look up. It was Andrew! What was he doing here? He was supposed to be very busy today with meetings. Why was he here? Everyone in the room stilled and gawked at Andrew. Of course, everyone knew who he was but what was he doing in the audition room? All the girl’s in the room stared at him hungrily while fixing their hair and lowering their tops.     “B… brother? What are you doing here?” Laraine stuttered in shock. Andrew just glanced at her and said nothing. Confused, Laraine picked up the coffee and handed it to Andrew. “Andrew, sit down and have some coffee!” She was nervous, worrying that Andrew regretted his decision and came to stop her from auditioning. Andrew took the coffee from her hand. Laraine thought he would not drink it, because, at home, he only drank freshly ground coffee. However, to her surprise, Andrew took a sip. It probably tasted bad since he frowned and put it down.   “Miss Laurence, you’re up next,” Acton’s assistant’s nervously informed Laraine while glancing at Andrew. Andrew was so oppressive that the assistant scuttled away after receiving one glance from Andrew.   After the shooting, Laraine took off her makeup and clothes and went home. As she got out of the car, she saw Patrick waiting at the door. Laraine was drained because of the shooting all day. She wanted to walk past Patrick, but he caught her hand. “Why the f**k are you trying to ruin the family reputation?!” He growled at her. Laraine stared at him in surprise and burst out laughing. She broke away from Patrick and rubbed her wrist. “Andrew did not object to it so why are you? Why are you so anxious?” “Stop this s**t! You are not welcome in this house anymore!” Patrick did not believe that Andrew would have allowed her to shoot and just ignored her words.   Laraine was about to protest when she heard a car pull up behind her. She turned around and saw it was Andrew. To egg him on she mockingly whispered, “What are you going to do Patrick? Kick me out of the house?” Patrick narrowed his eyes and swore, “Just watch, you b***h!” “Andrew! Did you know Laurence went to audition for a role! I bet she did not even tell you, did she?”   Andrew’s face turned cold when he saw Patrick making a scene at the door in front of others. Standing aside, Laraine decided not to say anything thinking Patrick was digging himself a hole. She had nothing to worry about.  “Brother?” Patrick urged when he saw Andrew not saying a word. Sensing the change in Andrew’s behavior, Patrick shrank his neck and looked at him cautiously. Andrew ignored Patrick and walked into the house. Patrick gaped at his brother. Was he not going to say anything!?   “Remember to talk with your brain when you complain about me next time,” Laraine grinned like a Cheshire cat as she followed behind Andrew into the house, leaving Patrick even more confused.        
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