Chapter 12: Park in my Space.

1690 Words
♡I don't know where you came from But when you get home, please, tell the devil hello- Thunder Fire you[Ric Hassani]♡ °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ALPHA. I was lying on the bed facing the ceiling and my hand was clutching one of the small throw pillows. I was not dressed up for the party, in fact I wasn't going to the stupid party. "Come on already, Alpha, get up and dress up." Lunetta begged. "Try as much as possible as you can, but I'm not going." "Why not?" Logan and Oliver chorused as if it was rehearsed. "I don't think I feel the vibe in it..." I shrugged. "There's absolutely no vibe when you are not there, you are the vibe of the party okayy..." Lunetta said, inflating my ego as usual in a bid to get me to do what she wants. I fall for it a lot of time. We were all at her house, and my friends were already fully dressed for the supposed party, a party that was said to be Logan's idea in the first place. Oliver was putting on a simple grey jean with matching grey shirt while Logan was with a beach short... green in color and a matching shirt. I hissed "what does that even mean?" I asked and rolled to the side of the bed "Without you, me and us... the party will be boring, obviously." Logan replied. "Alpha please... go with me, please?" Lunetta begged and I sighed again. "It's the party of the session... you would not want to miss out on it." She continued. "Blah, blah, blah... I don't want to go, why don't you get that?" I said, adamantly. "You know we have to make a statement when we arrive there. As a group." Oliver reminded. "Urrrrgh!! I'm not even dressed, I didn't bring any party clothes along." I grunted and sat up, already changing my mind but still needing more push. "There are some of your clothes in my closet." Lunetta said but I didn't respond. "No need for that, we got you covered." Logan smiled. "I brought some clothes along for you. You left them in my car." Oliver said as he threw some clothes at me. "Alright fine! I'll go, you guys win this time!" I finally gave in. "Just put on the damn clothes and come along, you're such a drama king." Logan said and I rolled my eyes. "We will be leaving now, we can't waist for your slow ass self, I'm the host so you'll meet us at the party." Logan said dismissively. They left immediately and I got up to dress up, it was a plain white Henley T-shirt, denim Jeans and white sneakers. I was not surprised to see that Lunetta wasn't even ready after I was done... she was still trying to make up her mind concerning gowns she should have on. "Lunetta, don't tell me you weren't even ready yet you were persuading me so much." "Chill... we are not going to be late, all I have to do is get a good dress. i have to make a statement today, it's the resumption party!" She said and I grunted. "You would have started your dressing immediately after school since you know how you take ages just to get dressed up, ugh!" "Awww... don't be so hard on me, baby. Okay, hoq about you choose for me, I'll choose anyone you pick amongst these dresses. So which one do you think would make a huge statement today, the black dress, the red dress or the white one?" She asked with a pout and jerked to my side, displaying all the clothes she had In her hands. "The red will be better." I responded not even bothering to take a proper look at either one. "But I want to wear a matching outfit with you." She whined. Why on earth did she ask me in the first place for God's sake!! "Pick whichever one then, Lunetta, I'll be waiting for you downstairs in the car. Five minutes tops and you might not find me there again." I warned. "Ohhh come on, I can't do anything properly in five minutes! How about you give me twenty?!" She negotiated, batting her eyelashes like it was supposed to be a cute gesture. It just looked like she got something in her eyes to me. "If you're not ready in the next ten minutes, you'll have to meet me at the party." I said conclusively and I honestly wasn't joking. She scoffed as I took my leave, waiting as patiently as I could beside the car. She came out soon enough and I looked at my watch... she really kept to time, she knows I don’t make empty threats. "Wait! Alpha, how do I look?" She asked, twirling around. She was dressed in a very skimpy white dress that was fitted around her body, her hair was left in its straight form over her shoulders and she had on a smokey eyed makeup. She wasn't bad. "Uh... you look like Lunetta? I don't see a difference? Let's just go to the damn thing already." I replied as I entered the driver's seat. She angrily got into the car too while I immediately start the engine and hit the road. "Even though you didn't say anything about my dressing and look, I know I look so good." Lunetta blurted but I didn't respond to her. I didn't see the need to. "I know Naomi and Miranda are going to wish they were me... Savannah too, and all the girls there. Including the locals and lowest of the ranks." She continued with a lot of pride and excitement underlining her voice. "This gown is only two in the world. Only one model wore it for my aunt's fashion week and I'm lucky enough to have the second one." She kept on going and before I knew it, it was really starting to piss me off. "I know I'm definitely going to be the best dressed in the party, I'll probably get stared at throughout, you know? Nobody in Nobles Private school does fashion like I do, I'm so confident." She added as she checked out her nails. "Can you keep shut just for a moment instead of going on and on about yourself? I'm trying to focus on the road, Ugh!" I snapped at her, succeeding in shutting her up. I was getting so tired and bored of hearing her speak so much. She shrugged before looking sideways at me with those glares of hers. Soon, we arrived at the party and I headed straight to my designated parking spot, only for me to be shocked as I found a car already parked there. "Who would dare to park such a beat up car in Alpha King's parking space?" Lunetta questioned rhetorically, shocked at the audacity. I got down from the car on seeing the new girl in front of my car even though I hadn't noticed before. "Is that your car?" I asked. "Of course, it is. Were you planning on hitting me with yours by driving so recklessly?" She asked in return. I simply ignored her question, "How dare you park in my designated spot?" I asked with so much authority. "Well, I did not see the name Alpha King written anywhere on the ground or something." She boldly replied and I raised a brow. What audacity!! Lunetta gasped loudly at that and moved forward to stand next to me, "How dare you talk to Alpha in such manner?" She asked. "And who the heck is he? A normal teenage boy just like every other person?" Star replied and I was triggered. "You tiny piece of trash! You're not even worthy to be in our presence!" Lunetta yelled while Star started to laugh like those wicked villains in Disney shows. She was literally getting on my last nerves. Soon, we've attracted a number of crowd as they all moved closer to witness whatever was happening with the King of Nobles and the new girl. "Listen, I do not care if you are a king, goddess, mayor, noble knight or whatever. I already parked my car in that space and I am not going to get it away from there just because of you. There are other numerous spaces for you to park in, I came here first so I'll have this one." Star said with so much confidence that irks me the more. "You do not know who you are dealing with, do you?" I asked in a low threatening tone. Star looked around like she was looking for someone or something and then turned back to look at me in such a dramatic manner. "Who? I don't see anyone. All I can see here is an arrogant boy and an air head girl, so who cares?" Fatty grabbed her hand, she was looking very different and I almost did not recognize her. "Star, I think we should go, you're starting to escalate issues here." She pleaded as she tried dragging her away. That's right fatty, get her out of here before I loose my patience. Star turned to follow her, but in a twinkle of an eye, Lunetta stepped forward, then grabbed her hair in a way that was sure to be painful judging from how hard she dragged fisted it. Star was quick enough to turn over and land her some beating, Lunetta couldn't even fight back. She hurriedly ran to my back scared and panting. "Don't you ever grab my hair for any reason at all and let this be the last time you would try to inflict pain on me in anyway." Star warned aggressively as she pointed her right index finger at Lunetta. To say I was shocked or stunned was a total understatement, even as she flipped her long curly hair and walked away with fatty like a baddass, I couldn't stop staring at her. What kind of girl was that?
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