Chapter 5. Not your real dad.

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♡What the f**k are we squabbling for? We both know that you don't wanna start no war.- WTF are we talking for[Labyrinth]♡ °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ALPHA. "I got a report from your school, indicating your lack of interest in studies and the massive failure of your weekly assessments." My dad said to me as soon as he sighted me walk into his home office. And as usual, it was still on the topic of my bad grades. "Why do you care about that dad?" I replied sarcastically and folded my hands like I was actually curious. "Listen here, boy! Your History and Science teachers just sent me the outcome of your last test! Aren't you always supposed to be studying? What are you doing in school if all you do to is to keep getting even dumber?" He yelled as he showed me the scores on his laptop but I couldn't care less. Who even asked the teachers to show him that in the first place? Who does that? Is that even appropriate? I get that my mom is the owner of the school.....but that does not give them any right to go sending all of my test scores to my father anytime he asks of it. Ugh! "You don't need to scold me for that, dad. I'm trying my best!" I snapped as I rolled my eyes for gazillionth time this morning. "Young man! Watch the tone you use when speaking to me. You keep failing and may likely be held back in school, what will I say to the public regarding this family's honorable reputation?" My father literally roared, and that's not even an exageration at all. Here we go again! We were both in his well designed home office, a brown mahogany door and black colored chairs that suited the square outline of the sandalwood table. This is where he stays to work whenever he doesn't want to go out or most times he's at home even. "The only thing you care about is your fame and family reputation. It is clearly not my fault that I don't understand what I'm being taught every single day in school. And you know that but will rather keep picking on me without helping me get solutions!" I retorted. "Whose fault is it, huh? Mine or your mother's?" The muscles on his forehead stretched as he squeezed his face. He went straight from being annoyed to being furious as he stood to his feet taking bold slow steps towards me He was a tall guy that had this authoritative aura and can make just anyone very terrified of him. But this time around, I wasn't going to give in to that fear he expects to see from me. Absolutely not. "If you and mom would have just taken time out of your 'oh so busy' schedule to help me figure out what was wrong with me on time and get the necessary procedures done, I probably won't be failing!" I yelled again putting my fingers on the air to specify the quotation. My voice was very loud--- I was pretty sure of that but I just didn't care at the moment. "I do not understand why I keep wasting my time, energy and money on you! You are completely a useless and worthless young man. If you're not going to be useful to me, why am I even bothering with your bastard ass!" Dad said, reminding me of that painful word as always. "Well, who knows? Maybe because you don't and can't have any child of your own?" I threw right back at him because I knew how pained that always makes him feel too. "There is no excuse to failure, Alpha! I am not your real dad and I'm fully aware of that fact. But it is also your responsibility to not keep a careless attitude while talking in case your sister is around the corner!" We were getting into a screaming match already and there's only one person that can stop us--- Mrs. Lucy King, my mom. And speaking of the devil, she rushed in almost immediately into the office to separate us. "What is going on with both of you? You guys are disturbing the whole house and causing an unnecessary ruckus." She said sternly looking at my dad, then slowly turning to me. "Don't even dare look my way, your husband started it..." I shrugged and she groaned. "I will not have you talk to my husband in that manner! Don't you know what respect is?" She scolded as she snapped her fingers at me. "And Noah, you don't need to stress yourself over him. He is just a doing what a normal teenager does! You know how they are." She said, trying to calm him down while rubbing his shoulders. "You say that like he's the only teenager in this house." Dad responded, although now a little bit calm. "Son, you are already late for school, so do you not think you should get going now?" She said as she threw a glare my way as if wanting me to just get away from the house with immediate effect. "Alpha, the earlier you calm down and come to your senses such that you realize I own this whole place and even you yourself, the better! So learn to give me the due respect I deserve, or you'll keep digging your own pit!" Dad said, in a threatening tone. "You know mom, the only reason I'm still living in this house with you lots is just because of my sister, Beverly---" "You can go ahead and leave already," my dad interrupted, chuckling "I'd like to know how long you'll survive in the real world without my money, last name and my connections." Egoistic and narcissistic old man! "Oh, I can't wait till you realize that your last name, money and connections is really not all that when people finds out that your only two kids aren't even yours!" I said. "Oh, shut up, both of you! Enough already!" Mom yelled and I decided to walk out, because I was not ready to receive yet another sermon. I heaved a huge sigh as soon as I slammed the door and walked outside to meet Beverly. She was standing beside the car with earphones plugged in, as soon as I was in sight, she removed them and tapped two of her tiny fingers on her laps. "Alpha King! Why are you so late?" She asked, similar blue eyes peering into mine. "I was just having a nice conversation with dad." I replied with a very sarcastic tone. "I do not believe you, Alpha, I literally heard your screaming matches even when I'm faraway from the house, that's why I had to come out to be sure of what I heard." she said, deadpanned. "What went wrong?" She persisted. "It's not my fault, dad is just always looking for ways to ruin my good mood." I replied nonchalantly. "You just need to avoid him... trust me, you won't have any issues with him if you do just that. You both are always not on the same page." she advised and I scoffed. Even though we were the other halves of each other, we still have this love-hate sibling relationship thing. And it always annoys me to a fault because although Beverly and I weren't his real kids, and Beverly has no idea about that, he still saw her as his precious little angel because she always did whatever he asked her to do and got good grades unlike me who is termed as the devil and trouble. "I've heard you, sis, and I'll try to do just exactly what you said." I surendered. "Alright Alpha, you're driving, so get to it! We are almost late as it is already." She whined while I opened the door for her to get in before running to the other side to start the engine. And I couldn't wait for the fun in school that was sure to get my mind of this chaos I call a family.
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