Chapter 11: A thousand and One doubts.

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♡Innocence, your History of silence Won't do you any good Did you think it would?- Brave[Sara Bareilles]♡ °°°°°°°°°°°°°°° STAR. It was evening time already and I had already selected the clothes Penny and I will have on for the resumption party. We were both seated in the living room waiting for approval from Aunt Sharon. "We just need your permission to go and that's all. I personally really need to have a little fun this semester to get over the pain I've been put through the past year and I think Penny needs to get out of her books more too." I pleaded while Penny scowled. "Mom please, I beg you not to agree to it." Penny pleaded while I blew her a fake kiss, I'm a teasing manner. "Why not, darling? It is of course a very good idea." Aunt Sharon agreed causing me to wiggle my eyebrows at Penny. "I don't think so. I don't feel so." Penny grumbled. "Whaaattt! I mean, honey, you should honestly be thanking Star for trying to get you to be more social and all. I am honestly so happy about that, the last time you went to a party, you came back crying profusely and haven't been interested ever since." Aunt Sharon said. "She came back crying profusely? What happened?" I questioned with a look of concern on my face. "It has to do with that Alpha boy she likes so much, Star. He and his cohorts humiliated her." She responded with a sad look. "Wow... this Alpha guy really is a jerk, isn't he? Someone needs to teach those people some lesson, seems like they've done so much harm than good." I let out. "I wish." Penny whispered. "I can help do that." I assured. "How?" Penny questioned with a scoff. "You'll see, so, is it a yes, auntie?" I directed back to Aunt Sharon. "Of course, my dear, I can even borrow you both the car for the evening. Just make sure you guys are back by 8pm." she offered and I smiled. "Thank you very much auntie, I'm so grateful." I thanked her as I stood up "Penny come on..." I urged. "Penny, you should wear the blue dress I picked out for you. I also damn sure that it'll look so good on you." I said as soon as we got into our room. "I still think that this is a very bad idea, and I don't want to wear that dress. I don’t even think it'll fit me anymore, I got fatter." She whined but I, as usual wasn't buying into her whining. "Come on, penny! Just try it on, if it does not fit you then you change it to something else." I tried convincing her. She finally got up and then she reluctantly started to put the dress on and when she was done, it actually looked very good on her. She sat down in front of the mirror and I did her makeup. I applied mascara, a little foundation, and lip gloss. She was definitely looking so beautiful and rocking the gown perfectly well. I gave her one of my silver heels that I was sure would make the whole dressing sumptuous. I also put my own clothes on after I was done with her. I looked up at my reflection, my eyes, that shone the color of dampened soil in the summer, my favorite of my black traits. I had left my curly hair the way it usually, I just didn't like straightening it, I always feared that the heat might destroy the healthy hair I had. My olive skin was brushed with makeups and blush to bring out the sharp structure on my bones and I wore a soft pink shade on my thin lips. And along my curvy body is a black dress that reaches my lower thighs, clutching my body in a way that was elegant but feminine. The top of the dress ran straight across my chest, then at the top of my waist it tightened to the curves. I had placed on a pair of simple black heels, that shone as a mirror in the white light. The door creaked open and aunt Sharon barged into the room with so much girly excitement that started to rub off on us. "OMGGG! Is this Pen? Is that my baby girl? She asked in total shock as her mouth hung open, literally. "Mooom..." Penny rolled her eyes, shyly. "I just can't believe this is you..." Aunt Sharon sniffled and used her index finger to wipe the tears that welled at the corner of her eyes. "Ohhh... come on, mom! Stop it please..." Penny was rather uncomfortable with the whole thing. "It's so unbelievable... I just can't believe that my baby girl is all grown up and getting sociable as well. You don't know how much I wished that you would act like a normal teenager, Pen." Aunt Sharon said. My chin was lit up the whole time because I was amused and envious of their mother to daughter relationship. It was something I've always wanted, something I don't have and would obviously never have with my own mom. "Alright girls, have a good time, okay? But don't forget to be smart and reasonable while at it, be back before curfew!" Aunt Sharon called out after she had walked us to the door. "We sure will..." I replied as I shut the door of the car. I sat in the driver's seat and Penny sat right beside me. I started the engine and as usual, it made some funny noises but I was still going to be able to drive it anyways. "Are you sure about this?" Penny asked, obviously scared for me. "Why not?" I questioned as I started to drive. "Do you really want to drive this car? I mean it's so out of date and you might not get how it even works. I personally don't. Plus, it's so embarrassing to be seen coming out of such an old car." She complained. "Yes, Penny, I am way comfortable with driving it, there's nothing wrong with driving an old car!" I replied as I rolled my eyes. "I really don't understand why you would chose to drive this car this evening when we can obviously just get a cab or something." She persisted with a disapproving look on her pretty face. "What exactly are you so scared of, Penny?" "Uh... the obvious? We are definitely going to be the laughing stock of the party... I would even prefer to trek than be seen in this!" She said adamantly as she looked out the window, away from me while I focused on driving. I rolled my eyes for the umpteenth time that day, "Well, that's because you always allow their words to get to you. There's no reason to be ashamed of what you own, Penny. Most of the time, it's not about owning expensive things, it's about how you carry yourself; high self-esteem, contentment and pride in yourself." I paused and then continued, "I am going to show you what I mean, I would even park this car in the spot that shows the most and then we will walk out of the car with our heads held so high." I said. Penny huffed "I still have a thousand and one doubts about this, but let's just drop it." She finally gave in, not like she had a choice, we were almost at the venue already. Soon enough, we arrived at the party and I was not joking when I said I was going to park at the front which looked like everybody avoided for some reason. "Urrr... Star, this parking space is already reserved." Penny said to me but I did not pay any attention to what she was saying. "It's time to get down, sweet cheeks." I turned and told her as we both unfastened our seatbelts. I came down from the car with my head up high as the people present kept staring at us like we were growing horns on our foreheads. I was feeling myself until a very luxurious and expensive car suddenly pulled up right in front of me, it was salmon like they whoever it was wanted to hit me. The driver of the car came down and it was the least person I had ever imagined that it would be. It was the jerk. It was Alpha King...
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