8 Gym Session

1193 Words
  Laraine was still shocked; how had she gotten into Andrew’s room instead of her own? She guessed she must have been so drunk that she did not realize where she was walking! But what surprised her even more was Andrew’s response. She did not think Andrew would let her go this easily, but he had been lenient with her lately and she was not going to complain. Laraine looked around his room. Andrew’s bedroom was unique; it was sparsely decorated, and everything was clean, crisp lines much like himself. Not a single thing was out of place, she noticed.       When Laraine heard the water in the bathroom turn off, she jumped off the bed and hurried back to her room. She did not want to test the waters with him today and make him angry. When she went into her bathroom and looked in the mirror, she found there was a mark of red lipstick on her cheek probably left by Cathy. Laraine washed her face feeling disgusted that Cathy’s lips had been near her face.   It had never occurred to Laraine that after rebirth, she would meet Cathy. Even meeting Andrew Jones was a strange coincidence. Although Andrew knew nothing, she clearly remembered the night he had raped her. She could still recall every detail of that night, which often made her flustered when facing him. She had to admit that she had quite enjoyed that night despite the pain, which made her ashamed of herself, but she could not repress her feelings now, could she?   Laraine was still feeling drained so, she decided to draw herself a bath. After her relaxing bath, she dressed in her comfy sweats and went downstairs for breakfast at the urging of the housekeeper. She noticed Andrew was already sitting at the dining table eating toast and an omelet. She forced herself to smile and said, “Morning, Andrew!” “You are going to the gym with me after breakfast!” Andrew looked at her emaciated body and frowned. Hearing this, Laraine almost choked on her juice. “What? You don’t want to?” Andrew narrowed his eyes   The servants standing around them knew that was a sign of their boss getting angry, so they all lowered their heads waiting for the outburst.   Seeing this, Laraine hurried to nod and answered, “No, of course I’d like to!”   The gym Andrew frequented was the best in this city. The fitness coaches only trained the most elite members of Harbour society. When they arrived early morning, there were only five other people in the fitness center. Andrew glanced at Laraine and led her to the weights section of the gym. Laraine was dumbfounded when she looked around the center. It looked less like a gym and more like a seven-star hotel!   There were bright grand crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. The lobby was beautifully decorated with an electric fireplace on one end and a mini fountain on the other. There was also a minibar where a barista was busy making shakes and smoothies for breakfast.   Andrew pointed to a barbell that a man had just put down and ordered, “Try to lift it up!” Hearing this, Laraine was a bit embarrassed and shocked, but she could not say no. Even in her previous life, she had barely done weights. She was usually more a cardio person, preferring to run rather than lift weights.  Under the eagle eye of Andrew, she slowly approached the barbell and tried to lift it up. However, she could only lift it up a little, and then put it on the ground again.   “Um…can I try a lighter one?” Laraine mumbled to Andrew embarrassedly. She did not want to come off as completely helpless in front of him, but the thing was actually really heavy.   “No!” Andrew pointed again to the same barbell on the ground, “Go on!” Hearing this, Laraine had no choice but to lift it again! With all her strength, she tried to lift it up again but could only get it past her elbows. Her face turned red from straining. Gosh, she really was weak, she thought to herself. She had been inactive for so long! It seemed impossible for her to do this! Why could he not just make her run or something!?   Suddenly, Andrew walked behind her and grabbed the barbell. Laraine’s breath hitched as she felt his presence behind her, his body touching her own. She could smell the musky cologne he had put on and feel his hot breath on her neck. His arms encircled her and grabbed the barbell easily lifting it up. Laraine’s body was stiff as a statue as she felt his body moving behind her.   She was trapped between the barbell and Andrew’s arms.   “Now turn around and hold it up!” Andrew frowned because of the fact that she was so small and thin that such a small space was enough for her.   Laraine nodded and shimmied until she turned around and out of his arms. As much as she liked the position, she was starting to get hot and flustered and she did not want others (including Aiken) to notice she was getting turned on at the thought of her brother being this close to her.   Laraine let out a slight gasp when her hand accidentally brushed with something rock hard on the lower part of his body. It was his p***s! It was hard and large, and Laraine could not help but remember again the night they had s*x! She tried hard to ignore the feeling and prayed no one had seen or noticed, including Andrew!     Of course, Andrew had noticed, and he kept hard to school his emotions. Truth be told, he was lusting after his stepsister, but he could not let anyone find out, let alone in a public place. He frowned when he imagined the scandal if someone got a picture of them.   “Mr. Jones, it’s an honor to see you here!” The manager of the gym ran over. Laraine noticed that he was in his workout clothes and probably had been one of the five people she noticed. Andrew only replied with a curt nod, “Make a fitness plan for her!” Hearing this, the manager hurriedly led them to his office and offered them water. He then placed a series of fitness plans on the table. “We have various plans for different needs, such as a body-shaping plan, six-pack workout plan, toning plan, short-term muscle enhancement plan and so on. Which one do you prefer? What are your goals?” The manager directed the question at Laraine.   Laraine was pondering the manager’s words, “six-pack” and “muscle.” What had she gotten herself into, she internally cried to herself! This was going to be torture!   She wanted to refuse, of course. It was not easy to have firm abs let alone a six-pack!   Andrew said nothing, so the manager continued, “You can get changed first, and we can help measure the body fat rate and do a physical examination. Then we can talk about the plan in more detail!”  Laraine was taken to the female dressing room and handed a brand-new bag. Looking inside the bag, she noticed new workout clothes, a fancy water bottle, and many more items. Wow they really did go all out, she thought.      Laraine had been feeling a bit queasy since her breakfast but when she walked in the dressing room to change, her nauseous feeling came on full force. Dropping her bag on the ground, she ran to the bathroom as the overpowering feeling overtook her. She rushed to a stall and barely managed to lock the door before she vomited into the toilet bowl.    
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