18 Shooting

920 Words
  “Mr. Patrick, look at this.” Just then, a maid, who was standing nearby, showed the hot search on her phone to Patrick. Patrick glanced at it and frowned in surprise. He grabbed the phone and stared at it angrily.  “Andrew went to the shooting site with Laurence?!” He said softly, not believing what he was seeing.   Andrew had been disciplined and never disobeyed his grandfather. The acting was out of the question in their traditional family and the fact that he visited Laurence on the set surprised Patrick. Patrick then searched about the movie and tried to make sense of everything after he saw Acton’s name. As he remembered, the Hills invested in the movie. “Ahhh…Andrew is about to do something to the Hills.” He knew that with Andrew’s influence, the movie would be popular even if it was terrible. The more he thought about it, the more he felt he was right. He gave the phone to the maid and clenched his fist. “I’ll let you off this time, Laurence.”   Laraine finished her dinner with Andrew avidly. Andrew did not talk much during dinner, but Laraine was blabbing on about the audition even though he was there. Andrew was about to leave when Laraine called him. “Can I have the script?” Laraine asked, holding out her hand. Andrew had taken the script from her in the car. She did not know why but she did not question him at that time. “Yeah,” With a cold expression, Andrew put the script on the table and turned away. Laraine picked up the script and made a face at Andrew's back. Tomorrow, it was time for her to show what she could do and how well she could act so she really needed to know her script well. _______   A gentleman who was wearing a black suit was sitting alone in a bar with a cigar in one hand and a glass in another. His cold aura was making people keep a fair distance from him. Just then, a young female in a tight blue dress walked over to the gentleman and sat down excitedly. “What’s up babes?” She asked in a loud tone. The gentleman looked up coldly, flitting his eyes over the woman’s tight dress and long exposed legs. After a pause, he lowered his head. “Jasper.” “Jasper. Nice name,” she giggled. The man barked out a loud laugh, drank his wine, and held out his hand. “What about you sugar?” “Oh, I’m Elizabeth. It’s nice to meet you!” She replied with a flip of her hair.   “CUT! Good. Stop here.” Hearing Acton’s voice, both Jasper and Elizabeth stopped. “Good job, Laurence and Jeremy!” Jeremy Adams, the one who played Jasper, was a newcomer but was appreciated by Acton due to his flawless acting skills. Acton watched the replay with admiration in his eyes.  Ever since Laraine White had died, he had not seen such good acting from a female.   “Excellent you two!” Acton congratulated both actors. Laraine took the water from a worker and drank some feeling parched. They had been shooting all day and she was starving! Acting came naturally to her; however, she did not expect Jeremy to act so well. She had not seen him before so he must be new, she thought. “Did you practice Jeremy?” She asked. Jeremy smiled and then shook his head no. “Well you acted really well. You made me feel that I’m actually in the scene.”    Jeremy too was impressed by Laurence. At first, he thought she must be an amateur because of her young age. However, she proved him and others in the room wrong from her natural acting skills.   Laraine smiled and picked up the script. She had two scenes with Jeremy today. One was their first meeting, which they had just finished. And the other was their second meeting in Jasper’s family as Jasper was about to take over the family business.   “Are you ready?” Acton came to ask. The more he looked at the two, the more he was satisfied. “Yes, sir.” Laraine answered with a smile and put down her script. “Well, let’s start the second scene. Good luck!”   Acton returned to his directing seat while Laraine and Jeremy walked back to their places. Laraine gulped and pretended to ignore Andrew who had just walked into the room. A staff member quickly brought him a chair which he placed right by Acton.   In this scene, people were toasting. Sitting among them, Jasper picked up his glass and occasionally looked at Elizabeth. Alexia, Jasper’s cousin, walked to Elizabeth with her eyes full of joy and hidden mirth. “May I have the honor to propose a toast to you, Miss Elizabeth?” She handed a glass to Elizabeth while taking a large sip from her wine. Elizabeth picked up the glass and was about to drink when it was suddenly knocked over by Jasper. “What are you doing, Jasper?” Elizabeth asked, looking at Jasper in surprise and anger. “The wine was drugged,” Jasper said and glanced at Alexia coldly. He clenched his fists, trying to dampen his anger. “What are you talking about, Jasper?” Alexia cried out in shock, looking aggrieved.   “Good, stop!” Acton yelled while clapping his hands. “Wonderful! Simply wonderful! Marvelous!” Acton gushed.   Laraine beamed at Acton’s encouragement and the members’ clapping. It seemed like the same people who had given her rude glares on the first day were now beaming at her in happiness and admiration. Laraine’s bubbly personality and soft temperament were able to turn everyone’s impression around.   Laraine looked over at Andrew who still had the same cold look on his face as any other time. “Andrew?” Seeing Acton’s anxious look, Laraine gently urged Andrew who did not move an inch. He looked at Acton, frowned, and then looked at Laraine. “Let’s go home.” Then he walked straight out of the room.   Laraine signed and looked at Acton, “Director don’t worry about him. My brother is always like this.” Laraine quickly explained and hurried out the door behind her brother. She did not know what was wrong with Andrew, but he was the only person she could rely on at present. She had to stand on his side. Acton just sighed helplessly and shrugged his shoulders.   
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